Help for SEO positioning

Hello everybody! I'm Javier Abad, a marketing student, and I have a question to ask you, I hope you can give me a hand! The marketing agency Comunicare, where I'm doing my internship, is restructuring their website ( They want to insert in the home page several forms so that potential clients can request information about their services. I would like to ask for your advice and comment, considering the current structure of our website, where these forms would fit and how the inclusion of these contact forms would be beneficial or detrimental to the positioning of the agency. Also, looking at the structure of the website, what improvements can you think of that could be made to boost it?

As I told you, I am doing my internship in this agency and they have asked me to offer suggestions on how we can put these forms on the web and at the same time be beneficial for the SEO of the company, and I thought that from this forum you could help me. thank you very much!