Import Data From Hadoop Into CockroachDB

CockroachDB can natively import data from HTTP endpoints, object storage with respective APIs, and local/NFS mounts. The full list of supported schemes can be found here.

It does not support the HDFS file scheme and we're left to our wild imagination to find alternatives.
As previously discussed, the Hadoop community is working on Hadoop Ozone, a native scalable object store with S3 API compatibility. For reference, here's my article demonstrating CockroachDB and Ozone integration. The limitation here is that you need to run Hadoop 3 to get access to it. 

What if you're on Hadoop 2? There are several choices I can think of off the top of my head. One approach is to expose webhdfs and IMPORT using an http endpoint. The second option is to leverage previously discussed Minio to expose HDFS via HTTP or S3. Today, we're going to look at both approaches.

My setup consists of a single-node pseudo-distributed Hadoop cluster with Apache Hadoop 2.10.0 running inside a VM provisioned by Vagrant. Minio runs as a service inside the VM and CockroachDB is running inside a docker container on my host machine.
  • Information on CockroachDB can be found here.
  • Information on Hadoop Ozone can be found here.
  • Information on Minio can be found here.
  1. Upload a file to HDFS.

I have a CSV file I created with my favorite data generator tool, Mockaroo.

curl "" > "part5.csv"
hdfs dfs -mkdir /data
hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /data
hdfs dfs -put part5.csv /data