Why is my ASP route returning no data

Helllo guys am trying to build my first ASP.NET application here and I have a Models folder and Controllers folder. The models folder contains the class for an entity called customer whose properties are to be read from sqlite database. Thee is also a Pages folder that contains a folder called Shared that contains files such as index.cshtml. When I launch the project, a web browser opens up with the later file opened. The controllers folder contains files such as DataBaseController with the code to query the database and return a response in the specified url. I am trying to access the DataBaseController file directly from the url section like localhost:5001/api/databases but it is returning 404 Not Found. Please help me access the controller file route rom the browser. Below is the DatabaseController.cs file. How do I get the url to show the results of the controller below thank you.

using Databases.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;

namespace SqliteFromScratch.Controllers
    // MVC is handling the routing for you.
    public class DatabaseController:Controller
        //change the return type to return the 
        //customer lists from the database
        public List<Customer> GetData()
            //initialize the list
            List<Customer> data = new List<Customer>();
            //perform a query using the connection for the database file
            string dataSource = "Data Source=" + Path.GetFullPath("chinook.db");
            using (SqliteConnection conn = new SqliteConnection(dataSource))


                // sql is the string that will be run as an sql command
                string sql = $"select * from customers limit 200;";
                using (SqliteCommand command = new SqliteCommand(sql, conn))

                    // reader allows you to read each value that comes back and do something to it.
                    using (SqliteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())

                        // Read returns true while there are more rows to advance to. then false when done.
                        while (reader.Read())

                            // map the data to the model.
                            // add each one to the list.
                            Customer customer = new Customer()
                                Id = reader.GetInt32(0),
                            //add each one to the list

            return data;