WordPress 6.1 Beta 1 Released and Ready for Testing

WordPress 6.1 beta 1 was released today, and testing has begun with the general release expected in just under six weeks on November 1.

Versions 13.1 – 14.1 of the Gutenberg plugin will be rolled into core for 6.1. This includes features like improved block placeholders, more design tools for blocks, fluid typography, improvements to editor preferences and new modal interfaces, the use of block-based template parts in classic themes, locking settings for inner blocks, and more.

If you have the Gutenberg plugin installed, then you already have access to many of these features and may have been part of the testing process if you have reported bugs.

The bulk of the improvements in 6.1 are for the editor (700+ enhancements and bug fixes), but the rest of the core components also have 250 tickets that will make it into the next release. These include improvements to build/test tools, new error logging and hooks for wp-cron.php, new oEmbed support for Google Data Studio and Pocket Casts, REST API debug mode, new introduction on Permalinks Setting screen, various Site Health improvements and more.

WordPress 6.1 is also set to introduce the highly anticipated new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Three, with 10 style variations contributed from WordPress’ community of designers.

The easiest way to report bugs is to post in the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. More experienced testers should search through known bugs and open a ticket on WordPress Trac. Check out the Beta 1 release post for a full rundown of the highlights coming in 6.1.