How to Develop an AR-Based Health Check App

Now that spring has arrived, it's time to get out and stretch your legs! As programmers, many of us are used to being seated for hours and hours at a time, which can lead to back pain and aches. We're all aware that building a workout plan, and keeping track of health indicators around-the-clock, can have enormous benefits for body, mind, and soul. 

Fortunately, AR Engine makes that remarkably easy. It comes with face tracking capabilities, and will soon support body tracking as well. Thanks to core AR algorithms, AR Engine is able to monitor heart rate, respiratory rate, facial health status, and heart rate waveform signals in real-time during your workouts. You can also use it to build an app, for example, to track the real-time workout status, perform real-time health checks for patients, or monitor real-time health indicators of vulnerable users, like the elderly or the disabled. With AR Engine, you can make your health or fitness app more engaging and visually immersive than you might have believed possible.