Hi everyone, I’m WallMantra

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Hi everyone, I’m Chris harry

Hello All, I'm Chris harry, a 22 years old, lived in United kingdom. I am a contributor writer offering my writings just to share my research with your readers. My aim is to cover the technological advancements in the field of Technology, finance, and business.

Better Scaffolding with jQuery – Part I

Grails scaffolding works great out of the box.  Today I want to see how we can improve adding data to the many side of a one-to-many relationship using jQuery, jQueryUI's Dialog, and some Ajax.  Using the same domain objects as my previous article I want to show how we can add Reminders to an Event without needing to navigate to a new page, assuming it is ok to create events without reminders.  For the sake of clarity, here are the domain objects.

class Event {

  String name

  static hasMany = [reminders: Reminder]

  static constraints = {
class Reminder {

  ReminderType reminderType
  Integer duration

  static belongsTo = [event:Event]

  static constraints = {

  String toString() {
    "${reminderType} : ${duration}"

Note that in Reminder I've added a ReminderType.  This is a simple Enum with the values Email and SMS.  I did this to add a bit of meat to the Reminder form.  Once you have a new grails application up and running you'll need to download a couple of things.  The first is jQuery.  The easiest way to get this in grails is to simply install the plugin.  Execute "grails install-plugin jquery" and then in the views/layout/main.gsp modify the g:javascript tag to use "jquery" instead of "application" for the library attribute.  

Apache Harmony Finally Defeated

Some have probably been expecting it for a long time, and this week it finally happened.  Apache Harmony, an open source cleanroom implementation of Java was moved to the Apache Attic, where inactive projects are sent.  The project management committee voted 20 to 2 in favor of discontinuing the project.

One of the votes against moving Harmony to the Attic was PMC chair Tim Ellison, who thought it was too early to deactivate Harmony.  But Harmony was probably already dead and buried once it's primary corporate sponsor, IBM, switched its support to OpenJDK last year.  Android has not gotten invovled in the Harmony project recently because of their ongoing lawsuit with Oracle.

Apache Aries: Helping Enterprise Developers Build OSGi Apps

the approval of the  blueprint container specification  by the osgi alliance enterprise expert group (eeg) inspired members of the eeg to start an open source project centered around implementing the blueprint spec and other technologies for osgi applications.  in september the  apache aries  project was born in the apache incubator.  the purpose of the apache aries incubator is to create a new community of people interested in building enterprise osgi technology geared toward the application programming model.  for an introduction to the history and the purpose of the aries project, dzone interviewed ian robinson, a distinguished websphere engineer and a member of the osgi eeg.  robinson is at the frontrunner for the apache aries project and has begun using its technology for ibm's websphere application server.

dzone asked robinson about the factors inspired the aries project.  robinson said, "from a standards direction, the work of the osgi alliance eeg was to define a set of specifications that would form part of an enterprise profile for osgi."  he says the eeg has approved several specs for technologies that allow osgi applications to consume existing java ee technologies like jta, jpa, jndi, etc.  "the purpose of the eeg was not to try and define competing specifications but to take what exists already in the java enterprise space and define how those technologies become consumable for applications running in an osgi framework," robinson said.

Announcing the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge

I posed the question "Should There be Enterprise RIA Style Guidelines?" on JavaLobby in late 2008, and received some valuable feedback/discussion.  Based upon that feedback, I'm replacing my question with the following challenge:

"Create an application in JavaFX that exemplifies the appearance and behavior of a next-generation enterprise RIA application".

Android App to Monitor Hudson – Part II Configurations

Last week, demonstrated building and Android application that queried Hudson remote api through REST calls, which returned back JSON objects; in Android App to Monitor Hudson Rest API. The application was very basic, in that all that could be done was launch it and there were no configurations, or customization to make the application more user friendly. This week the application will be enhanced to use menus and add additional screens or activities to allow a user to configure the application to point to a Hudson remote server of their choosing. The application will also save the configuration state so the user doesn't have to re-enter the information after the application has shutdown.

The first step in customizing the application will be to get rid of the default android icon, and place a customised icon. Android supports .jpg, .gif, .png, and .bmp image formats. To customize the default icon, simply open the res/drawable folder and put the image in this folder. The image should be a 48x48 size .PNG image.

Choosing the Best Kubernetes Cluster and Application Deployment Strategies

As your Kubernetes environment grows into a multi-cluster, multi-cloud fleet, cluster and workload deployment challenges increase exponentially. It becomes critical to streamline, automate, and standardize operations to avoid having to revisit decisions or perform the same, error-prone manual tasks over and over again.

Using the right deployment tools to:

Collective #713

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This most recent update will get you excited about the future of layouts, routing, and data fetching in Next.js

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Optimize images online with this free tool. Compress, convert and optimize images in PNG, JPEG, SVG, AVIF, WebP and GIF formats, and get SEO tags for your HTML.

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The post Collective #713 appeared first on Codrops.

The Definitive Guide to Building a Data Mesh With Event Streams

Data mesh. This oft-talked-about architecture has no shortage of blog posts, conference talks, podcasts, and discussions. One thing that you may have found lacking is a concrete guide on precisely how to get started building your own data mesh implementation. We have you covered. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to build a data mesh using event streams, highlighting our design decisions, and the key benefits and challenges you’ll need to consider along the way. In fact, we’ll go one better: we’ve built a data mesh prototype for you to check out on your own to see what this would look like in action, or fork to bootstrap a data mesh for your own organization. 

Data mesh is technology agnostic so there are a few different ways you can go about building one. The canonical approach is to build the mesh using event streaming technology that provides a secure, governed, real-time mechanism for moving data between different points in the mesh. 

Get Started With Cloud-Native Decision Automation on Quarkus

This article will guide you through creating a decision application based on Quarkus and trying out the business modeling in VSCode. You will experience hot reload of business assets during development and validate your decisions. 

Development of decision automation solutions has never been easier thanks to DMN (Decision Model and Notation), Kogito, and Quarkus. Kogito is designed from the ground up to run on cloud infrastructure at scale. If you think about business automation, think about the cloud — as this is where your business logic lives these days. By taking advantage of the latest technologies (Quarkus, KNative, and so on), you get amazingly fast boot times and instant scaling on orchestration platforms like OpenShift.

Data Lakes, Warehouses and Lakehouses. Which is Best?

Twenty years ago, your data warehouse probably wouldn’t have been voted hottest technology on the block. These bastions of the office basement were long associated with siloed data workflows, on-premises computing clusters, and a limited set of business-related tasks (i.e., processing payroll, and storing internal documents). 

Now, with the rise of data-driven analytics, cross-functional data teams, and most importantly, the cloud, the phrase “cloud data warehouse” is nearly analogous to agility and innovation. 

Getting Started With Log Management

The reality of modern application design means that when an unexpected issue occurs, the ability to find the root cause can be difficult. This is where the concept of centralized log management can provide a great deal of assistance. This Refcard teaches you the basic flow of a log management process, provides a comprehensive checklist of questions to consider when evaluating log management solutions, advises you on what you should and should not log, and covers advanced functionality for log management.

How to Add a Blank Directory to Your Git Repository

Sometimes in Git, we want to preserve a directory for use within a repository, but keep it empty of files. There are many reasons why you'd want to do this, but perhaps either the folder is used to store files the person cloning the repository needs to create, or a script creates custom files to put into that folder.

If we want to create a blank directory, we can do that easily, but it won't be pushed when we use git push to push it to our remote. As such we need to do something slightly different.