The Challenges of a JavaFX Reboot

In Jonathan Giles's post An FX Experience Retrospective, he starts by looking at the history of JavaFX and focuses on "what has happened in the world of JavaFX" in 2011. I was highly skeptical of JavaFX prior to JavaOne 2010 (see here and here for examples), but started to think more positively about it after the JavaOne 2010 and JavaOne 2011 announcements related to JavaFX. 

One thing that has been a little tricky about learning JavaFX since JavaOne 2011's big announcements have been knowing for certain whether a particular resource on JavaFX applies to JavaFX 1.x or JavaFX 2.x. Reading the An FX Experience Retrospective post provided a different perspective on the risks and challenges Oracle and the JavaFX team has faced in making this major overhaul.