How To Get C++ Speed in Java Serialization

Using Trivially Copyable Objects To Improve Java Serialisation Speeds

For any low-latency software, it is vital that the most common operations introduce minimal latency. For example, in trading software, one common and time-sensitive operation is messaging between microservices. To minimize the memory footprint of the communication, all messages are serialized by the sender and deserialized by the receiver. Hence, from a performance perspective, it is vital that the process of serializing/deserializing introduces minimal latency.

Read this article and learn more about the low-latency technique leveraging C++ methodology in Java: Trivially Copyable Objects and memcpy. Make common operations a little faster thereby saving a lot of time in aggregate operation. Serialization of Trivially Copyable Objects can be more than five times faster than that of regular Java objects and is supported by Chronicle libraries such as Chronicle Services and other libraries as described in this related article on DZone.