Flood control using Redis

Here is the function that I use here at DaniWeb to manage flood control. It keeps track of how often a specific user or IP address is making a request, and increments a counter. If there have been no requests after 5 minutes, the counter resets to 0. It returns false if the counter reaches more than 10 requests (in that 5 minute period).

Here is what the Codeigniter redis library looks like:

     * Get cache metadata
     * @param   string  $key    Cache key
     * @return  array
    public function get_metadata($key)
        $value = $this->get($key);

        if ($value !== FALSE)
            return array(
                'expire' => time() + $this->_redis->ttl($key),
                'data' => $value

        return FALSE;

     * Save cache
     * @param   string  $id Cache ID
     * @param   mixed   $data   Data to save
     * @param   int $ttl    Time to live in seconds
     * @param   bool    $raw    Whether to store the raw value (unused)
     * @return  bool    TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
    public function save($id, $data, $ttl = 60, $raw = FALSE) { ... }

     * Increment a raw value
     * @param   string  $id Cache ID
     * @param   int $offset Step/value to add
     * @return  mixed   New value on success or FALSE on failure
    public function increment($id, $offset = 1) { ... }