5 DevOps Tools To Add to Your Stack in 2022

DevOps has fundamentally changed the way software is developed. It has further paved the way for creating faster, flexible, and more collaborative development and delivery processes. Thus, new and exciting DevOps tools emerge each year to improve existing workflows or introduce new functionality to the DevOps process. In this article, let’s have a look at five DevOps tools you can add to your tech stack in 2022.


Modern workloads are becoming more complex than ever. Therefore, these workloads need to be distributed in different environments from the cloud, on-premise, and edge, depending on the requirement. Managing multiple different environments has become commonplace, with multi-cloud being a popular option to distribute workloads while maintaining flexibility. However, it will add increased management overhead to the DevOps process. Anthos aims to solve this issue by providing a unified platform to manage applications in on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud platforms.

The X-Factor: RAML With XML Format

In this article, we will explore how RAML specifications can be defined for the XML representation of resources. This will be explained with the help of JOB API. Consider this API for the purpose of getting a list of all jobs published by different companies. A job can also be posted using this JOB API.


  • Resource: Jobs
  • Resource Path: /jobs
  • Methods:
    • GET: To retrieve a list of all jobs
    • POST:  To add a job

JSON Representation

This is how everyone talks in JSON

Cloudentity Adds GraphQL Support to Its Authorization Platform

Cloudentity, an identity and authorization infrastructure company, has announced that its platform now supports the capability to secure GraphQL APIs. The company believes that pairing GraphQL with its automated authorization infrastructure allows developers to accelerate development while also ensuring uniform security protocols. 

Prevent Form & Comment Spam (for Free!) With Forminator

Ridding your site of Spam comments and registrations is an on-going battle. But if you arm yourself with the best defenses, you’ll be much better poised to win the war.

Forminator is a free, easy-to-use WordPress form builder plugin that protects your forms from bogus comments and registrations at all times, using a combination of industry-leading anti-spam tools.

Preventing form and comment spam in WordPress starts by zeroing in on how it gets through. With spammers and bots growing by the day, tools that recognize (and stop) them with a high degree of accuracy is vital.

When creating a form in Forminator, like a new user registration, you can enable a combination of the most successful methods for eliminating spam.

In this article, we’re going to look at what the top tools of the trade are when it comes to the prevention of form and comment spam. Then we’ll see how to put each one into action in Forminator’s settings.

It won’t be long until you see that Forminator’s spam protections are fastidious and formidable.

Continue reading, or jump ahead using these links:

Let’s look at the tools in Forminator that help to keep spam at bay.

Triple Threat (Protection)

As the cunning moves spammers & bots use continue to rise, so do (thankfully) the tools to outsmart them.

Forminator takes full advantage of the most solid contenders available. The top three–while not foolproof—are highly popular and effective in their own right.


Forminator has two different CAPTCHA options available for you to implement: reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha.


Google’s reCAPTCHA has been at the forefront of bot mitigation for over a decade. Applying continuous machine learning to overcome the binary logic of traditional challenge-based detection technologies, it actively protects the data of five million sites.

Using an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges, reCAPTCHA keeps malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website. Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to login, view pages, create accounts, and complete transactions with little to no fuss–especially with reCAPTCHA v3.

reCAPTCHA is free, even for Enterprise accounts–for up to 1 million Assessments per month.

hCaptcha Banner
hCaptcha Banner

hCaptcha is a privacy focused company, providing reliable bot detection while being simple for humans to solve. They present CAPTCHA challenges that are difficult for bots but easy for people by collecting difficult-to-label data from machine learning problems, and using it to distinguish whether a website or app visitor is human.

Both reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha come with visible or invisible options in Forminator. Sign-up is required for both, but is easy and free. You can use either one throughout your site on different forms, but only one per each form. And, each form requires its own set of API keys.


Akismet Banner
Akismet Banner

The brainchild of Automattic CEO and WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, Akismet is one of the most popular WordPress plugins on the WP.org repository, and has been leading the crusade against spam since 2005.

Automatically checking site comments and contact form submissions against their global database of spam, Akismet allows you to review the filtered comment spam it catches for any false positives you’d want to let through.

API keys are also needed to activate this tool, and are free for personal use. There are paid subscriptions available for Plus, Enterprise, and Enterprise Plus, with different features and price points for each.

Akismet is integrated into many of the most used plugins, making for a smooth user experience.


Whereas the two options we just discussed are specific products, Honeypot is a method. In computer terminology, a honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems.

Honeypot uses a decoy operation to ward off spam, set up purely to attract and detect potential attackers. By monitoring the decoy, the owner of the system can detect if they are being targeted by cyber threats.

The process involves placing a hidden field using JavaScript, CSS (or similar). Spambots automatically search and fill every form, so if this form gets filled in, chances are very good that it was a spam submission.

By employing this simple coding strategy, bots landing on your website will reveal themselves; a simple and effective way to ensure that you only send messages to genuine subscribers/customers, protecting their privacy and your company’s reputation.

Forminator Banner
Forminator Banner

Set Up Spam Protections in Forminator

Now that we know the tools at our disposal in the Forminator plugin, let’s look at how we can implement each one.

You’ll need to create a form first, so we’ll have something to attach spam protections to.

This is an easy task that takes only seconds. First, make sure to install & activate Forminator, if you haven’t already.

Create a Form

  1. Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > Forminator > Forms, then click on the blue + Create button.
  2. Select Registration (it will turn blue and add a checkmark in the corner), then click the Continue button.
  3. Type in a name, then click the + Create button.

Form created! That simple. The default template added a few fields for you, which you can add to, or remove from.

Creating a Registration Form
Creating a Registration Form with a template… done with a few clicks!

There are a stunning array of options and personalizations in Forminator, so making it your own is a lot of fun. For now, we’ll turn our focus back to the anti spam tools.

Enable a Captcha

  1. From the Edit Form page, click the Edit button next to your form.
  2. Click the purple + Insert Fields button.
  3. Select Captcha (it will turn blue and add a checkmark in the corner), then click the Insert Fields button.
  4. Next, you’ll select which Captcha type/version n you want to use, a threshold tolerance, and more. Of importance here, we need to input the API keys for it.
recaptcha setup
API keys need to be entered to use reCAPTCHA in forms.

Note: Each different Captcha type will require its own keys in your global settings. If you haven’t yet created APIs for your site, head over to your Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha and set them up (takes less than a minute), then return to Forminator to finish the configurations.

  1. Enter both of your API keys, then click the blue Save Settings button.

Setup complete. You can now check out a preview of what your form reCAPTCHA looks like.

recaptcha preview
Looks nice! We chose the v3 reCAPTCHA.

Enable Honeypot and Akismet

In order to use Akismet’s features in Forminator, you will need to install & activate the plugin, so make sure to do that first.

  1. Navigate to Forminator’s Dashboard, then open the form you created.
  2. From the Edit Form page, click Behavior from the left sidebar menu, then scroll down to Security.

    enable honeypot & akismet
    Honeypot & Akismet one-click settings in Forminator.
  3. Toggle the Enable Honeypot protection button ON (it will go from gray to blue).
  4. Toggle the Enable Akismet spam protection button ON (it will go from gray to blue).
  5. In the Akismet section, you will see two options for how Forminator should handle spam submissions:
    1. Fail Submission – This is the message visitors will see if they fail the spam check. You can customize this to say whatever you like; just type your desired text in the corresponding field.
    2. Mark as Spam – Entries marked as spam will be captured in the database, but not shown in Submissions. Additionally, Payments, Notification emails, and other automatic processes will be blocked.
  6. Enable logged in submission only – Toggle this feature ON, if you want to allow only registered users to submit forms.

Additional Settings

There is an abundance of options available for your form.

So many, in fact, it would require another tutorial completely—and we already have several great ones—so I won’t go into further detail here.

I will however, quickly list some of the many other features, so you can get an idea just how robust forms in Forminator can be.

  • Lifespan – choose your form’s expiry (never, by date, or by number of submissions)
  • After Submission Behaviors – use AJAX, or reload the page
  • Email Notifications – send customized emails to post form submission (includes advanced features)
  • Third-party Integrations – connect to apps via their APIs (Zapier, MailChimp, Google Sheets, Slack, & more)
  • Database Storage – set auto-deletion time; multiple option values
  • Submissions Privacy – choose retention length; handling of erasure requests
  • Fields – 25 (and growing!); plus e-signatures* (*Pro version only)
  • Appearance – design style, colors, fonts, container padding, custom CSS, & more

Forminator is more than just a great form builder with powerful spam tools baked in.

It also comes loaded with capabilities to create interactive polls, fun quizzes, feedback widgets, and some popular payment options. Truly, something for everyone.

Spam Distress? Try Forms with Finesse

While there’s no way to completely eradicate spam from the web, at least not that we know of presently, there are some incredibly effective tools that you can use.

One great option is to use a robust security plugin—Defender, for example, which uses IP Banning.

Another is to use a Web Application Firewall, which most good hosts nowadays will provide. WAFs often have country lock-out capabilities, so known locations of spammers and bots can be completely cut off.

And of course, as showcased in this post, you can use a plugin that enables a Captcha, Akismet, or Honeypot. With Forminator, you get all three of these top-of-their-game tools, along with easy options to implement them.

Forminator will make a big difference in shoring up your defenses against the nuisance of comment & registration spam, providing a strong—and free—resource, right at your fingertips.

View Microsoft Office Files in the Browser without Downloading

You can use the filetype: operator in Google to search for Office files of specific types. For instance, a query like invoice template filetype:xls will find public Excel spreadsheets that match the search query. Similarly, you can find Word documents and PowerPoint presentations on the Internet by appending filetype:doc or filetype:ppt to the search query.

How do you view a file that you found on the Internet in the browser itself?

All modern browsers have built-in support for PDF files so you can view them directly in the browser without downloading the file to your computer. However, if you are working with Office files, you can use simple URL hacks to view the file inside Google Docs or Microsoft Office Viewer.

View Office Files in Browser

We’ve two sample files, an Excel spreadsheet and a Word file, hosted on the Internet. The file URLs are provided below and the requirement is to view these files directly in the browser.

https://www.labnol.org/files/word.docx [Word document]
https://www.labnol.org/files/excel.xlsx [Excel spreadsheet]

Google Drive Viewer

Google Drive includes a built-in viewer feature that allows you to view Office files directly in the browser without downloading them. The files are streamed from the hosting website and not uploaded to your Google Drive either.

To view the file, replace FILE_URL with the link of the file you want to view (see example)


If you would like to embed an Office file in your website with the Google Drive viewer, the HTMl would be as below. You would need to replace the actual URL of the document and may also adjust the height and width attributes of the IFRAME tag.


Microsoft Office Viewer

Similar to Google Drive Viewer, Microsoft Office also offers a online document viewer to help you to view Word documents, Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint decks directly in the browser without downloading them.

Simply replace FILE_URL with the URL of the Office file. (see example)


In addition to previewing Office files, the Office Web Apps Viewer tool can also be used for embedding Microsoft Office documents into your website or blog. The embed code would be something like this:


While Office Web Apps viewer is definitely a better option that Google Docs Viewer, a limitation is that it only works with Office Files, Google Drive Viewer can also handle PDFs, Photoshop files and even AutoCAD drawings.

How to Create Photo Stickers in Canva

Photoshop Stickers

This quick tutorial will walk you through the steps to create your own custom stickers from photos in Canva. The basic idea is that you remove the background from the photo, add a thick white border around the cut out image and save it as a PNG file with a transparent background.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Add the Photo to Canvas

Create a new design in Canva and drag the photo from your desktop to the canvas.

Canva Photo

Step 2: Remove the Image Background

Select the image, click the Edit Image button and choose the BG Remover option to instantly remove the background. Click Apply to save the changes.

Remove Photo Background

Step 3: Add a White Outline

While the photo is selected, go to Shadows and choose the Glow option. Set the background color of the glow to white, set the blur to 0 and the transparency to 100%. You can now play around with the Size slider to get the desired thickness of the outline.

Photo Sticker with White Outline

These steps were performed on the Canva website but you can also do them inside the Canva app on your iPad or Android phone.

Collective #699

Collective 699 Item image

Hello, CSS Cascade Layers

In this article, you’ll learn how cascade layers work, and how they will help you write CSS with more confidence, along with use-cases and examples.

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A supercool cowsay web interface made with Svelte and HTML Canvas. Copy the ASCII art, or save it as an image. By Shajid Hasan.

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Minze lets you rapidly build native web components. Create encapsulated, reusable, cross-framework web components and scale your component library with ease.

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An SVG arrow builder where you can customize the arrowhead style, curves of the arrow and add some stylistic dashes.

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Collective 699 Item image

UI Icons

Many essential icons for user interfaces, based on a tiny 14px grid. Licensed under CC 4.0.

Check it out

The post Collective #699 appeared first on Codrops.

New Online Tangiers Casino in Australia 2023

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Plan to launch an Android mobile app for my business

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I'm simply looking for the most basic essential features right now, with the goal of eventually updating my app solution to include additional critical functions and a more appealing user experience.

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How Good Is Node.js for Backend Development?

Millions of users can be accessing your web application from myriad corners of the world. As a business owner, one would always wish that their online systems work as smoothly as possible. Glitches in the online user experience can cause loss of potential customers.

JavaScript backend is widely used all over the world when it comes to web programming. Earlier, it was only considered a tool for front-end development. But now the same has become a major cross-platform tool for cross-platform techs such as PhoneGap, React Native, Native Script, and more. But there were a lot of problems when it came to back-end projects. Here’s where Node.js made the news.

Everything You Need To Know About JavaScript Variables

One of the most important concepts in JavaScript, as with most programming languages, is the ability to define variables. A variable is a container of a value or data. Some types of variables can later be changed, based on the logic we use in our code. Let's take a look at how variables work in Javascript.

Defining Variables

There are two main types: