Windows Coordinate System Oddity

This is yet another thing that everyone just accepts, but nobody can tell me why this decision was made.

Everyone is familiar with the Windows screen coordinate system where x and y values increase to the right, for x, and down, for y. What is not noticible until you start programming window positions is that the upper left corner of the screen does not have the coordinates (0,0) as you would expect, but (-7,-7). Even more curiously, using the Windows Info tool that comes with AutoIt, if you maximize any window you will indeed see that the window is positioned at (-7,-7) but if you move the mouse cursor to the top left corner, it has coordinates (0,0).

This makes absolutely no sense to me so if anyone has a reasonable explanation I am more than willing to shout it down.

I'm also curious if this is the same on Linux. I have no easy way of checking it out. I program apps using wxPython nd one of its features is being multi-platform. If Linux doesn't use the same coordinate BS then apps would not truly be portable.