10 Best Power Theory Screen Protector 2022 (Updated)

Hundreds of options are available when deciding which power theory screen protector to buy. First, you need to select what type of product you want. Next, you’ll want to set a budget and determine the required features that fit the brief. Or, you could have us do the hard work for you. We’ve reviewed many ... Read more

The Best Cassette Player Aux On Amazon

Looking for the best cassette player aux? There are many choices, but we spent many hours researching all the best models on the market. We narrowed the list by looking for excellent performance products during our search. You’ve come to the right place if you’re after the best product money can buy. We’ve collected all ... Read more

The Best Inflatable Sumo Wrestler Costume On Amazon

Looking for the best inflatable sumo wrestler costume? There are many choices, but we spent many hours researching all the best models on the market. We narrowed the list by looking for excellent performance products during our search. You’ve come to the right place if you’re after the best product money can buy. We’ve collected ... Read more

The Best Airpod Ear Hook -10 Favorites

As we set out on our quest to find the best airpod ear hook, we started online. There are hundreds of options to sift through, which can be overwhelming in and of itself, so we took care of that legwork for you. In our online research, we created a list of the top 10 best ... Read more

10 Best All The Fnaf Plushies 2022 (Updated)

Hundreds of options are available when deciding which all the fnaf plushies to buy. First, you need to select what type of product you want. Next, you’ll want to set a budget and determine the required features that fit the brief. Or, you could have us do the hard work for you. We’ve reviewed many ... Read more

Discover The Best Touchscreen Radio For Car Today

Shopping for a touchscreen radio for car online, however, can quickly become overwhelming because so many options are available at a wide range of prices. This article breaks down what to look for when shopping for the best touchscreen radio for car and discusses the key considerations to keep in mind while shopping. Keep reading ... Read more

Discover The Best Small Nanny Cam Today

Shopping for a small nanny cam online, however, can quickly become overwhelming because so many options are available at a wide range of prices. This article breaks down what to look for when shopping for the best small nanny cam and discusses the key considerations to keep in mind while shopping. Keep reading for tips ... Read more

Discover The Best Bluetooth Receiver For Car Stereo Today

Shopping for a bluetooth receiver for car stereo online, however, can quickly become overwhelming because so many options are available at a wide range of prices. This article breaks down what to look for when shopping for the best bluetooth receiver for car stereo and discusses the key considerations to keep in mind while shopping. ... Read more

Starting an API-first Company

You’ve developed an amazing API product. Fantastic. But that’s just the beginning of your journey. Starting an API-first company brings with it a whole host of unique challenges for you to face along the way. Based on my own experience of founding an API-first company, I've shared some insights below to help you avoid some of the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities that lie before you.

API-first” can mean different things to different people. However, for the purposes of this article, we’re referring to companies that publish APIs as their primary product and make money by selling their APIs to other businesses.

What Is Kubernetes HPA and How Can It Help You Save on the Cloud?

Autoscaling is a core capability of Kubernetes. The tighter you configure the scaling mechanisms – HPA, VPA, and Cluster Autoscaler – the lower the waste and costs of running your application. 

Kubernetes comes with three types of autoscaling mechanisms: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA), and Cluster Autoscaler. Each of these adds a unique ingredient to your overarching goal of autoscaling for cloud cost optimization

Allow Users to Track Fitness Status in Your App

During workouts, users expect to be able to track their status and data in real time within the health or fitness app on their phones. Huawei phone users can link a piece of equipment, like a treadmill or spinner bike, via the Huawei Health app, and start and track their workout within the app. As a fitness and health app developer, you can read activity records from the Huawei Health app, and display the records in your app. It is even possible to control the workout status directly within your app, and obtain real-time activity data, without having to redirect users to the Huawei Health app, which helps users conveniently track their workout and greatly enhances the user experience. Here is how.

HMS Core Health Kit provides a wide range of capabilities for fitness and health app developers. Its extended capabilities open up a wealth of real-time activity and health data and solutions specific to different scenarios. For example, after integrating the extended capabilities, you can call the APIs for starting, pausing, resuming, and stopping activities, to control activity status directly within your app, without redirecting users to the Huawei Health app. The Huawei Health app runs unobtrusively in the background throughout this entire process.

Formulas in Google Sheets Disappear When New Rows Are Added – The Solution

An order form, created in Google Forms, requires customers to provide their full name, the item quantity and whether home delivery is required. The final bill amount is calculated with a simple formula in Google Sheets.

// Item cost is $99 per unit. Delivery cost is $19.
=IF(ISNUMBER(C2), SUM(C2*99, IF(D2="Yes", 19, 0)), )

Google Sheets Formula

The Google Sheet owner has entered the formula across all rows in the Total Amount column so that the value is automatically calculated when a new form response is submitted.

The problem is that the formulas in Google Sheets are automatically deleted when new responses come in. That’s the default behavior and even if you protect the column range, the formulas in the cell will be erased on new rows.

How to Prevent Formulas from Deleting

There are several workarounds to this problem.


Instead of adding formulas inside individual cells of the column, add an Array Formula to the first row of the column that contains the computed values.

   "Total Amount",
   IF(ISNUMBER(C:C), C:C*99 + IF(D:D="Yes",19,0),)

Here’s a simple breakdown of the formula:

  • IF(ROW(C:C)=1, "Total Amount", ... - If the current row number is 1, add the column title.
  • IF(ISNUMBER(C:C), ... - Calculate the amount only if there’s a numeric value in the C column.
  • C:C*99 + IF(D:D="Yes",19,0),) - Multiply $99 with the item quantity and add $19 if the column D is set to Yes.

Use MAP with a LAMBDA function

You can use the new MAP function of Google Sheets that takes an array of values as input and returns a new array formed by applying a Lambda function to each value of the array.

LAMBDA function

  LAMBDA(Qty, Delivery,
    IF(ROW(Qty)=1,"Total Amount",
    IF(ISNUMBER(Qty), Qty*99 + IF(Delivery="Yes", 19,),))

Use a QUERY function

If array formulas sound complex, here’s an alternate approach.

Create a new sheet in your Google Spreadsheet and use the QUERY function with a SQL-like statement to import the required data from the Form sheet into the current sheet.

=QUERY('Form Responses 1'!A:D,"SELECT A,B,C,D",TRUE)

We are only importing the sheet data that has been entered in the form response and all the calculations will happen in this sheet, not the main sheet.

Paste the simple formula for amount calculation in cell E2 and drag the cross-hair down to auto-fill the formula across all rows.

=IF(ISNUMBER(C2), SUM(C2*99,IF(D2="Yes",19,0)),)

Query Function for Google Sheets

This is the recommended approach if you would like to preserve row formatting and conditional formatting when new survey responses come in.

9 Ways to Reduce Android App Size During Android App Development

With more and more digitalization, there are more requirements for mobile and mobile apps that we use daily. The increase in mobile storage spaces raised to 256 GB, which is sure to increase as we meet customer needs, add new features, and support apps on different screen sizes. 

Based on the report, 74% of the world uses Android, and around 70% of users look for the app size before installing any app.