Visual Studio 2017 – Image label that changes when clicked on

Hi ! I'm using Visual Studio 2017 to do a windows form app, and I have an issue with labels and images. I'm trying to create a label that contains an arrow image (left arrow), but when the label is clicked on the arrow image has to change for the opposite arrow image (right arrow). So far I've been able to import an arrow image facing one direction on the label, but I don't know how to proceed for the part where clicking on the label changes for the opposite arrow image. Thanks !

problem with the live server vsc

Hey guys I've a problem on my code, when I open my code on visual studio code, on live server system, the slide get column, but when I open the .html without the live server, the slide it gets in row.



Testing Chatbots for the Unexpected

Quite often we are consulted to design a robust test strategy for a mission-critical enterprise chatbot. How is it possible to test something for all possible unexpected user behaviour in the future? How can someone confidently make assumptions on the quality if we have no clue what the users will ask the chatbot?

Short-Tail vs Long-Tail Topics

While we do not own a magic crystal ball to look into future usage scenarios, from our experience we gained the best results with a systematic approach in a continuous feedback setup. In almost every chatbot project the use cases can be categorized:

JavaScript Reserved Keywords Cheatsheet

When writing code, a reserved keyword is one you can't use as the name of a variable or identifier. As of 2022, this is the full list of valid reserved keywords in JavaScript.

All JavaScript Reserved Keywords

The below list cannot be used as variable names, as they are reserved keywords. Most of them have current functionality in JavaScript. Some do not, but they are words that may have some sort of functionality in the future. Avoid using these words in variable names.