Event Mesh: Point-to-Point EDA

In watching the 2022 EDA Summit presentation "Powering Your Real-Time, Event-Driven Enterprise with PubSub + Platform" by Shawn McAllister, CTO of Solace (sponsor of the Summit), I learned of the origins of his company. This article recounts his presentation with my personal synopsis. As he recounted, let’s “start with capital markets…where Solace started."

Presentation Highlights and Additional Commentary

Shawn began by stating: "Capital markets became digital…over 20 years ago…They had, of course, on-prem applications…but the magic really happened in these 'colocation centers,' ... data centers that are not owned by the bank or the buy-side firm... They’re shared, so they’re kind of like the clouds that you have today… and those colocation centers were then located close to the execution venues, where a lot of the trading happened."
