Add Secure HarperDB APIs Using SuperTokens in React

Adding authorization and authentication to an app is a common task for developers. When you're launching a new product, a startup, or a side project, it can feel like a mission. This tutorial will teach us how to make a music player app that uses SuperTokens for authentication and HarperDB for the backend.

Some of the App's Most Essential Features 

On Backend Side:
1. Secure your API with almost significantly less and zero configurations.
2. Secure your third-party API on the server side using SuperTokens.
3. Session management is simple.

On the Front-end side:
1. For login, use SuperTokens' library component, which is available as an npm package.
2. There's no need to develop any extra code for authentication.
3. There's no need to maintain tokens on the UI side.
4. You won't have to worry about managing token refresh calls on the UI side because SuperTokens will take care of it for you.