Two Cool Java Frameworks You Probably Don’t Need

We’ve all attended – maybe even delivered – talks where the speaker is particularly enamoured of a language or tool and uses the word simply a little too often in phrases like “simply add this configuration key or dependency”. Some healthy suspicion to counteract this enthusiasm is always recommended, especially when the technology is new, little used, specialist, or a combination of all three. 

Software frameworks never work for free, even when you don’t pay a license fee. Unfamiliar tech has a learning curve, however gentle. Don’t tell me I can have all the benefits of tool X by ‘just’ adding a single line to build.gradle (or twenty to pom.xml). Particularly testing tools should always be approached as a potential liability. They must justify their total cost of ownership with a commensurate increase in quality, and this higher quality must make business sense. Sorry to dampen your passion, but you’re not hired as an artist. Such an equation is impossible to express in hard numbers. Common sense will have to suffice. 
