A Security Team’s Most Critical Skill? No-Code Automation

Security teams today are facing a major hurdle to their success: too much work and not enough people. I saw it time and again in my fifteen years working in both incident response and overseeing security teams. The problem isn't necessarily on the personnel side, though. The problem is the mundane, repetitive tasks those teams do every day — too much manual work that's clogging the team's productivity. Security analysts are looking for a solution to reduce those monotonous, manual tasks so they can be freed up to work on high-value projects for their organization and do what they do best: analysis. 

No-code automation is that solution. Imagine having the ability to simply automate following up on suspicious log-ins or conducting secure employee onboarding and offboarding with only a few simple clicks — no need to know how to code. It not only has the potential to save a team time, but it's also a way to work smarter, not harder.
