Flutter vs React Native. How to Cover All Mobile Platforms in 2022 With No Hassle

Mobile app development is a must for any business that pursues top-notch customer experience. When we hear about a new exciting product or service appearance, in most cases, we won’t ask ourselves whether the company provides mobile app support or not. Instead, we grub our smartphones, always at hand, to decide if a new app is worthy of becoming our day-to-day companion. The current state of technology frees us from the need to reinvent the wheel. There’s no more need to hire several teams to build mobile apps for different platforms since the cross-platform approach helps erase the difference between them. Today, we will look at Flutter and React Native to decide who outplays who in terms of community, performance, and other factors.

Who Is Who in the World of Cross-platform Development

Flutter is Google’s invention. One of the main distinctive features of Flutter enables programmers to use the same code base for creating an app that will work in browsers and on mobile devices. So if you're on a tight budget and want to cut costs of reaching both mobile and web users, it can be a decent choice.