While making signup page I got this error

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'SignupScreen' does not contain a definition for 'BtnSubmit_Click' and no accessible extension method 'BtnSubmit_Click' accepting a first argument of type 'SignupScreen' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) WpfSignupscreen D:\Visual Studio Work\WpfSignupscreen\WpfSignupscreen\SignupScreen.xaml 23 Active

Why “Polyglot Programming” or “Do It Yourself Programming Languages” or “Language Oriented Programming” sucks?

Last year we saw the launch of a new Web programming language Dart - Structured Web Programming from Google. A very interesting approach to support web application development. Not so long after Go, Groovy, Ruby, Scala, << Name your DSL here >>; we see Dart. Is it a good thing to have at least one programming language to solve one problem? The answer is, like we already know, it depends.

Stay Away From “Do it Yourself”

It is your choice as to if you will try to do things yourself or allow the truly seasoned professionals to help out. Some decide that they are going to try to go it alone when they are programming something new, but this often ends up in a less than desirable place. It may even be more expensive than just hiring an expert who can help you get it programmed for you in the first place.

What you must know about PHP errors to avoid scratching your forehead when something goes wrong

While pure object-oriented languages produce mainly exceptions to signal an error, PHP started out as procedural and so it has a wide range of errors that can be raised along with exceptions.

Errors are Human, But We Must Identify Them

There isn’t a programmer alive who hasn’t made errors when coding something at some point in their career. It is simply a part of the process, and it is important to recognize that we will all make these types of mistakes from time to time. That said, it is best to identify the errors as they occur so as to correct them at the moment. 

What Should I Choose in 2015 – Cloud Hosting VS VPS Hosting?

This article was originally published on 1/5/14

The countdown for 2015 has already begun and so are the businesses eager to roll out new strategies and technical innovations with the New Year. Especially the entrepreneurs. 2014 has been a year of many ups and downs for most ventures due to the various algorithm updates rolled out by the search giant. 

The Web Performance APIs Reference

Each of the following performance APIs is in different stages of the W3C’s specification maturity process. You can see each spec’s stage next to their title. Visit this article for a concise graphic of all the performance APIs’ maturity levels.

The use of APIs to Boost Performance

If you are actively wondering why you need to look at getting APIs into your system in the first place, you are not alone. Plenty of people have questioned what is so important about APIs and why it is that they need to focus on them, to begin with. They have a multitude of questions, but the answer all boils down to the fact that APIs provide real data that programmers can use to judge their own performance. 

Using the TabControl on Windows Phone 7

By default, the Windows Phone 7 SDK doesn't have a TabControl. It is a quite useful component already available in Silverlight and although it doesn't quite follow the Metro style, it can have its use. For example, some Android applications have a similar UI:

Adding Relevant Features

It is so very important to remember that relevant features sometimes need to be added to a phone to make it as fully operational as we would all like for it to be. Sadly, there are some people who don’t realize that they need to put this kind of time and effort in, and they may end up using a phone that doesn’t have all of the functionality that they deserve it. 

Using the LongListSelector control on Windows Phone 7

Yesterday I looked into the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone and I covered some of the controls that are included in the current build. One of the controls that might be a bit unusual to configure and get working is LongListSelector, which allows you to group items inside a list. With a regular ListBox, you can display data but there is no way to jump directly to an item set, and there is no way to group items.

Clumping Items Together

One of the best features of any phone is the ability to clump together large lists of items so that they become easier to sort through. Not every phone has this ability though, and it can be very frustrating for some phone owners who are just trying to go through their lists in the easiest ways possible. 

Total Bummer: Pivotal Drops Groovy

Pivotal announced yesterday that Groovy 2.4 And Grails 3.0 will be the last major releases under Pivotal sponsorship. This is big news that has not surprisingly created a lot of buzz in the blogosphere. In this post, I describe some of the questions that others and I are wondering about and speculate on Groovy's future.

Groovy’s Future is in Doubt

Sadly, it appears at this time that is more likely than not that Groovy does not have a significant future ahead. It would seem that the developers of this program are going to allow it to rot away instead of taking any action steps to potentially stave off such an outcome. 

Some Thoughts on Agile Planning

Agile Math

The basic math of team-based agile is pretty simple. You can slice it several ways, but at the end of the day, one of these three basic formulas has to hold true. It’s all about time, cost, and scope… you get to decide which two constraints you want to lock, but then you have to derive the third.

1. backlog size / velocity = duration

Parsing JavaScript with JavaScript

Over the weekend I started working on llamaduck- a simple tool that aims to figure out whether your code will run on the newly released node 0.6.0. Eventually, it might be able to perform other compatibility assessment tasks as well, but I’m focusing on simple stuff first.

Or at least I thought it was simple.

Neo4j and Cypher: Using MERGE with Schema Indexes/Constraints

I wrote about cypher’s MERGE function a couple of weeks ago, and over the last few days, I’ve been exploring how it works with schema indexes and unique constraints.

An Exciting Time to Be a Developer

There is so much that could be said about the merging of Neo4j and Cypher right now, but it is certainly reasonable to point out that this merger will likely result in many exciting developments in the programming world. 

A Guide to Maven 3 Beta

In just over six years, Apache Maven has become one of the most coveted tools for project build and reporting management. It’s been five years since the release of Maven 2, and now the Maven committers have released the next landmark version of the software. 

Incredible Improvements in Little Time

It didn’t take long for Maven to become one of the most respected and desired tools in computer engineering. However, the product only continues to improve as Maven 3 is now available for those needing this extra computing power. 

Key Takeaways: Adrian Cockcroft’s talk on Netflix, CD, and Microservices

One of the big draws of the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference was Adrian Cockcroft's talk, "Deliver Faster and Spend Less with Cloud Native Microservices."  Cockcroft is an experienced speaker on the conference circuit and he's well-known as the architect who led Netflix into its new era of unprecedented scale and agility.  

He now works for Battery Ventures, but he still draws primarily on his experiences at Netflix for his talks.  He and his team were the ones behind the greatest success story for the latest trend in software architecture: microservices.

It’s Official! Fat Arrows in JavaScript!

It’s official! We’re getting a new function syntax! The TC39 group (the panel charged with delivering ES 6) has reached a consensus on an abbreviated syntax for JavaScript function expressions. It's popularly known as the fat arrow syntax, and is based on a similar construct found in CoffeeScript.

Make no mistake, I’m delighted that we will finally have an alternative to the unnecessary clunkiness and verbosity of the present grammar, but I can’t shake a nagging feeling that this proposal (in its current form) is flawed to the extent that it might actually make new developers more confused than they already were. I’ll run through the key features of this new construct, then explain my concerns and how they might be mitigated.