5 Data Models for IoT

Apache Cassandra is a rock-solid choice for managing IoT and time series data at scale. The most popular use case of storing, querying, and analyzing time series generated by IoT devices in Cassandra is well-understood and documented. In general, a time series is stored and queried based on its source IoT device. However, there exists another class of IoT applications that require quick access to the most recent data generated by a collection of IoT devices based on a known state. The question that such applications need to answer is: Which IoT devices or sensors are currently reporting a specific state? In this blog post, we focus on this question and provide five possible data modeling solutions to efficiently answer it in Cassandra.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is generating massive amounts of time series data that needs to be stored, queried, and analyzed. Apache Cassandra is an excellent choice for this task: not only because of its speed, reliability, and scalability but also because its internal data model has built-in support for time-ordered data.