Anyone here use Anaconda/Spyder for Python?

My son uses Anaconda so I thought I'd install it so we could collaborate. I downloaded and installed the latest version. When I ran Anaconda Navigator, the first thing it told me was "there is a new version available". That's when I started having misgivings, but I downloaded and installed the update anyway.

I ran Navigator again, then launched Spyder. I tried to run the Help -> Tutorial but just got two cryptic messages about missing dependencies for Jedi and Sphinx (both of which already appeared as installed in the Environments tab). There were no instructions as to how to resolve this. It also complained about missing something called Kite but I got that fixed. Don't know what it actually fixed, but at least it stopped complaining.

Wanting to at least test out the Python, I loaded a script that did a couple of additions and a couple of multiplications (it already ran fine from the command line). Then I just got


I tried to file a bug report (as per the dialog) but it seems I'd have to set up a github account first.

Has anyone else been able to set this up? It may be a powerful package but if you can't do the simple things, how can you do the complex ones?