359: Tiffany Choong

I had tons of fun talking to Tiffany Choong this week! I loved learning her process on creating countless code art Pokémon characters. Just look at it and wing it! Wild. While I’m not nearly as creative as Tiffany, I feel some kinship looking through her Pens. Like how there are all these amazingly creative ones that clearly took tons of effort, that don’t have nearly the hearts they deserve (c’mon dino loader!), and then relatively simple practical Pens (like a menu) that go nuts with popularity and it’s hard to know why.

Time Jumps

  • 01:05 Guest introduction
  • 02:05 Recreating Pokemon
  • 03:15 Rage animation
  • 05:20 What’s your process for drawing shapes?
  • 06:34 Let’s snuggle Pen
  • 07:39 Does your job allow you to use this creativity?
  • 08:37 Using Vue
  • 10:39 Untitled dinosaur Pen
  • 11:19 Education background
  • 15:45 Your favorite pens
  • 16:51 SVG as a medium
  • 21:32 Reaching for CSS instead
  • 24:05 Supporting IE 11
  • 27:01 #CodePenChallenge Pens
  • 28:21 Magical mobile menu

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