How To Build Web Service Using Spring Boot 2.x

Architecture Contains

  • MVC Architecture
  • JWT Based Authentication
  • Spring Data (JPA)
  • Application User Password Encryption
  • DB password Encryption.
  • SQL Server
  • Slf4j
  • Swagger For API Doc

Repository Contains

  • Application Source code
  • SQL script of Data Base along with key data
  • DB.txt file contains the DB config details.
  • Postman JSON script to test all web services.

Steps to Run Applications

  • Install JDK 11 or the latest version.
  • Clone the Project repository into local.
  • Git Url:
  • Install SQL server 2012.
  • Create application DB and user
  • Insert the DB key data.
  • Add the decoding key of the database password into the system variables. It is present in the DB.txt file.
  • Sometimes we may need to restart the windows to pick up the updated system variables.
  • Run the project source code.
  • To call the web services, import provided postman JSON scripts into the postman client application.

About Project Configurations

Web-Service Declaration

Each Web-services of the application will be declared in the controller layer.


public class UserController {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserController.class);

    private GeneralServices generalServices;

    private UserService userService;

     * Web service to create new user
     * @param httpServletRequest
     * @param user
     * @return
    @PostMapping(consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<Object> createUser(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
                                             @Valid @RequestBody UserCreateModel user) {
        logger.debug("<--- Service to save new user request : received --->");
        ApiSuccessResponse apiResponse = userService.createUser(user, generalServices.getApiRequestedUserId(httpServletRequest));
        logger.debug("<--- Service to save new user response : given --->");
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).body(apiResponse);



  • @RequestMapping("/api/v1/user") annotation is used to mention the category of web service.
  • @RestController annotation will configure the class to receive the rest-full web service call.
  • @PostMapping() annotation will decide the HTTP request type.
  • consumes & consumes tags will decide the content type of the HTTP request and response.

From this "controller layer," API requests will be taken to the service layer. All business logic will be handled here, then it will talk with the database using JPA.