Backlight: Where Designers & Developers Build Design Systems at Scale

Is your team struggling to create seamless synchronization between Designers and Developers? Do you wish project hand-offs were less time-consuming? Are you ready to streamline your team’s workflow? A simpler and more efficient design process is achievable with Backlight – the collaborative platform, used by front-end development teams.

Backlight is an all-in-one development tool that can be used to collaboratively build, ship, and scale efficient design systems. Created with developers and designers in mind, Backlight uses standard web development technology and can publish NPM packages on demand.

backlight product feature

Key Features: How Backlight Helps Build Design Systems

  • Components are visually organized
  • Live documentation is editable
  • Documentation support for Markdown, MDX, MD Vue, and Nunjunk
  • Design integration that supports Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
  • Integration with GitHub and Gitlab
  • Built-in test runner and reporter
  • Ejectable design systems that use 100% standard web development technologies

Pricing: How Much Backlight Costs

Backlight pricing starts with a free plan that includes up to three editors, two design systems, unlimited viewers, Github integration, Gitlab integration, community support, and the ability to publish NPM packages. If you’re interested in learning more about the ins and outs of Backlight, the free tier is an excellent way to test this platform without spending a penny.

The next tier is the Pro plan, which starts at $149/month. This plan includes all the features of the free plan plus, five design systems, unlimited users, and email support from Backlight.

Lastly, Backlight offers an Enterprise tier for companies that need advanced features and premium support. The pricing for this plan starts at $499. The Enterprise tier includes all of the pro features and unlimited design systems – making it Backlight’s most robust option yet.


Backlight is a Design System platform built for collaboration. Large teams will benefit from simplified workflows and increased productivity. Smaller teams will leverage Backlight, equally, to build their Design System without needing a dedicated team.