Automating SQL User Generation and Password Rotation With CockroachDB


As with most of my tutorials, topic ideas come from user inquiries. I see this question come up quite often and we don't have a documented approach to bridge the gap today. Cockroach Labs engineering is hard at work to build an API that will make this point moot but until then this can be a viable alternative.  It is primarily directed at our cloud offering where we rely on password authentication today. There are also cases where password authentication serves other purposes and we need ways to automate the provisioning of passwords other than ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD "password"; command.

You can take this approach and incorporate it into your CI/CD pipelines to onboard new users and manage their passwords in absence of certificate-based authentication and its associated revocation mechanisms or directory services and its password management capabilities.

how to make console faster in c++

as an game engine dev i created an console graphics engine to create blazing graphics contains lighting and shadows and draw algorithms and the for loop for my 3D part was running slow and no flicker but slowly generates the walls and everything and when i update the frame again the same thing happens

Preventing Concurrency Issues – Repository Pattern


I have a .Net Core Blazor server project and I'm making use of the Repository pattern for data access. Initially, I had registered the repository as a scoped service.

While testing I noticed that if I quickly switched pages for e.g. by clicking on the navigation menu, while the repository is being used on the current page, the application would throw an exception related to the DbContext being accessed concurrently.

What's the best way to prevent an issue like this from occurring, besides registering the repository as a transient service, which would mean multiple DbContext instances, I'm currently using this approach as a patch.

Thanks in advance!