Requirements for Running K8ssandra for Development

K8ssandra is a complete stack for running Apache Cassandra® in production. As such, it comes with several components that can consume a lot of resources and make it challenging to run on a dev laptop. Let’s explore how we can configure K8ssandra for this environment and run some simple benchmarks to determine what performance we can expect.

Managing Expectations

The K8ssandra Quickstart is an excellent guide for doing a full installation of K8ssandra on a dev laptop and trying out the various components of the K8ssandra stack. While this is a great way to get your first hands-on experience with K8ssandra, let’s state the obvious: running K8ssandra locally on a dev laptop is not aimed at performance. In this blog post, we will start Apache Cassandra® locally then explain how to run benchmarks to help evaluate what level of performance (especially throughput) you can expect from a dev laptop deployment.