A Stress-Free 2022

There are ample resources available online to deal with burnout in your job, but I want to share a few ideas that I will be using this year. The WHO says: “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” You know that it is happening to you when a part of your inner self is screaming that you have had enough. Perhaps, you want to say it out loud, too. IT jobs seem to have a high percentage of burnout, and Electric identifies that it is rising.

January is the month when employees return from a festive break to start afresh and tackle new challenges. However, IT professionals return to the unfinished backlog, pushed deadlines, and overcommitted sprints from December. Long hours, growing to-do lists, work setup issues, uncountable Slack messages, and remote teams all contribute to stress. We all face it. Long hours and working over the weekends contribute to the biggest reasons for burnout. Teams work throughout the week, release during the nights, and provide support over the weekends, and the cycle continues.