Hi everyone, I’m Smokingman1914

And I almost started a fire tinkering with my computer. Please advise.

Have a desktop that sat in a dusty shortage unit for the last 1.5 years and after dusting it off I tried it today. Nothing happens when I hit the power button. It's a nice computer I bought circa 2016 or 2017 w/ AMD FX-4350 and RX 460, so it's not ancient and it ran like butter last time I used it. So today I thought maybe the power supply had crapped out from sitting collecting dust and age. Took an older power supply about the same power, from a much older desktop, and reconnected the couple same spots on the mobo and the hard drive cable as well. Old psu had similar cables, and it all seemed to fit. When I hit the power button with the "new" (much older) power supply hooked up, it started whirring and lit up for a brief second. Like a car trying to start but not catching. A few times I did this. Then I just held the power button down this time for a couple seconds, and lights came on, whirring fans, but hella nasty blue white hot smelling smoke, which came from somewhere on the mobo, not the power supply.

Is it possible an old power supply could have fried my mobo or components? Why would this happen if the psu's are about the same, like 430w and 420w each? Could the cables be totally differently sending power despite looking similar and plugging in to fit ok?