After COVID, Developers Really Are the New Kingmakers

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Since the pandemic began, we've seen a renewed focus on digital transformation. Companies and industries are transforming two to three times faster than they were prior to COVID. Businesses have moved online and become more data-driven than ever before. This has created a demand for application development and data analytics skills.

Path-Based Routing in Render With Kong API Gateway

If you’re building a microservice-backed application, a key benefit is separating the concerns of your application across individual microservices, each with its own ability to scale and encapsulate different functionality. The frontend—ostensibly a single-page application running in your user’s browser—will need access to the microservices that make up your web application. Each service could be directly accessible to the public web, but that adds security concerns.

An API gateway, however, allows for a centralized layer to handle concerns like authentication, traffic monitoring, or request and response transformations. API gateways are also a great way to leverage rate limiting and caching to improve the resilience and performance of your application. 

How to Determine if Microservices Architecture Is Right for Your Business?

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What Is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic architecture puts all the functionalities of the software into a single codebase. The codebase, usually, is internally divided into layers, namely the presentation layer, business logic layer, and database layer. This codebase, consisting of layers, is deployed as a single jar/war file.

How Can APIs Enable GDPR Compliance?

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Its enforcement since 2018 led to varying effects in countries outside the EU, inspiring new data privacy laws around the world. Commercially speaking, it has become a trading measure for countries to do business with the EU. Especially if they want to get a piece of the EU’s data processing market, or want to sell to European residents, they will have to follow and comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the GDPR. Some countries incorporated GDPR’s provisions into their existing privacy laws, while others have enacted nationwide GDPR-like legislations

Role of Development Team in an Agile Environment

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But development teams adopting the Agile development approach often find themselves shifting back to conventional software development practices due to the inappropriate distribution of roles and responsibilities in an Agile environment.

Apple Clarifies App Store Improvements Process

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Hey, new user here. Looking for advice on website growth.

I'm a digital marketer by profession. I've recently started a coupon website and I'm struggling to increase it's traffic and DA. I think it's because of the nature of website. I'm using SEO and guest posting as my main source of growth right now but people are asking way too much money for accepting guest posts. Any kind of help is appreciated.Thanks.

How to Add Next / Previous Links in WordPress (Ultimate Guide)

Do you want to add next / previous links in WordPress?

Next and previous links are dynamic links that allow users to view the next or previous post.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add next/previous links in WordPress and how to make the most out of them.

Adding next and previous links in WordPress

What Are Next / Previous Links in WordPress?

Next / Previous links are dynamic links added by a WordPress theme that allow users to easily navigate to the next or the previous post. This can help to increase pageviews and reduce your bounce rate.

By default, WordPress blog posts are displayed in a reverse chronological order (newer posts first).

This means the next post is the one published after the current post a user is viewing, and the previous post is the one that was published before the current post.

Example of next previous links in a WordPress post

The next/previous links allow users to easily navigate individual articles and blog archive pages. It also helps you get more pageviews for your blog.

Most WordPress themes come with built-in next and previous posts links which are automatically displayed at the bottom of each post. However, some themes don’t display them, or you may want to customize where and how they appear on your WordPress website.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add next and previous links in WordPress.

Following is the list of topics we’ll cover in this article.

Adding Next / Previous Links to WordPress by Using a Plugin

This method is easier and recommended for beginners who are not comfortable adding code to their websites.

First, you need to install and activate the CBX Next Previous Article plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » CBX Next Previous page. From here, you can choose where you want to show the next and previous links on your website.

Next and previous link plugin settings

The plugin allows you to show Next and Previous link arrows on single posts, pages, archive pages, and more.

To make your next and previous links more relevant, you can also choose to display the next and previous posts from the same category or tag.

The free version of the plugin only allows you to display arrows for next and previous articles. You can upgrade to pro version to unlock other display options such as slide-in popup.

Choose arrow color

If you choose to display next / previous posts from same taxonomy, then you need to switch to the Navigate by Taxonomy tab.

From here, you need to choose which taxonomy you want to use to select next and previous links.

Taxonomy select

Optionally, the plugin also allows you to track clicks using Google Analytics. To use this feature, you’ll need to first install Google Analytics in WordPress.

After that, switch to the Google Analytics tab in plugin settings and enable click tracking options.

Enable Google Analytics

Once you are finished, don’t forget to click on the Save Settings button to store your changes.

You can now visit your WordPress website to see the next/previous links in action.

Next / Previous links with arrows

This method is easier but it does not give you much flexibility. For instance, the free version doesn’t display the next or previous post title.

If you need more flexibility, then continue reading.

For this method, you’ll need to edit your WordPress theme files. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

Next, you’ll need to connect to your WordPress website using an FTP client or by using the File Manager app in your WordPress hosting control panel.

Once you are connected, you need to navigate to the /wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/ folder.

Editing single.php template

Now, you’ll need to locate the single.php file. This is the file responsible for displaying the single post items on your website.

Some WordPress themes may reference other files inside single.php file. These files are called template parts and are located inside the template-parts folder of your WordPress theme.

For more details, see our article on which files to edit in the WordPress theme.

After that, simply copy and paste the following code at the location in the template file where you want to display the next and previous links.

<?php the_post_navigation(); ?> 

You can now save your changes and visit your website to see Next / Previous links in action.

Simple next and previous links

The above template tag will simply show the link to next and previous posts with post title as the anchor text. It doesn’t say that these are the links to the next and previous articles.

Let’s change this a bit and provide users some context about these links. We’ll do this by adding the available parameters for the the_post_navigation template tag.

Simply replace the above code with the following:

<?php the_post_navigation( array(
 'prev_text'  => __( 'Previous Article: %title' ),
 'next_text'  => __( 'Next Article: %title' ),
 ) );

You can now save your changes and preview your website.

Here is how it looked on our test site:

Next and previous links with context

You can also use special characters and arrows along with next and previous post titles.

Simply replace the code with the following:

<?php the_post_navigation( array(
 'prev_text'  => __( '← %title' ),
 'next_text'  => __( '%title →' ),
 ) );

Here is how this code looked on our test website:

Next and previous links with arrow

Now let’s say you want to make the next and previous links more relevant to the article the user is currently viewing.

You can do that by showing the next and previous links from the same category or tags.

<?php the_post_navigation( array(
 'prev_text'  => __( '← %title' ),
 'next_text'  => __( '%title →' ),
 'in_same_term' => true, 
 'taxonomy'	=> __( 'category' ),
 ) );

This code tells WordPress to display next and previous posts in the same category. You can change taxonomy parameter to tags or any other custom taxonomy if needed.

Styling Next / Previous Links in WordPress

Now that we have learned how to add Next / Previous links in WordPress, let’s take a look at how to style them properly.

By default, WordPress automatically adds several default CSS classes to the post navigation links. You can use these CSS classes in your WordPress theme to style these links.

Here is some basic CSS that you can add to your theme.

.posts-navigation .nav-links,
.post-navigation .nav-links {
	display: flex;

.posts-navigation .nav-previous,
.post-navigation .nav-previous {
	flex: 1 0 50%;

.posts-navigation .nav-next,
.post-navigation .nav-next {
	text-align: end;
	flex: 1 0 50%;

This basic CSS simply displays next and previous links next to each other but on the different sides of the same line.

You can also make your navigation links standout by adding background color, hover effect, and more.

Here is some sample CSS code that you can use as an starting point.

.post-navigation {
.nav-previous, .nav-next{
.nav-previous:hover,.nav-next:hover {
.nav-previous:hover a:link ,.nav-next:hover a:link {

This code styles the link text and adds some background color and hover effect to make next and previous links more prominent.

Next and previous link CSS style

Adding Next / Previous Links to WordPress Pages

Normally, the post navigation links are used for blog posts in WordPress. That’s because those items are published in reverse chronological order.

On the other hand, WordPress pages are not generally published in chronological order. For more details, see our guide on the difference between posts and pages in WordPress.

However, some users may need to display page navigation so that users can find the next page easily.

Luckily, you can use use the same code we used earlier for pages. However, you’ll need to add the code inside page.php template.

<?php the_post_navigation( array(
  'prev_text'   => __( '← %title' ),
  'next_text'   => __( '%title →' ),
   ) );

Here is how it looked on our demo site:

Next and previous links for a WordPress paage

Adding Next / Previous links in WordPress with Thumbnails

Want to make your next and previous links more noticeable? Images are the easiest way to attract user attention and make these links more engaging.

Let’s add next and previous links with post thumbnail or featured image next to them.

First, you need to add the following code to theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin.

function wpb_posts_nav(){
    $next_post = get_next_post();
    $prev_post = get_previous_post();
    if ( $next_post || $prev_post ) : ?>
        <div class="wpb-posts-nav">
                <?php if ( ! empty( $prev_post ) ) : ?>
                    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $prev_post ); ?>">
                            <div class="wpb-posts-nav__thumbnail wpb-posts-nav__prev">
                                <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $prev_post, [ 100, 100 ] ); ?>
                                <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M13.775,18.707,8.482,13.414a2,2,0,0,1,0-2.828l5.293-5.293,1.414,1.414L9.9,12l5.293,5.293Z"/></svg>
                                <?php _e( 'Previous article', 'textdomain' ) ?>
                            <h4><?php echo get_the_title( $prev_post ); ?></h4>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if ( ! empty( $next_post ) ) : ?>
                    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $next_post ); ?>">
                                <?php _e( 'Next article', 'textdomain' ) ?>
                                <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M10.811,18.707,9.4,17.293,14.689,12,9.4,6.707l1.415-1.414L16.1,10.586a2,2,0,0,1,0,2.828Z"/></svg>
                            <h4><?php echo get_the_title( $next_post ); ?></h4>
                            <div class="wpb-posts-nav__thumbnail wpb-posts-nav__next">
                                <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $next_post, [ 100, 100 ] ); ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
        </div> <!-- .wpb-posts-nav -->
    <?php endif;

This code simply creates a function that displays the next and previous posts with featured images or post thumbnails.

Next, you need to add the wpb_posts_nav() function to your theme’s single.php file where you want to display the links.

If your theme already has next and previous links, then you may want to find the line that contains the_post_navigation() function and delete it.

Remove existing post navigation code

Now add the following code to display your custom next and previous links.

<?php wpb_posts_nav(); ?>

After adding the code, don’t forget to save your changes and visit your website to see the links in action.

Next and previous links without styling

Now, you may notice that these links don’t look very clean.

Let’s change that by adding some custom CSS to style them.

.wpb-posts-nav {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
    grid-gap: 50px;
    align-items: center;
    max-width: 1200px;
    margin: 100px auto;
.wpb-posts-nav a {
    display: grid;
    grid-gap: 20px;
    align-items: center;
.wpb-posts-nav h4,
.wpb-posts-nav strong {
    margin: 0;
.wpb-posts-nav a svg {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0;
    vertical-align: middle;
.wpb-posts-nav > div:nth-child(1) a {
    grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr;
    text-align: left;
.wpb-posts-nav > div:nth-child(2) a {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 100px;
    text-align: right;
.wpb-posts-nav__thumbnail {
    display: block;
    margin: 0;
.wpb-posts-nav__thumbnail img {
    border-radius: 10px;

You can now save your changes and visit your website to view next and previous links with thumbnails.

Here is how it looked on our test site:

Next and previous links with thumbnails

For more details, you can see our guide on how to add thumbnails to previous and next post links.

Bonus: Remove Next and Previous Links in WordPress

Some users may want to remove next and previous links in WordPress.

For instance, some users may find that these links are less helpful. Some may want to display related posts or popular posts instead.

There are two ways you can remove the next and previous links in WordPress.

Method 1. Delete The Code in Your WordPress Theme

To remove the next and previous links in WordPress, you’ll need to remove the code responsible for displaying the links in your WordPress theme.

The problem with this approach is that as soon as you update your theme, the deleted code will come back.

To avoid this, you’ll need to create a child theme.

Next, you need to find the code responsible for displaying the next and previous links in your parent theme.

Usually, it is found inside single.php or content-single.php templates.

Basically, you’ll be looking for the code that includes the following function.

<?php the_post_navigation() ?> 

This code may have a slightly different format and parameters to it. For instance, on our test site the theme used this code to display the links:

					'prev_text' => '<span class="nav-subtitle">' . esc_html__( 'Previous:', 'mytheme' ) . '</span> <span class="nav-title">%title</span>',
					'next_text' => '<span class="nav-subtitle">' . esc_html__( 'Next:', 'mytheme' ) . '</span> <span class="nav-title">%title</span>',

If you are using a child theme, then you need to duplicate this particular template in your child theme and then delete the lines used to display next or previous links.

If you would rather just delete it in your parent theme, then you can do that as well.

Deleting the code will stop WordPress from displaying next and previous links.

Method 2. Hide The Next and Previous Posts Links

This method doesn’t really remove the next and previous links. Instead, it just makes them invisible to human readers.

Simply add the following Custom CSS to your WordPress theme. {
    display: none;

Don’t forget to save your changes and visit your website to see the navigation links disappear.

Remove next previous links in WordPress using CSS

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add next and previous links in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to choose the best web design software, or our expert comparison of the best domain registrars.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Next / Previous Links in WordPress (Ultimate Guide) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Magical SVG Techniques

SVGs have become more and more popular in the past few years. For good reasons. They are scalable, flexible, and, most importantly, lightweight. And, well, they have even more to offer than you might think. We came across some magical SVG techniques recently that we’d love to share with you. From SVG grids and fractional SVG stars to SVG masks, fancy grainy SVG gradients, and handy SVG tools. We hope you’ll find something useful in here.

By the way, a while ago, we also looked at SVG Generators — for everything from shapes and backgrounds to SVG path visualizers, cropping tools, and SVG → JSX generators. If you’re tinkering with SVG, these might come in handy, too.

Generative SVG Grids

Generative art is a wonderful opportunity for everyone who would love to create art but feels more at home in code. Let’s say you want to create geometric patterns, for example. Generative art will take away the difficult decisions from you: What shapes do I use? Where do I put them? And what colors should I use? If you want to give it a try, Alex Trost wrote a tutorial on creating generative art with SVG grids that is bound to tickle your creativity — and teach you more about SVG.

The generative art that Alex creates is a grid of blocks with a random number of rows and columns. Each block has a randomly chosen design and colors from a shared color palette. Alex takes you step by step through the process of coding this piece: from setting up the grid and creating isolated functions to draw SVGs to working with color palettes, adding animations, and more. A fun little project — not only if you’re new to generative art and creative coding.

Generative Landscape Rolls

An awe-inspiring project that bridges the gap between a century-old tradition and state-of-the-art coding is {Shan, Shui}. Created by Lingdong Huan and inspired by traditional Chinese landscape rolls, it creates procedurally generated, infinitely-scrolling Chinese landscapes in SVG format. The mountains and trees in the landscape are modeled from scratch using noise and mathematical functions. Fascinating!

Now, if you’re asking yourself how something as complex might work, you’re not alone. Victor Shepelev wanted to get behind the secret of {Shan, Shui}* and made it his advent project to understand how it works. And, indeed, it took him 24 days to fully dig into the code. He summarized his findings in a series of articles.

SVG Paths With Masks

SVGs have a lot of benefits compared to raster images. They are small in size, scalable, animatable, they can be edited with code, and a lot more. You can’t get the textured feel that raster graphics can provide, though. However, we can combine the strengths of vector and raster to create some charming effects. Like Tom Miller did in his Silkscreen Squiggles demo.

Silkscreen Squiggles is an animation where squiggles fill a rectangular canvas. What makes the squiggles special is that they appear to have a paintbrush texture. The secret: a mask with an alpha layer that gives the simple squiggly paths their texture. Alex Trost dissects how it works. Inspiring!

Grainy Gradients

Noise is a simple technique to add texture to an image and make otherwise solid colors or smooth gradients more realistic. But despite designer’s affinity for texture, noise is rarely used in web design. Jimmy Chion explores how we can add texture to a gradient with only a small amount of CSS and SVG.

The trick is to use an SVG filter to create the noise, then apply that noise as a background. Layer it underneath your gradient, boost the brightness and contrast, and that’s already it. Potential use cases could be light and shadows or holographic foil effects, for example. The core of this technique is supported by all modern browsers. A clever visual effect to add depth and texture to a design.

Adding Texture And Depth

“Analog” materials like paint and paper naturally add depth to an artwork, but when working digitally, we often sacrifice the organic depth they provide for precision and speed. Let’s bring some texture back into our work! George Francis shares three ways to do so.

The techniques that George explores are quite simple but effective. Tiny random shapes added to a canvas at random points, solid shape fills with lines, and non-overlapping circles distributed evenly but randomly with an algorithm. Inspiring ideas to tinker with.

Cut-Out Effects With CSS And SVG

In a recent front-end project that Ahmad Shadeed was working on, one of the components included a cut-out effect where an area is cut out of a shape. And because there are multiple ways to create such an effect in CSS or SVG, he decided to explore the pros and cons that each of the solutions brings along.

In his blog post “Thinking About The Cut-Out Effect”, Ahmad takes a look at three different use cases for a cutout effect: an avatar with a cut-out status badge that indicates that a user is currently online, a “seen avatar” that consists of overlapping circle avatars that are indicators that a message has been seen in a group chat, as well as a website header with a cut-out area behind a circular logo. Ahmad presents different solutions for each use case — SVG-only, CSS-only, and a mix of both — and explains the pros and cons of each one of them. A comprehensive overview.

Fractional SVG Stars

Are you building a rating component and you want it to support fractional values like 4.2 or 3.7 stars but without using images? Good news, you can achieve fractional ratings with only CSS and inline SVG. Samuel Kraft explains how it works.

The component basically consists of two parts: a list of star icons based on the max rating and an “overlay” div that will be responsible for changing the colors of the stars underneath. This is the magic that makes the fractional part work. The technique is supported in all modern browsers; for older browsers, you can fall back to opacity instead. Clever!

Generative Mountain Ridge Dividers

When Alistair Shepherd built his personal website, he wanted to have section dividers that match the mountain theme of the site. But not any mountain dividers, but dividers with unique ridges for every divider.

Instead of creating a variety of different dividers manually, Alistair decided to use a combination of SVG and terrain generation, a technique that is usually used in game development, to generate the dividers automatically. In a blog post, he explains how it works.

If you’re up for some more horizontal divider inspiration, also be sure to check out Sara Soueidan’s blog post “Not Your Typical Horizontal Rules” in which she shows how she turned a boring horizontal line into a cute “birds on a wire” divider with the help of some CSS and SVG.

Flexible Repeating SVG Masks

Sometimes it’s a small idea, a little detail in a project that you tinker with and that you can’t let go off until you come up with a tailor-made solution to make it happen. Nothing that seems like a big deal at first glance, but that requires you to think outside the box. In Tyler Gaw’s case, this little detail was a flexible header with a little squiggle at the bottom instead of a straight line. The twist: to make the component future-proof, Tyler wanted to use a seamless, horizontal repeating pattern that he could color with CSS.

To get the job done, Tyler settled on flexible repeating SVG masks. SVG provides the shape, CSS handles the color, and mask-image does the heavy lifting by hiding anything in the underlying div that doesn’t intersect with the shape. A clever approach that can be used as the base for some fun experiments.

Swipey Image Grids

When you think of “SVG animation”, what comes to your mind? Illustrative animation? Well, SVG can be useful for much more than pretty graphics. As Cassie Evans points out, a whole new world of UI styling opens up once you stop looking at SVG purely as a format for illustrations and icons. One of her favorite use cases for SVG: responsive animated image grids.

Cassie doesn’t build her image grid on CSS Grid but uses SVG’s internal coordinate system (which is responsive by design) to design the grid layout. She then adds images to the grid and positions them with preserveAspectRatio. clipPath “swipes” the images in. The final animation relies on GreenSock to ensure that the transforms work consistently across browsers. If you want to dig deeper into the code, be sure to check out Cassie’s blog post in which she explains each step in detail.

Animated SVG Debit Card Illustrations

What if you could animate a debit card design? Probably not on an actual physical card, but rather for a landing page where you’d like to drive interest towards the card’s design or features? Well that’s an unusual challenge to tackle, and Tom Miller decided to take it on.

In a series of SVG debit card animations, Tom uses GreenSock to animate SVG paths and shapes smoothly, so every card literally comes to life on its own, transforming, rotating, and scaling beautifully, alongside just a few lines of JavaScript. A wonderful inspiration for your next landing page design!

Raster Image To SVG Converter

You need to quickly convert a raster image into an SVG? Then SVGcode is for you. The progressive web app converts image formats like JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, and AVIF to vector graphics in SVG format.

To convert an image, drop your raster image into the SVGcode app, and the app will trace the image, color by color, until a vectorized version of the input appears. You can choose between color SVG and monochrome SVG and there also are a number of customization settings to improve the output further, by suppressing speckles and adjusting the color, for example. If you install the PWA, you can even use it as a default file handler on your machine. A real timesaver.

Download SVGs From Any Site

A handy little tool to enhance your SVG workflow is SVG Gobbler. The browser extension finds the vector content on the page you’re viewing and gives you the option to download, optimize, copy, view the code, or export it as an image.

When you click the browser extension, it shows you all SVGs detected on the site. You can quickly download the ones you like or copy them to your clipboard. When you view the code, you can toggle optimization options from SVGO — to beautify the markup or clean up attributes or numeric values, for example. And if you need a PNG version of an SVG, you can export it in any size you want. A fantastic addition to any developer’s toolkit.

Scaling SVGs Made Simple

Scaling svg elements can be a daunting task, since they act very differently than normal images. Amelia Wattenberger came up with an ingenious comparison to help us make sense of SVGs and their special features: “The svg element is a telescope into another world.”

Based on the idea of the telescope, Amelia explains how to use the viewBox property to zoom in or out with your “telescope”, and, thus, change the size of your <svg>. A small tip that works wonders.

Wrapping Up

We hope that these techniques will tickle your curiosity and inspire you to try some SVG magic yourself. If you came across an interesting SVG technique that left you in awe, please don’t hesitate to share it in the comments below. We’d love to hear about it. Happy creating!

15 Modal / Popup Windows Created With Only CSS

Do you need a modal popup on your website when a user clicks a link or button? We typically see these in use for logins, newsletter signups, advertising, and more. Most often they are created using a bit of JavaScript trickery, but these days they can relatively easily be coded with only CSS. In this post we’ll show you 15 examples of various ways this can be accomplished. Let’s have a look!

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CSS Responsive Modal

This responsive example adjusts to the browser size and goes full screen on smaller devices.

See the Pen
CSS Responsive Modal
by Thom Griggs (@thomgriggs)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal

This example includes some smooth animations on open and close actions.

See the Pen
CSS Modal
by Pete Nawara (@petebot)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal :target Selector

A clever use of the :target selector to open a popup simply by toggling it’s opacity.

See the Pen
CSS Modal :target Selector
by Jake Albaugh (@jakealbaugh)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal Box

Interesting use of labels and inputs to create a modal popup.

See the Pen
Pure CSS modal box
by Kasper Mikiewicz (@Idered)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal

A really nice animation to open a full screen modal popup.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal
by Mark Holmes (@SMLMRKHLMS)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal Popup

Another use of a label and input to utilize the checked state to show the modal.

See the Pen
Pure CSS modal
by Austin Lord (@ohnoitsaustin)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modals

Four different entry and exit animations are shown in this example.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modals
by Akshay (@akzhy)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal

Smooth animations highlight this example.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal – #15
by Ivan Grozdic (@ig_design)
on CodePen.0


Three CSS Modals

Three variations of background opacity are in this example.

See the Pen
CSS Modals (Modal v2)
by Abubaker Saeed (@AbubakerSaeed)
on CodePen.0


CSS3 Modal Example

This modal popup slides up when it’s opened.

See the Pen
css3 modal example
by Felipe Nunes (@willpower)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal window / Login & Sign up / Tabs / All Responsive

There is a LOT going on with this one, including tabs on the modal popup and responsive design throughout.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal window / Login & Sign up / Tabs / All Responsive
by Andrew (@AndrewBeznosko)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal

Another example using the :target selector, with a slide down modal entrance.

See the Pen
Css Modal
by Jon Ander Pérez (@JonAnderDev)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS modal dialog with sliding content

A somewhat simple setup, but with a content slider in it.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal + Slider
by Marvin Orendain (@marv117)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal Boxes for all browsers

A version that goes deep into older browser support.

See the Pen
CSS Modal Boxes for all browsers
by Patrick (@cara-tm)
on CodePen.0


Modal (CSS Only)

For our final selection, we have a pretty standard modal popup with a smooth animated entrance and exit.

See the Pen
Modal (CSS only)
by Simon (@Index)
on CodePen.0


auto generated number in php

I want to auto generate the id number. I write this code. But it's not work. I don't make primary key for id in database.

function getData()
  $data = array();

  $data[1] = $_POST['name'];
  $data[2] = $_POST['fname'];
  $data[3] = $_POST['address'];
  $data[4] = $_POST['phone'];
  $data[5] = $_POST['class'];
  $data[6] = $_POST['qualification'];
  $data[7] = $_POST['branch'];
  $data[8] = $_POST['rollno'];
  $data[9] = $_POST['gender'];
  $data[10] = $_POST['birth'];
  return $data;

if (isset($_POST['insert'])) {
  $info = getData();
  $insert_query = "INSERT INTO `smash`(`name`, `fname`, `address`, `phone`,`class`,`qualification`,`branch`,`rollno`,`gender`,`birth`) VALUES ('$info[1]','$info[2]','$info[3]','$info[4]','$info[5]','$info[6]','$info[7]','$info[8]','$info[9]','$info[10]')";
  try {
    $insert_result = mysqli_query($conn, $insert_query);
    if ($insert_result) {
      if (mysqli_affected_rows($conn) > 0) {
        echo ("data inserted successfully");
      } else {
        echo ("data are not inserted");
  } catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo ("error inserted" . $ex->getMessage());

Top 3 Trends Shaping Banking 2022?

In a survey done by Accenture, 65% of consumers said that they would prefer to manage their finances through digital devices rather than bank branches.

The banking market is set to change drastically.we've researched the latest stats, consulted with analysts and executives, and combined years of experience in digital solutions for financial institutions to outline what's coming down the pipeline for digital banking in 2022.

It is estimated that the digital banking space would touch above $10 trillion by 2022. With the growing popularity of technology in our day to day life, it's only natural for people to trust technology for their banking needs.

This growth can be attributed to a shift in behavior of consumers from traditional banking to digital banking.

Here are the top trending trends for 2022
1.Rise of the neo-banks and fintech.
2.The shifting balance of power with tech giants
3.Ubiquitous cloud, SaaS, APIs, data analytics and AI.

To read in detail about these banking Trends you can check this link.