How to Set Jenkins Pipeline Environment Variables

Jenkins is an open-source and extensible continuous integration and continuous deployment server. It is used to automate the process of continuous integration and continuous deployment(CI/CD). The importance of monitoring remote jobs and interacting with team members for stable code is immense; Jenkins takes care of all these requirements and allows a smooth integration via plugins, pipelines, and Jenkins environment variables.

If you are amongst the typical Jenkins users who want to add to their knowledge about CI and CD, some fundamental concepts must be learned. In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn about the critical concept of Jenkins pipeline environment variables. We will also view and install the LambdaTest Jenkins plugin and use the in-build variables from the Jenkins environment variables list.

Five Data-Loading Patterns To Boost Web Performance

When it comes to performance, you shouldn’t be stingy. There are millions of sites, and you are in close competition with every one of those Google search query results. Research shows that users will abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Three seconds is a very short amount of time. While many sites nowadays load in less than one second, there is no one size fits all solution, and the first request can either be the do or die of your application.

Modern frontend applications are getting bigger and bigger. It is no wonder that the industry is getting more concerned with optimizations. Frameworks create unreasonable build sizes for applications that can either make or break your application. Every unnecessary bit of JavaScript code you bundle and serve will be more code the client has to load and process. The rule of thumb is the less, the better.

Data loading patterns are an essential part of your application as they will determine which parts of your application are directly usable by visitors. Don’t be the site that slows their entire site because they chose to load a 5MB image on the application’s homepage and understand the issue better. You need to know about the resource loading waterfall.

Loading Spinner Hell And The Resource Loading Waterfall

The resource loading waterfall is a cascade of files downloaded from the network server to the client to load your website from start to finish. It essentially describes the lifetime of each file you download to load your page from the network.

You can see this by opening your browser and looking in the Networking tab.

What do you see there? There are two essential components that you should see:

  1. The chart shows the timeline for each file requested and loaded. You can see which files go first and follow each consecutive request until a particular file takes a long time to load. You can inspect it and see whether or not you can optimize it.
  2. At the bottom of the page, you can check how many kB of resources your client consumes. It is important to note how much data the client needs to download. On your first try, you can use it as a benchmark for optimizations later.

No one likes a white blank screen, especially your users. Lagging resource loading waterfalls need a basic placeholder before you can start building the layout on the client side. Usually, you would use either a spinner or a skeleton loader. As the data loads one by one, the page will show a loader until all the components are ready.

While adding loaders as placeholders is an improvement, having it on too long can cause a “spinner hell.” Essentially, your app is stuck on loading, and while it is better than a blank HTML page, it could get annoying, and visitors would choose to exit your site.

But isn’t waiting for the data the point?

Well, yes, but you can load it faster.

Assuming you want to load a social media layout, you might add a loading spinner or a skeleton loader to ensure that you don’t load an incomplete site. The skeleton loader will usually wait for:

  • The data from the backend API;
  • The build layout according to the data.

You make an asynchronous call to an API, after which you get the URL for the asset on the CDN. Only then can you start building the layout on the client side. That’s a lot of work to show your face, name, status, and Instagram posts on the first try.

The Five Data-Loading Patterns You Need to Know

Developing software is becoming easier as frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular become the go-to solution for creating even the simplest applications. But using these bulky frameworks filled with a ton of magical functions you don’t even use isn’t what you should be going for.

You’re here to optimize. Remember, the less, the better.

But what if you can’t do less? How will you serve blazingly fast code, then? Well, it’s good that you’re about to learn five data-loading patterns that you can use to get your site to load quickly or, as you would say, blazingly fast.

Client Side Rendering, Server Side Rendering And Jamstack

Modern JavaScript frameworks often use client-side rendering (CSR) to render webpages. The browser receives a JavaScript bundle and static HTML in a payload, then it will render the DOM and add the listeners and events triggers for reactiveness. When a CSR app is rendered inside the DOM, the page will be blocked until all components are rendered successfully. Rendering makes the app reactive. To run it, you have to make another API call to the server and retrieve any data you want to load.

Server-side rendering (SSR) is when an application serves plain HTML to the client. SSR can be divided into two types: SSR with hydration and SSR without hydration. SSR is an old technique used by older frameworks such as WordPress, Ruby on Rails, and ASP.NET. The main goal of SSR is to give the user a static HTML with the prerequisite data. Unlike CSR, SSR doesn’t need to make another API call to the backend because the server generates an HTML template and loads any data within it.

Newer solutions like Next.js uses hydration, where the static HTML will be hydrated on the client side using JavaScript. Think of it like instant coffee, the coffee powder is the HTML, and the water is the JavaScript. What happens when you mix instant coffee powder with water? You get — wait for it — coffee.

But what is a Jamstack? Jamstack is similar to SSR because the client retrieves plain HTML. But during SSR, the client retrieves the HTML from the server. However, Jamstack apps serve pre-generated HTML directly from the CDN. Because of this, Jamstack apps usually load faster, but it’s harder for developers to make dynamic content. Jamstack apps are good with pre-generating HTML for the client, but when you use heavy amounts of JavaScript on the client side, it becomes increasingly harder to justify using Jamstack compared to Client Side Rendering (CSR).

Both SSR and Jamstack have their own differences. What they do have in common is they don’t burden the client with rendering the entire page from scratch using JavaScript.

When you optimize your site’s SEO, using SSR and Jamstack are recommended because, compared to CSR, both return HTML files that search bots can easily traverse. But search bots can still traverse and compile JavaScript files for CSR. However, rendering every JavaScript file in a CSR app can be time-consuming and make your site’s SEO less effective.

SSR and Jamstack are very popular, and more projects are moving to SSR frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js compared to their vanilla CSR counterparts, React and Vue, mainly because SSR frameworks provide better flexibility when it comes to SEO. Next.js has a whole section talking about SEO optimizations on their framework.

An SSR application will generally have templating engines that inject the variables into an HTML when given to the client. For example, in Next.js, you can load a student list writing:

export default function Home({ studentList }) {
  return (
    <Layout home>
          {{ id, name, age }) => (
            <li key={id}>
              <br />

Jamstack is popular with documentation sites that usually compile code to HTML files and host them on the CDN. Jamstack files usually use Markdown before being compiled to HTML, for example:

author: Agustinus Theodorus
title: ‘Title’
description: Description
Hello World
Active Memory Caching

When you want to get data that you already had quickly, you need to do caching — caching stores data that a user recently retrieved. You can implement caching in two ways: using a super-fast key-value store like Redis to save data keys and values for you and using a simple browser cache to store your data locally.

Caching partially stores your data and is not used as permanent storage. Using the cache as permanent storage is an anti-pattern. Caching is highly recommended for production applications; new applications will start using caches as they gradually mature.

But when should you choose between a Redis cache (server cache) and a browser cache (local cache)? Both can be used simultaneously but will ultimately serve a different purpose.

Server caches help lower the latency between a Frontend and Backend; since key-value databases are faster than traditional relational SQL databases, it will significantly increase an API’s response time. However, a local cache helps improve app state management, enabling the app to persist state after a page refresh, and helps future visits.

In summary, if you want to increase the performance of your application, you can use server caches to speed up your APIs, but if you want to persist your app state, you should use the local storage cache. While local caches might not seem helpful at all, it does help reduce the number of API calls to the backend by persisting state that doesn’t frequently change. However, local caches will be better when combined with live data.

Data Event Sourcing

You can make a real-time live connection between the Front-end and Backend via WebSockets. WebSockets are a two-way communication mechanism that relies on events.

In a common WebSocket architecture, the Front-end application will connect to a WebSocket API, an event bus, or a database. Most WebSocket architectures utilize it as a substitute to REST, especially in use cases like chat applications; polling your Backend service every few seconds becomes a very inefficient solution. WebSockets allow you to receive updates from the other end without needing to create a new request via the two-way connection.

WebSockets make a tiny, keep-alive connection compared to normal HTTP requests. Combining WebSockets with local browser cache creates a real-time application. You can update the app’s state based on the events received from the WebSocket. However, some caveats regarding performance, scalability, and potential data conflicts exist.

A pure WebSocket implementation still has a lot of faults. Using WebSockets instead of regular HTTP calls changes how your entire application behaves. Just a slight connection issue can affect your overall UX. For example, a WebSocket cannot have real-time performance when it needs to query the database every time there is a get request. There are bottlenecks in the backend that needs to be optimized for better real-time results to make WebSockets feasible and a more reasonable answer.

There needs to be an underlying architectural pattern that can support it. Event sourcing is a popular data pattern you can use to create reliable real-time applications. While it doesn’t guarantee overall app performance, it will give your customers better UX by having a real-time UI.

Modern JavaScript has WebSocket providers that you can use. The WebSocket class opens a connection to a remote server and enables you to listen when the WebSocket opens a connection, closes a connection, returns an error, or returns an event:

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost');
ws.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
    console.log('Message from server ',;

Do you want to react to server events? Add an addEventListener function and insert a callback that it will use:

ws.send('Hello World');

Want to send a message? WebSockets got you. Use the send function to get a message out to the server. It’s as easy as printing “Hello World.” The examples are from the MDN Docs.

Prefetching And Lazy Loading

Prefetching and lazy loading has become common knowledge among frontend developers. Efficient use of a client’s resources and bandwidth can greatly improve your application’s performance.


Prefetching gives developers more granular control over the client’s idle bandwidth, loading resources, and pages that the client might need next. When a website has a prefetch link, the browser will silently download the content and store it within its cache. Prefetched links can have significantly faster loading times when the user clicks them.

<link rel="prefetch" href="">

You specify prefetch URLs within the link HTML element, more specifically, the rel attribute. Prefetching has a few pros and cons:

  • Pros: Prefetching waits until the browser’s network is idle and is no longer in use and will stop when you trigger usage by clicking a link or triggering a lazy loading function.
  • Pros: Prefetching caches data within the browser, making page transitions faster when redirecting to a link.
  • Cons: It can be used to download trackers, compromising user privacy.

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a common data-loading pattern that makes the client load à la carte results, not loading everything until the client needs it. Lazy loading will make the client fetch the latter parts of a website after they’ve scrolled into view.

Lazy loading makes your site load faster by allowing the browser to concentrate on more important, on-screen resources. You won’t need to load all the images/text on a given site when you can’t see it. But lazy loading can only help you delay downloading resources and doesn’t make your resources smaller and more cost-efficient.

However, if you are looking to make a more cost-efficient solution that is similar to lazy loading, try looking for Resumability.


Many developers have never heard of the Resumability concept before. Resumability renders JavaScript partially in the server, the final state of the render will be serialized and sent to the client with the corresponding HTML payload. Then the client will finish the rendering, saving time and resources on the client side. Essentially, Resumability uses the server to do the heavy lifting and then gives the client a minimal amount of JavaScript to execute via serialization.

The main idea of Resumability is to serialize the application state from the server to the client. Instead of loading everything (HTML, JS) and hydrating them on the Front-end, Resumability serializes the JavaScript parsing in stages and sends them to the client in HTML.

Page startups will be instantaneous because the client doesn’t have to reload anything and can deserialize the state injected into the HTML. Resumability is a very foreign concept and is not common in many projects. It was coined by the founder of Qwik, Misko Hevery.

Qwik is a JavaScript framework that relies on Resumability under the hood. Unlike other frameworks, Qwik is built from the ground up with Resumability in mind. Frameworks like React and Vue can never utilize Resumability without sacrificing backward compatibility. It is because the lazy loading component of Qwik uses asynchronous lazy loading compared to the synchronous nature of most JavaScript frameworks.

The goal of Qwik is to load as minimal JavaScript as possible. Lazy loading JavaScript is hard and, in some instances, impossible. The less you need it, the better. Resumability allows developers to have fine-grained lazy loading and decreased memory usage for mobile applications optimizing your site for the mobile web.

Using Qwik is similar in some ways to React, specifically, its syntax. Here is a code snippet example of how Qwik works in code. The root of the application will be in the form of HTML:

import { App } from './app';
export const Root = () => {
  return (
        <title>Hello Qwik</title>
        <App />

The root has a dependency on App. It will be the lazy loaded Qwik component:

import { component$ } from '';
export const App = component$(() => {
  return <p>Hello Qwik</p>;

Qwik and React have similarities at the component level. But it differentiates when you get into the server side of things.

import { renderToString, RenderOptions } from '';
import { Root } from './root';
export default function (opts: RenderOptions) {
  return renderToString(<Root />, opts);

The code snippet above shows you how the server-side of Qwik serializes the root component using the renderToString method. The client will then only need to parse pure HTML and deserialize the JavaScript state without needing to reload them.


Application performance is essential for the client. The more resources you have to load on startup, the more time your app will need to bootstrap. Loading times expectations are getting lower and lower. The less time you need to load a site, the better.

But if you are working on large enterprise applications, how you can optimize your apps are not obvious. Data-loading patterns are one way you can optimize your applications’ speed. In this article, you reviewed five data-loading patterns that may be of use:

  1. Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Jamstack;
  2. Active Memory Caching;
  3. Data Event Sourcing;
  4. Prefetching and Lazy Loading;
  5. Resumability.

All five of which are useful in their own circumstances.

SSR and Jamstack are generally good choices for applications that require less client-side state management. With the advent of modern JavaScript frameworks like React, more people have tried Client Side Rendering (CSR), and it seems that the community has come full circle back to SSR. SSR is the technique used by old MVC web frameworks to use template engines to generate HTML based on the data on the backend. Jamstack is an even older depiction of the original web, where everything was using just HTML.

Active memory caching helps users load data from APIs faster. Active memory caching solves the important issues around data loading by either caching the results on a remote cache server (Redis) or your local browser cache. Another data-loading pattern even uses it, prefetching.

Next, event sourcing is an architectural pattern that supplements the real-time event-based WebSocket APIs. Plain old WebSockets are not enough to become completely efficient because even though the WebSocket itself is real-time, the recurring API call to the database can cause a bottleneck. Event sourcing removes this problem by creating a separate database for retrieving data.

Prefetching and lazy loading are the easiest solutions to implement. The goal of prefetching is to load data silently during network idle times. Clients will save the prefetched link inside their browser caches, making it instantaneous on contact.

Lazy loading reduces the number of resources you need to load on the first click. You only need the resources that you see directly after the page loads. However, Resumability takes lazy loading to the extreme. Resumability is a method of lazy loading JavaScript components by rendering them in the server and then serializing the state to continue the render on the client via HTML.

Where To Go From Here?

Learning to optimize your Frontend applications is an ongoing process; you need to be proactive about what you implement daily. Data-loading patterns are only one of a few ways you can use to improve your application performance.

But it is best to consider the common pitfalls before making any drastic changes to how your application is structured and consumes and loads data.

If you’re interested in exploring the references, you can check out:

I hope you found this article helpful. Please join the forum discussion below if you have any questions or comments.

Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals

Did you know that DOM elements with IDs are accessible in JavaScript as global variables? It’s one of those things that’s been around, like, forever but I’m really digging into it for the first time.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about it, brace yourself! We can see it in action simply by adding an ID to an element in HTML:

<div id="cool"></div>

Normally, we’d define a new variable using querySelector("#cool") or getElementById("cool") to select that element:

var el = querySelector("#cool");

But we actually already have access to #cool without that rigamorale:

So, any id — or name attribute, for that matter — in the HTML can be accessed in JavaScript using window[ELEMENT_ID]. Again, this isn’t exactly “new” but it’s really uncommon to see.

As you may guess, accessing the global scope with named references isn’t the greatest idea. Some folks have come to call this the “global scope polluter.” We’ll get into why that is, but first…

Some context

This approach is outlined in the HTML specification, where it’s described as “named access on the Window object.”

Internet Explorer was the first to implement the feature. All other browsers added it as well. Gecko was the only browser at the time to not support it directly in standards mode, opting instead to make it an experimental feature. There was hesitation to implement it at all, but it moved ahead in the name of browser compatibility (Gecko even tried to convince WebKit to move it out of standards mode) and eventually made it to standards mode in Firefox 14.

One thing that might not be well known is that browsers had to put in place a few precautionary measures — with varying degrees of success — to ensure generated globals don’t break the webpage. One such measure is…

Variable shadowing

Probably the most interesting part of this feature is that named element references don’t shadow existing global variables. So, if a DOM element has an id that is already defined as a global, it won’t override the existing one. For example:

  <script> = "bar";
  <div id="foo">I won't override</div>
    console.log(; // Prints "bar"

And the opposite is true as well:

<div id="foo">I will be overridden :(</div>
<script> = "bar";
  console.log(; // Prints "bar"

This behavior is essential because it nullifies dangerous overrides such as <div id="alert" />, which would otherwise create a conflict by invalidating the alert API. This safeguarding technique may very well be the why you — if you’re like me — are learning about this for the first time.

The case against named globals

Earlier, I said that using global named elements as references might not be the greatest idea. There are lots of reasons for that, which TJ VanToll has covered nicely over at his blog and I will summarize here:

  • If the DOM changes, then so does the reference. That makes for some really “brittle” (the spec’s term for it) code where the separation of concerns between HTML and JavaScript might be too much.
  • Accidental references are far too easy. A simple typo may very well wind up referencing a named global and give you unexpected results.
  • It is implemented differently in browsers. For example, we should be able to access an anchor with an id — e.g. <a id="cool"> — but some browsers (namely Safari and Firefox) return a ReferenceError in the console.
  • It might not return what you think. According to the spec, when there are multiple instances of the same named element in the DOM — say, two instances of <div class="cool"> — the browser should return an HTMLCollection with an array of the instances. Firefox, however, only returns the first instance. Then again, the spec says we ought to use one instance of an id in an element’s tree anyway. But doing so won’t stop a page from working or anything like that.
  • Maybe there’s a performance cost? I mean, the browser’s gotta make that list of references and maintain it. A couple of folks ran tests in this StackOverflow thread, where named globals were actually more performant in one test and less performant in a more recent test.

Additional considerations

Let’s say we chuck the criticisms against using named globals and use them anyway. It’s all good. But there are some things you might want to consider as you do.


As edge-case-y as it may sound, these types of global checks are a typical setup requirement for polyfills. Check out the following example where we set a cookie using the new CookieStore API, polyfilling it on browsers that don’t support it yet:

  <img id="cookieStore"></img>
    // Polyfill the CookieStore API if not yet implemented.
    if (!window.cookieStore) {
      window.cookieStore = myCookieStorePolyfill;
    cookieStore.set("foo", "bar");

This code works perfectly fine in Chrome, but throws the following error in Safari.:

TypeError: cookieStore.set is not a function

Safari lacks support for the CookieStore API as of this writing. As a result, the polyfill is not applied because the img element ID creates a global variable that clashes with the cookieStore global.

JavaScript API updates

We can flip the situation and find yet another issue where updates to the browser’s JavaScript engine can break a named element’s global references.

For example:

  <input id="BarcodeDetector"></input>

That script grabs a reference to the input element and invokes focus() on it. It works correctly. Still, we don’t know how long it will continue to work.

You see, the global variable we’re using to reference the input element will stop working as soon as browsers start supporting the BarcodeDetector API. At that point, the window.BarcodeDetector global will no longer be a reference to the input element and .focus() will throw a “window.BarcodeDetector.focus is not a function” error.


Let’s sum up how we got here:

  • All major browsers automatically create global references to each DOM element with an id (or, in some cases, a name attribute).
  • Accessing these elements through their global references is unreliable and potentially dangerous. Use querySelector or getElementById instead.
  • Since global references are generated automatically, they may have some side effects on your code. That’s a good reason to avoid using the id attribute unless you really need it.

At the end of the day, it’s probably a good idea to avoid using named globals in JavaScript. I quoted the spec earlier about how it leads to “brittle” code, but here’s the full text to drive the point home:

As a general rule, relying on this will lead to brittle code. Which IDs end up mapping to this API can vary over time, as new features are added to the web platform, for example. Instead of this, use document.getElementById() or document.querySelector().

I think the fact that the HTML spec itself recommends to staying away from this feature speaks for itself.

Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Comparison and Usage of Javascript Engines in Camunda

In this article, let’s look at how to use Javascript as a scripting language in Camunda with the introduction of Java 15, where the Nashorn Javascript Engine is removed from Java.


  1. Java 15+
  2. Eclipse IDE – Used in this article to switch between Java versions from demonstration
  3. Camunda 7.16


            Java 8 introduced Nashorn Javascript Engine, and Camunda is using the same to process scripts written in Javascript. With the introduction of Java 15 (supported by Camunda v7.16+), Nashorn Javascript Engine is removed. Camunda v7.16+ now supports GraalVM Javascript as a Javascript engine as well.

Jenkins Security Tips

For such an open, customizable platform, Jenkins provides decent security even in its default state. Though it connects to countless industry tools, there are a few other ways to help protect your projects.

In this post, we look at some of the methods and tools to keep your Jenkins instance safe, secure and protect those using it.

Bypassing Spring Interceptors via Decoration

Whether they are built using the genuine Spring Framework or Spring Boot, such applications are widely developed and deployed these days. By trying to address simple or complex business challenges, products strongly rely on the used framework features in their attempt to offer elegant solutions. Elegant here means correct, clean, and easy to understand and maintain.

In the case of a web application, some requests are handled in a way, while others may need extra pre or post-processing or even a change in the initial request. Generally, Servlet Filters are configured and put in force in order to accommodate such scenarios.

The Different Types of Software Tests

For software teams, testing makes sense; applications should be screened for bugs. But why is testing important for your business, and how does it fit into DevOps?

Testing is part of Continuous Delivery that assures quality at each stage of the delivery pipeline before moving on to the next stage. DevOps is an iterative cycle of building, testing, and releasing software in short iterations. A comprehensive testing environment helps each iteration of the DevOps loop strengthen the quality of the product. A weak testing phase can mean defects progress to release, and developers need to fix bugs while the product is live. Development teams fall on both sides of the testing spectrum.

How to Add Klarna Payments to WordPress (2 Easy Ways)

Are you looking for a way to offer Klarna payments on your website or eCommerce store?

Klarna allows you to add financing and installment plans to your website. You can use it to offer a ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ option and encourage customers to purchase products.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add Klarna payments to WordPress.

How to add Klarna payments to WordPress

What is Klarna & Why Add It to WordPress?

Klarna is a Swedish fintech company offering online payment methods for website and online store owners.

Adding Klarna to your online store can help boost conversions and average order value. It makes it convenient for customers to purchase an expensive product or luxury items they want and pay over time.

Klarna offers 4 ways customers can buy now and pay later for a product:

  • split the purchase amount into 4 interest-free payments
  • use a debit or credit card to pay the total amount
  • purchase a product now and pay in 30 days
  • get financing for your purchase and pay installments over 6 to 24 months.

However, an important thing to remember is that Klarna’s payment options depend on your customer’s location. For example, in the United States, customers can get installment and financing options, but not the ability to pay in 30 days or fully pay using a credit card.

That said, let’s see how you can add Klarna payments in WordPress. We’ll show you 2 methods, including WP Simple Pay and WooCommerce. You can click the links below to jump ahead to your preferred section.

Method 1: Add Klarna Payments Using WP Simple Pay

The easiest way of adding Klarna payments in WordPress is by using WP Simple Pay. It is the best Stripe payment plugin for WordPress and allows you to easily collect online payments using Klarna, with no need to set up a shopping cart.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the WP Simple Pay Pro plan because it includes the Klarna payment forms and ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ option. There is also a free version of WP Simple Pay you can use.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Simple Pay plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will launch the setup wizard. You can simply click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button to continue.

The WP Simple Pay Setup Wizard Will Start Automatically

On the next screen, you’ll need to enter the license key. You can find the license key in your WP Simple Pay account area.

After that, go ahead and click on the ‘Activate and Continue’ button.

You’ll Be Asked to Enter Your WP Simple Pay License Key

Next, the plugin will ask you to connect your Stripe account. Stripe is a payment gateway that lets you accept online payments with ease.

Simply click the ‘Connect with Stripe’ button.

You Need to Connect WP Simple Pay to Stripe

You can now log in to your Stripe account and follow the onscreen instructions to connect the payment gateway with WP Simple Pay.

If you don’t have a Stripe account, then you can create one. Anyone with a legitimate business can set up a Stripe account. In addition, you’ll need to have SSL encryption on your site. For more details, please see our guide on how to get free SSL certification for a WordPress website.

Once you’ve connected Stripe with WP Simple Pay, you’ll be redirected to the setup wizard.

In the next step, the plugin will ask you to configure emails. For example, you can enable options to send payment receipts to customers, notify them about upcoming invoices, and get payment notifications.

Configure Your WP Simple Pay Emails

Go ahead and enter your email address in the ‘Send to’ field and then click the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

After that, you’ll see the last step in the setup wizard. Go ahead and click the ‘Create a Payment Form’ button.

WP Simple Pay Setup Is Complete

Create a Klarna Payment Form in WP Simple Pay

You can also create new payment forms by going to WP Simple Pay » Add New from your WordPress dashboard.

The plugin offers multiple pre-built form templates. To add Klarna, go ahead and select the ‘Klarna (Buy Now, Pay Later) Form’ template.

Select Klarna form template

Next, you can customize your payment form.

For instance, under the ‘General’ tab, you get options to rename the form, add a description, and select a form type.

Edit the payment form general settings

After that, you can switch to the ‘Payment’ tab.

Here, you’ll find payment mode settings and price options. The plugin lets you add multiple prices, the cost of the product, the currency that will appear in the form, and whether you’d want a one-time payment or a recurring subscription.

Change payment form details

Next, you can scroll down and choose different payment methods.

Ensure that the ‘Klarna’ option is selected. You can also add more options like credit card and ACH Direct Debit.

Select Klarna payment method

From here, switch to the ‘Form Fields’ tab and choose which fields to add.

You can also change the order of existing fields by simply dragging and dropping them. Plus, there are more form fields to add from the dropdown menu at the top.

Add form fields

After editing the form fields, head to the ‘Payment Page’ tab. WP Simple Pay allows you to create a dedicated payment page for your Klarna form.

Just make sure to click the ‘Enable a dedicated payment page’ checkbox.

Add a dedicated page

You can change the permalink for the page, select a color scheme, add the form title and description, add a logo, and change the text in the footer.

When you’ve made the changes, go ahead and publish your Klarna form. Now, visit the dedicated page to see the Klarna form in action.

Klarna payment form dedicated page preview

Alternatively, you can embed the payment anywhere on your website using the WP Simple Pay block.

Simply edit a page or add a new one. Once you’re in the content editor, click the ‘+’ button, and then add the ‘WP Simple Pay’ block. Next, you just select your form from the dropdown menu.

Add a WP simple pay block

After that, go ahead and publish your page.

You can now visit your WordPress website to see the Klarna payment form in action.

Klarna payment form preview

Method 2: Add Klarna Payments in WooCommerce

You can also add Klarna payments in WordPress using the WooCommerce plugin. WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform in the world, and it’s built on top of WordPress.

It has built-in payment options, but you can add a free Klarna Payments extension for your online store.

Before you can use Klarna in WooCommerce, first you need to make sure that you have setup an online store using WooCommerce.

After that, you’ll need to install and activate Klarna Payments for WooCommerce. For more details, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can go to WooCommerce » Settings from your WordPress dashboard and click on the ‘Payments’ tab.

Set up Klarna payments in WooCommerce

Here, you will have different payment options offered by WooCommerce, including Klarna Payments. Simply click the ‘Set up’ button in front of Klarna Payments.

Next, you can check the ‘Enable Klarna Payments’ to activate the payment service in WooCommerce.

Besides that, there are also options for changing the title, enabling test mode, showing your customers a link to what is Klarna, and more.

Configure Klarna settings

When you’re done, don’t forget to save your changes.

Next, you can go to your WooCommerce store and visit the checkout page to see Klarna as a payment option.

View Klarna payment method at checkout

It’s important to note that Klarna Payments work with merchant accounts and is only available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add Klarna payments to WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate guide to WordPress SEO and our beginner’s guide on how to start an email newsletter.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Klarna Payments to WordPress (2 Easy Ways) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Data plays a vital role in conceptualizing the preliminary design for an architecture. You may want to decide the requirements for security, performance, and infrastructure to handle workload, scalability, and agility in design. In this case, you need to understand data models and how to handle architectural decisions, including data privacy and security, compliance requirements, data size to handle, and user handling requirements. 

14 CSS Animations for Fall

As the leaves change color and the weather starts to cool down, it’s time to start thinking about how to update your website for fall. One easy way to do this is by adding some subtle CSS animations.

Adding a CSS animation to your website is a great way to add some extra flair and personality. And, since they’re relatively easy to create, you can experiment with different animations until you find one that fits your site perfectly.

Check out these 14 CSS animations that will add a touch of autumn to your pages. From falling leaves to acorns dropping from trees, these animations are sure to get you in the mood for fall!

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CSS Falling Leaves

See the Pen
CSS falling leaves
by Aaron Griffin (@uurrnn)
on CodePen.0

This CSS animation features falling leaves that slowly drift down the page. It’s a simple yet effective way to add a touch of fall to your website.

Only CSS – Autumn

See the Pen
Only CSS: 和嵐 -Autumn-
by Yusuke Nakaya (@YusukeNakaya)
on CodePen.0

The Only CSS – Autumn animation features vibrant leaves that change color as they fall. It’s a great way to add some fall flavor to your site.


See the Pen
by Nelson Rodrigues (@nelsonr)
on CodePen.0

The Autumn CSS animation features an orange tree that has leaves piled up around the base of the tree.

Hello Fall

See the Pen
Hello Fall
by SalwaMugh (@salwamugh)
on CodePen.0

The Hello Fall CSS animation features falling leaves and a friendly message. It’s a great way to welcome visitors to your site this fall. The steaming cup of coffee or tea perched atop a pile of books sets the perfect autumnal tone, too.

Leaves Falling Animation on Scroll

See the Pen
Leaves Falling SVG GSAP animation with Scrollmagic
by Lisa Folkerson (@lisafolkerson)
on CodePen.0

This CSS animation features falling leaves that are triggered when the user scrolls down the page. It’s a great way to add a touch of fall to your site without being too intrusive.

Colours of Autumn

See the Pen
Colours of Autumn | Changing Text Colour Character by Character
by Jamie Brook (@sketchbrook)
on CodePen.0

The Colours of Autumn CSS animation features falling leaves in a variety of colors that pass across a festive seasonal message of your choice. It’s a great way to add some visual interest to your site while also sharing a message with your visitors.

Hello Autumn – Header

See the Pen
by Ruben Vardanyan (@ruben-vardanyan)
on CodePen.0

The Hello Autumn – Header Animation features falling leaves and a welcome message to happily greet site visitors. The leaves are large and prominent, which might be a good fit for those looking to make a real statement.

Fall – Tree with Falling Leaves

See the Pen
gsap fall
by Yi Rui (@yrui)
on CodePen.0

The Fall – Tree with Falling Leaves CSS animation features a tree with leaves falling from the top of the screen. Once the animation loads completely, site visitors will be greeted by a bird that pops out of a nest in the tree. Then a welcome message fades into view.

Autumn Leaves Blowing

See the Pen
Autumn Leaves
by mauspace (@mauspace)
on CodePen.0

The Autumn Leaves Blowing In The Wind CSS animation features leaves that blow across the screen while fingers clamp onto a single leaf. This would be a great choice for those looking to add a touch of fall without being too on-the-nose, while also adding some visual interest.

CSS Little Witch

See the Pen
CSS Little Witch
by agathaco (@agathaco)
on CodePen.0

The CSS Little Witch animation features a witch pouring something from a beaker into a bubbling cauldron. The background is delightfully festive and features a spider, cat, full moon, broomstick, and many other Halloween-related items.

Vampire and Pumpkins

See the Pen
Vampire and Pumpkins (CSS Image)
by Michael Zhigulin (@michael-zhigulin)
on CodePen.0

The Vampire and Pumpkins CSS animation features a vampire that slowly blinks while holding two pumpkins that have a lot to say. This would make for a great site loading screen around Halloween.

CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin

See the Pen
CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin
by Jaume Sanchez (@spite)
on CodePen.0

This CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin features a pumpkin that shifts and changes shape upon hover.

Happy Halloween

See the Pen
Happy Halloween
by Mohan Khadka (@khadkamhn)
on CodePen.0

The Happy Halloween CSS animation features tombstones, skulls, a full moon, and some jack-o-lanterns that jump when a message that reads “Happy Halloween” appears. And a ghost appears from time to time, too.

CSSpooky Halloween!

See the Pen
CSSpooky Halloween !
by Fehrenbach Baptiste (@medrupaloscil)
on CodePen.0

If you want to keep your site on the cute side, the CSSpooky Halloween! animation is a great choice. This one features a cat that occasionally blinks while sitting in a carved jack-o-lantern.

Bring a Touch of the Fall Season to Your Website

These CSS animations are a great way to add a touch of fall to your website. Whether you want to make a statement or just add a little bit of festive flair, these animations will help you do just that.