Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing —What Browsers Should You Test?


We have heard enough that technology is evolving and with that cross-browser compatibility testing is gaining traction. Although the users are becoming more tech-savvy and informed, they are still reluctant to try out different browsers. Businesses have different types of users, which means not everyone will use one kind of browser. Even though there is a high demand for Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari, there still are users who rely on older versions of browsers other than these. Because of this businesses end up accommodating outdated technology that leads to a slower system and dissatisfied customers. Cross-browser compatibility testing ensures that customers don’t become bait to the consequences of outdated systems. And hence the need for thorough cross-browser compatibility testing is vital for businesses to resolve Cross Browser Compatibility issues and ensure the best user experience.

What Is Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing?

Every website communicates uniquely with every browser; even each browser distinctively renders the website. This often causes cross-browser compatibility issues at different stages. The overall visual appearance of the website isn’t only dependent on the front-end development but also on the type of browser used to access the website. To avoid cross-browser differences, businesses should practice cross-browser compatibility testing to guarantee consistent delivery of quality user experience. Cross-browser compatibility testing is non-functional testing that enables enterprises to offer the best features of the website on different OS-Device-browser combinations.
