Another dude asking what is the best mass email provider!

But I am going try and narrow things down by providing some details.

Our need is for a once off publicity push. We're not trying to build a 'customer base' or anything like that. Its a press release being sent to journalists about an artistic event and were confident that if the journalists receive it, they will likely read it. Yes, we know everybody thinks that - but the artist has a track record and some awareness. We have reason to believe there is significant interest.

The problem is getting the email to them the first place and not being marked as spam. Thats the reason we are looking for some kind of service, rather than setting up multiple email accounts ourselves and foolishly hoping to avoid spam filtration. We have created a list of 12,000 recipients and just want these recipients to get their 12,000 individual emails - thats it - and were willing to pay a reasonable price

Unfortunately, when I read through similar posts, with people recommending Privy, Hubspot, Ontraport, Keap, Sendy, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Omnisend, Sendinblue, Klaviyo and so on its difficult for me to read between the marketing lines, so to speak, i.e. to figure out which service is better and less likely to get our press release marked as spam.

We appreciate that normally people have a large array of considerations and these companies try to field those considerations. But as this is a once off, we were wondering if anyone could recommend the best one specifically for that?

We have even considered using multiple services in the free mode and splitting the 12K recipients across them - but worry that might increase the danger of getting marked as spam, yeah?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Highly opinionated or even pushy responses ARE valued also. I just want to break through this web of services that I am caught in and pick the one that will deliver the 12K emails, period. Please set me straight!