Using a Custom CockroachDB Image With Docker and Kubernetes


Cockroach Labs ships new images when a new maintenance release is available, typically on monthly basis. CockroachDB does not rely on the base OS image for any third-party libraries except for geospatial and kerberos packages. That said, OS images may be vulnerable to security exposures depending on their age. Given CockroachDB is written in Golang, replacing the OS can be a trivial task.

Originally, CockroachDB image was shipped with a Debian OS image. CRL then switched to UBI to accommodate a wider scope of use cases including Red Hat OpenShift. UBI images are shipped regularly with CVE patches and given the nature of security vulnerabilities, it is common that the latest and greatest images may or may not have CVEs. Given the preamble, we're going to cover how to replace the base image for CockroachDB and use it in Kubernetes.