Highlighting Members of the Perl Family

This past year of blogging has introduced me to a wide variety of people in the Perl community. Some I’ve admired from afar for years due to their published work, and even more, I’ve “met” while interacting on social media and other forums. This will be the first in an occasional series highlighting not just the code, but the people that make up the Perl family.

Paul “LeoNerd” Evans

I first came across Paul Evans’s work during his series last year on writing a core Perl feature; he’s responsible for Perl v5.32’s isa operator and v5.34’s experimental try/catch exception handling syntax. I interviewed him about the latter for Perl.com in March 2021. He’s been active on CPAN for so much longer, though, and joined the Perl Steering Council in July. He’s also often a helpful voice on IRC.