How to Pass the AWS Certified Developer – Associate Exam

In this blog, I will explain how I passed the AWS Certified Developer – Associate exam. This might help you in your journey to pass the exam. Enjoy!

1. Why?

First of all, why did I want to pass the exam? It all started when I wrote a blog how to create a deployment pipeline in AWS. CI/CD tooling is one of my interests and I wanted to know how this was done in the cloud. Before that, I also experimented with some of the Google Cloud services. So, I got this idea that I wanted to learn more about one of these cloud offerings. After some investigation, it was clear to me that AWS is still the major cloud vendor although Google Cloud and Azure are on the rise. However, I made the decision that it was wise to learn more about AWS services. Note, that I did not have any hands-on experience in cloud development before and certainly not with AWS.
