Multi-Cloud Management: Tools, Challenges, and Best Practices

Many organizations implemented a digital strategy using the cloud to boost productivity, reduce costs, and increase their scale. Cloud migration simplifies workflows and makes it easier to find and share them securely, leading to digital transformation.     

Multi-Cloud Management

The process of tracking, securing, and optimizing multi-cloud deployment is called multi-cloud management. A vendor's cloud service to multiple customers is called a public cloud. However, a multi-cloud strategy includes numerous clouds from different vendors. Each vendor has various features and tools for managing cloud services and has its APIs and different service level agreements (SLAs). Multi-cloud is similar to hybrid cloud, but an essential difference between them is that there are several cloud environments in multi-cloud. Still, they could be separate and run different workloads. In a hybrid cloud, there is more than one cloud environment, tightly integrated that allows seamless transfer of data and workloads between clouds. Most businesses use many public cloud service providers to avoid dependency on a particular vendor and take advantage of each provider's strengths. Key technologies to enable multi-cloud management are containers and Kubernetes. As containers bundle apps with their dependencies in a lightweight package, it gets easier for developers to build apps to be deployed on the cloud. These containers are effectively managed, deployed, and automated by Kubernetes. Multi-cloud deployments are relatively low despite being increasingly common because tools and practices for managing multi-cloud are still developing.