What Software Developers Can Learn From Andy Warhol

500 years ago if you wanted a painting, you'd hire somebody like Rembrandt, he'd have a team of people, and they'd work for years before they delivered you a 10x10 meter huge thing you could hang on your wall in your castle. The thing would cost a fortune of course, and only the filthy rich could afford such things. Fifty years ago, Andy Warhol bought a Xerox copy machine and started mass producing pop art with neon colors so bright that his stuff would automatically become the center of attention in any room you installed it in.

According to Andy himself, he was practically blind, which was the reason he had to use such bright colors, as without these neon colors he wouldn't be able to see what he was creating. Today an "original" Andy Warhol (Xerox copied that is) typically sells for 10x as much money as an original Rembrandt. This teaches us 3 important lessons:
