AWS Lambda Versions and Aliases Explained By Example

In this blog, you will learn how to use AWS Lambda versions and aliases by means of a Java example. You will create a simple AWS Java Lambda, create several versions for it and you will learn how to use aliases for your environments. Enjoy!

1. Introduction

AWS Lambda allows you to run serverless functions onto the AWS environment. More general information about AWS Lambda can be found at the Amazon website. An important item when working with lambdas, is how to keep control over the different versions of your lambda and over which version runs onto which environment. You can imagine that you have a production environment which runs version 1 of your lambda, a test environment which runs version 2 and a development environment which runs version 3. Version 1 is your stable version, version 2 is the one with extra functionality or fixed bugs and is about to make the step to production but needs to be verified by the customer first, version 3 is your development version and is not yet tested and therefore the most instable version. In this post, you will learn how to manage your versions in these different environments. You will create a sample Java lambda and will create several versions of it. The sources for this blog can be found at GitHub.