DevOps on AWS: Everything You Need to Know

DevOps is renowned for fast methodologies, increased security (in the form of DevSecOps), as well as the quick and easy scalability of software development projects. These advantages make it essential for companies to embrace the DevOps culture as a guarantee of future success and growth. 

At the heart of this change, we have Amazon and its pioneering cloud offering, Amazon Web Services. Being the most popular in the market means Amazon has some of the best services, infrastructure, locations, and support in the market. The amount of trained professionals in AWS DevOps is also the highest among the big three; Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and AWS.

CockroachDB With Kerberos and Docker Compose

Articles covering CockroachDB and Kerberos

I find the topic of Kerberos very interesting and my colleagues commonly refer to me for help with this complex topic. I am by no means an expert at Kerberos, I am however familiar enough with it to be dangerous. That said, I've written multiple articles on the topic which you may find below:

As our customers are increasing their footprint and considering production use cases, I'm being asked to walk through the typical steps of enabling Kerberos auth for Cockroach. As this process is pretty heavy-handed, a few of us at Cockroach had sought out a repeatable process in getting an on-demand environment quickly and efficiently. CockroachDB source code is a good starting point for learning the inner workings of CRDB. I knew there were compose recipes available with Kerberos to test through the integration but typically they are written for Go language tests. We decided to introduce our own docker compose with nothing but a Kerberos realm, an instance of CockroachDB, and a Postgres client to connect with. The last part is only necessary for a bit longer as we're actively working on building GSSAPI support into the cockroach CLI.

Demystifying Grids For Developers and Designers

Designers and developers each have their own individual definition and use of grids, making the concept a relatively nebulous and unclear concept to all. To some, grids could mean layout and structure, while to others grids refer to interactive tables that manage data. Understanding the target audience is key here because there might not be a universally understandable direction which can lead designers to be misguided during the cross-collaboration process. When given the time, developers and designers can fully evaluate the user story and create a thoughtful user experience together through the use of grids. But first, we need to find common ground to work from.

Identifying a Grid

As we mentioned, it is important to know your audience when talking about Grids. If you come from a typical design background, the word “Grid” instantly brings you to think about layout (either print or online). The term has even penetrated CSS with the Grid Layout. As you can see in this article, that demonstrates the use of the term “Grid” generically for design layout purposes.

How Disaster Ready Are Your Backup Systems, Really?

In SRE, we believe that some failure is inevitable. Complex systems receiving updates will eventually experience incidents that you can’t anticipate. What you can do is be ready to mitigate the damage of these incidents as much as possible.

One facet of disaster readiness is an incident response - setting up procedures to solve the incident and restore service as quickly as possible. Another strategy involves reducing the chances for failure with tactics like reducing single points of failure. Today, we’ll talk about the third type of readiness: having backup systems and redundancies to quickly restore function when things go very wrong.

not displaying the union and intersection of sets in output

using namespace std;
class Sports
        int tennis;
        int badminton;
        int cricket;
        int setA[20],setB[20],setC[20];
        int ab[20],bc[20],ca[20],abc[20];
        int n1,n2,n3,n4=0,total;
        void accept();  // method for accept the input
        void intersection();    //method for calculate intersection
        void display(); //method for display intersections
void Sports :: accept()
    cout<<"Enter the total number of players who play Tennis: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the student roll no who play Tennis "<<endl;
    for(int i=0; i<tennis; i++)

    cout<<"Enter the total number of players who play Badminton: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the student roll no who play Badminton "<<endl;
    for(int i=0; i<badminton; i++)

    cout<<"Enter the total number of players who play cricket: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Enter the student roll no who play cricket "<<endl;
    for(int i=0; i<cricket; i++)

void Sports :: intersection()
    // Logic for intersection SET-A and SET-B

    for(int i=0;i<cricket;i++)
         for(int j=0;j<badminton;j++)

    // Logic for intersection SET-B and SET-C
    for(int i=0;i<badminton;i++)
         for(int j=0;j<cricket;j++)
    // Logic for intersection SET-C and SET-A
    for(int i=0;i<cricket;i++)
         for(int j=0;j<tennis;j++)
    //logic for A union B union C
    for(int i=0;i<tennis;i++)
         for(int j=0;j<badminton;j++)
            for(int k=0;k<cricket; k++)
                if(setA[i]==setB[j] && setA[i]==setC[k])
void Sports :: display()
    //logic for print intersection of tennis and Badminton
    cout<<"\nIntersection of SET-A and SET-B: ";
    for(int i=0; i<n1; i++)
        cout<<ab[i]<<" ";

    //logic for print intersection of Badminton and Cricket  
    cout<<"\nIntersection of SET-B and SET-C: ";
    for(int i=0; i<n2; i++)
        cout<<bc[i]<<" ";

    //logic for print intersection of Cricket and Tennis
    cout<<"\nIntersection of SET-C and SET-A: ";
    for(int i=0; i<n3; i++)
        cout<<ca[i]<<" ";

    // logic for print intersection of Tennis and Badminton and Cricket
    cout<<"\nIntersection of SET-A and SET-B and SET-C: ";
    for(int i=0; i<n4; i++)
        cout<<abc[i]<<" ";

    // logic for print total number of students in a class
    cout<<"\nTotal number of students in class are : "<<total;
int main()
    Sports s;
    return 0;


Kubernetes Salary Guide: A Detailed Comparison

As the use of Kubernetes keeps growing in tandem with containers, cloud-native development, alongside other related IT trends, the hiring demand for technology professionals who have the relevant skills to help companies achieve their goals is also growing. However, relevant information about Kubernetes salaries is hard to find because this niche is relatively new to the market.  

If you are looking for a Kubernetes engineer or administrator position, being armed with information about your salary prospects is vital to negotiating fair compensation with your prospective employer. Furthermore, this position has several variations, making it even more essential to do your research beforehand because some options may not fit your skillset. 

Books on certificates

I'm looking to build an ASP.NET WebAPI/REST API (not Core) that should accept client certificates as authentication. I've found several examples, so I hope to be able to succeed.

However, I'm looking to find out more on the inner workings so to speak of certificates and such, so I'm hoping someone can recommend a good read on the subject. I'm not looking for tutorials in a specific language on how to get stuff done.

The Search For a Fixed Background Effect With Inline Images

I was working on a client project a few days ago and wanted to create a certain effect on an <img>. See, background images can do the effect I was looking for somewhat easily with background-attachment: fixed;. With that in place, a background image stays in place—even when the page scrolls. It isn’t used all that often, so the effect can look unusual and striking, especially when used sparingly.

It took me some time to figure out how to achieve the same effect only with an inline image, rather than a CSS background image. This is a video of the effect in action:

The exact code for the above demo is available in this Git repo. Just note that it’s a Next.js project. We’ll get to a CodePen example with raw HTML in a bit.

Why use <img> instead of background-image?

The are a number of reasons I wanted this for my project:

  • It’s easier to lazy load (e.g. <img loading="lazy"… >.
  • It provides better SEO (not to mention accessibility), thanks to alt text.
  • It’s possible to use srcset/sizes to improve the loading performance.
  • It’s possible to use the <picture> tag to pick the best image size and format for the user’s browser.
  • It allows users to download save the image (without resorting to DevTools).

Overall, it’s better to use the image tag where you can, particularly if the image could be considered content and not decoration. So, I wound up landing on a technique that uses CSS clip-path. We’ll get to that in a moment, right after we first look at the background-image method for a nice side-by-side comparison of both approaches.

1. Using CSS background-image

This is the “original” way to pull off a fixed scrolling effect. Here’s the CSS:

.hero-section {
  background-image: url("nice_bg_image.jpg");
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  background-position: center; 
  background-attachment: fixed;

But as we just saw, this approach isn’t ideal for some situations because it relies on the CSS background-image property to call and load the image. That means the image is technically not considered content—and thus unrecognized by screen readers. If we’re working with an image that is part of the content, then we really ought to make it accessible so it is consumed like content rather than decoration.

Otherwise, this technique works well, but only if the image spans the whole width of the viewport and/or is centered. If you have an image on the right or left side of the page like the example, you’ll run into a whole number of positioning issues because background-position is relative to the center of the viewport.

Fixing it requires a few media queries to make sure it is positioned properly on all devices.

2. Using the clip-path trick on an inline image

Someone on StackOverflow shared this clip-path trick and it gets the job done well. You also get to keep using the<img> tag, which, as we covered above, might be advantageous in some circumstances, especially where an image is part of the content rather than pure decoration.

Here’s the trick:

.image-container {
  position: relative;
  height: 200px;
  clip-path: inset(0);

.image {
  object-fit: cover;
  position: fixed;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

Check it out in action:

Now, before we rush out and plaster this snippet everywhere, it has its own set of downsides. For example, the code feels a bit lengthy to me for such a simple effect. But, even more important is the fact that working with clip-path comes with some implications as well. For one, I can’t just slap a border-radius: 10px; in there like I did in the earlier example to round the image’s corners. That won’t work—it requires making rounded corners from the clipping path itself.

Another example: I don’t know how to position the image within the clip-path. Again, this might be a matter of knowing clip-path really well and drawing it where you need to, or cropping the image itself ahead of time as needed.

Is there something better?

Personally, I gave up on using the fixed scrolling effect on inline images and am back to using a CSS background image—which I know is kind of limiting.

Have you ever tried pulling this off, particularly with an inline image, and managed it well? I’d love to hear!

The Search For a Fixed Background Effect With Inline Images originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter and become a supporter.

Introduction to System Design Interviews

This article provides an overview of practices and areas of focus when navigating a high-level systems design interview. I expect this information will be most helpful to engineers with 1-3 years of experience or those who have never done a systems design interview.

Additionally, this article is expected to be used as a jumping-off point, and readers will likely need to leverage other resources to dig deeper into the referenced concepts and terms.

2 Approaches to Microservices Monitoring and Logging

We’re seeing a massive shift in how companies build their software. More and more, companies are building—or are rapidly transitioning—their applications to a microservice architecture. The monolithic application is giving way to the rise of microservices.

With an application segmented into dozens (or hundreds!) of microservices, monitoring and consolidated logging become imperative. At any given moment, one of your microservices could fail or throw an error or begin hogging resources. You need to monitor for this so that you can respond quickly and appropriately. In addition, your ability to troubleshoot errors and understand system behavior depends heavily on the existence and effectiveness of your logging tool.

Azure Synapse vs Snowflake: The Definitive Guide

With the world on pace to reach 175 Zettabytes of data by 2025, it’s no wonder why organizations are placing such a high emphasis on building out their technology stacks. Now more than ever, companies need a way to collect and consolidate data into a single platform to derive insights quickly.

This is one of the core reasons that Snowflake and Azure Synapse Analytics have risen to such popularity. However, Synapse and Snowflake are different solutions and both should be analyzed from an unbiased lens. With that in mind, here are some of the core differences and pros/cons to Snowflake and Synapse.

10 Great WordPress Themes to Use in 2022

The online world keeps growing and growing. Nearly exponentially it seems. A thousand or so new websites appear on a daily basis. More and more shoppers are relying on handheld devices to purchase products or services they want.

Consequently, website design has become more demanding than ever. To keep up with the competition a website has to be responsive, it has to be fast, and it has to be user-friendly in every detail.

Most of the popular WordPress themes are great at helping website builders get a site up and running quickly. Many if not most do not require any special design or coding skills. And many, though by no means all, are sufficiently customizable and responsive.

The best way to ensure a website will be able to stay ahead of the competition is to select one of the best WordPress themes that has the features you will need. It needs to have a proven track record, and to be ranked highly by those who should know. Add 100% responsiveness and you have a theme you can place your confidence in.

Here are 10 such great WordPress themes – the best of the best.

  1. BeTheme – The Biggest WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with 650+ pre-built websites

Given its more than 240,000 satisfied customers it is safe to say that since BeTheme has such a large and devoted following there must be a reason for it. There are several in fact. This biggest WordPress theme of them all gives you all the tools, options, and flexibility you need to build a website that will leave the competition in the dust.

  • Be features a library of more than 650 pre-built websites that cover all the major website types and niches and many of the smaller ones. These pre-built websites are responsive, customizable, and extremely user friendly.
  • Be’s Live Builder is fast and a pleasure to work with given its outstanding assortment of powerful page-building capabilities. You’ll find the popular Muffin Builder, Header Builder, and Shortcode Generator in the package, and Be is Elementor ready as well.
  • Creating a shop? The WooCommerce Builder will take care of that for you with its single product page builder and multiple customer-centric options.

Users receive free lifetime updates. Click on the banner to learn more.

  1. Total WordPress Theme

A wealth of design options and customizer settings coupled with a selection of layout choices, navigation options, dynamic template functionality, and the popular WPBakery frontend drag and drop page builder enables Total WordPress theme users to create stunning responsive websites with ease.

  • Design options include Live Customizer Theme settings, Unlimited Styling, page builder blocks and extra modules, Post entry cards, animations, and custom backgrounds
  • Layout options include boxed and full-width layouts, dynamic layouts, one-page sites, page and post designs, and advanced page settings
  • Navigation features include 8 preset header styles, local scroll menus, mobile menu styles, and a simple mega menu

Click on the banner to see why 48,000 Total customers are happy customers.

  1. Avada Theme

Sales figures can at times be a legitimate factor in choosing a WordPress theme. A well-established theme with a poor sales record tells you one thing. A WordPress theme like Avada, with 45OK+ sales that make it the #1 best seller of them all tells you something quite different.

It tells you that with this theme, you can build a website that will leave the competition in the dust!

Avada’s Fusion core addresses your need for website responsiveness, performance, and attractiveness with its –

  • Fusion theme and page options and professionally crafted design elements
  • Fusion Slider, Fusion Builder, a Mega Menu, and Dynamic Content System
  • 40+ slick one-click importable demos

Avada is optimized for speed, it is 100% WooCommerce ready, and it gives you complete control over your design. Click on the banner to learn more.

  1. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Uncode is a pixel perfect WordPress theme that would be an ideal choice for building creative and WooCommerce websites. Uncode has more than 90,000 sales to date.

Key components include –

  • A powerful Frontend Editor, a WooCommerce Custom Builder, and more than 450 Wireframe section templates.
  • The Content Block enables you to create replicable headers, footers, and content sections, while with the Dynamic Contents feature it is possible to create personalized custom templates and design elements.
  1. WoodMart

The WoodMart WordPress theme may well be one of the most reliable and dependable ThemeForest eCommerce themes to hit the market.

  • Its many useful features include some you won’t find in most eCommerce themes
  • They include trendy selections of premade websites, templates, and special pages together with a nice assortment of shop and product page display options

Check out WoodMart’s landing page. It demonstrates why this popular theme belongs in the top 10 themes for 2022.

  1. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

TheGem offers the ultimate in WordPress toolboxes for building business and eCommerce websites as well as portfolio, blogging, and magazine websites.

This ultimate toolbox features –

  • Elementor and WPBakery page builders with extended features
  • Awesome WooCommerce demos, features & tools for creating high conversion online shops
  • 400+ beautiful pre-built websites and templates and 300+ premium pre-designed section templates to speed up your workflow – a website building game changer
  • Flexible customization and boosted webpage performance along with premium plugins like Revolution Slider and WP Rocket, included in TheGem.
  1. Rey Theme for WooCommerce

Rey takes building a WooCommerce site to the next level thanks to its powerful integrations with Elementor, WooCommerce, and of course, WordPress’s sophisticated engine.

  • Rey is easy to set up
  • Rey features the popular and powerful Elementor page builder together with a useful selection of Elementor widgets to cover almost any situation
  • Ajax Navigation and Filters streamline page browsing and navigation
  • Rey is performance oriented, SEO and developer friendly, and (obviously) responsive
  1. Impeka – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Picking the wrong theme can make building a shop a complicated affair. Choose Impeka can make doing so a piece of cake.

  • Impeka is easy for a beginner to use; yet it contains features advanced designers tend to look for. For either type of user the end result will be a fast, SEO friendly, and totally responsive website
  • Impeka offers Elementor, Gutenberg, and WPBakery page building and editing options

Impeka does not require special design or coding skills to create an impeccable WooCommerce site.

  1. Litho – Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

It’s creative, modern, highly flexible, and built with the Elementor page builder. What more could you ask for? Responsiveness of course, and Litho features that as well.

Other reasons for selecting Litho include –

  • Slider Revolution, 37+ home pages, 300+ templates, and 200+ creative elements
  • Single-click demo import
  • Easy access to WordPress Customizer

Documentation and customer support are great as well and your sites will be fast, 100% responsive, and SEO friendly.

  1. XStore – Best Premium WordPress WooCommerce Theme for eCommerce

It’s popular, available at a bargain price, and features 110+ ready to customize shops. What else could entice you to purchase a copy of the XStore WooCommerce theme?

  • If you have your content at your fingertips, you can get your shop up and running quickly
  • WPBakery and Elementor page building support is at your fingertips together with carefully selected product features and product page layout options

$500 worth of plugins are included to seal the deal.


Given the thousands of awesome WordPress themes that are on the market there are several approaches you can take to find one you can work with –

  • The quickest would be to take a chance on one that “looks good” and hope for the best.
  • If you have (lots of) time to spare, you could take a deep dive into checking out and comparing a wide variety of cool WordPress themes.
  • The best approach would be to seek advice from a source of expertise on what to look for and why to look for it, and what some good candidates might be

Number 3 is the approach you have found here.

Read More at 10 Great WordPress Themes to Use in 2022

Securing Web Applications and APIs With Confidence [Webinar Sign-up]

The number of web applications and APIs exposed to the internet are growing exponentially. Unsecure web applications and APIs are low-hanging fruit that attackers are targeting to steal sensitive data. In a recent report “State of the Web Security for H1 2020,” CDNetworks highlighted that, in particular, web application attacks rose by 800%.

Legacy WAFs can no longer provide comprehensive coverage for cloud native architectures since attackers are looking to exploit unsecured APIs, Bad Bots, and more. Security, operations, and infrastructure teams require a holistic solution with comprehensive protection across the full application lifecycle.

WordPress vs Ghost – Which Is the Better Blogging Platform?

Are you comparing WordPress vs Ghost and wondering which is best for you?

WordPress and Ghost are both popular blogging and website building platforms. However, both have pros and cons that you’ll want to compare before starting your new blog.  

In this article, we’ll compare WordPress and Ghost with their strengths and weaknesses, so you can decide which is the better platform for you. 

WordPress vs Ghost - which is better?

What to Look for in a Blogging Platform?

Before we compare WordPress vs Ghost, let’s highlight the main things you should be looking for when choosing a blogging platform for your next project. 

We’ll use these factors for our WordPress and Ghost comparison. You can click on any of the quick links below to jump straight to the relevant section.

  • Overview – An introduction to WordPress and Ghost
  • Costs – How much does it cost to start a blog?
  • Ease of Use – How easy are they to learn and use for an absolute beginner?
  • Design & Templates – What are your blog design and customization options?
  • Ecommerce – Can you use it to sell things from your blog?
  • SEO – Can you easily optimize your website for search engines and get traffic?
  • Addons & Integrations – Can you extend the platform’s functionality with addons and third-party tools? 
  • Support – Can you get help quickly and easily when you need it?

Note: This is a comparison between Ghost and self-hosted For more details, see the differences between self-hosted and

Overview: WordPress vs. Ghost

Before we go into our in-depth comparison of the two popular blogging platforms, it’s important we cover the basics of what each platform is.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular website builder and content management system (CMS) in the world. It powers over 43% of sites on the internet and has been around for over 18 years. 

It can be used to create nearly any kind of website or blog, and it’s used by some of the most successful WordPress blogs in the world. 

To start a new WordPress blog, you need both a domain name and web hosting. There are plenty of great WordPress hosting companies that offer a 1-click WordPress installation and easy blog setup. 

What is Ghost?

Ghost launched in 2013 with the goal of creating a streamlined publishing platform for writers, publishers, and journalists.

It has over 3 million installs with an active monthly user base of over 10,000.

It’s a very clean and minimalist platform with fast loading speeds. Those looking to get started blogging as fast as possible can begin in a couple of minutes. 

Ghost is available as a hosted platform, or as software that you can install and host yourself. For our comparison, we’ll focus on the more popular hosted version of Ghost, since the self-hosted version is very complex to set up.

Costs: Ghost vs WordPress

For most users, the cost of building a blog will be the main factor in which platform you choose. 

If you’re just starting online, then you’ll probably want to keep your costs as low as possible, then invest more as you begin to make money blogging.

Let’s look at the costs of building a blog with Ghost and WordPress and the steps you can take to keep costs as low as possible. 

WordPress — Costs

The WordPress CMS software is free and open source. But, you need to purchase a domain name and hosting to have a website live on the internet. 

Usually, a domain name costs $14.99 per year, and website hosting starts at $7.99 per month when paid annually. This can be a pretty big investment when you’re just starting out.

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our readers a 69% discount on hosting, plus a free domain name, and SSL certificate. Basically, you can get started for as low as $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

Bluehost is one of the best WordPress hosting providers and is an officially recommended host by


WordPress also has a massive ecosystem of free plugins and themes you can get started with to help you keep your costs down.

There are over 59,000 free plugins available in the plugin repository alone and over 9,000 free themes to choose from.

Free WordPress themes

If you purchase any premium WordPress themes, plugins, or third-party services and software, then this can increase the price of using WordPress.

You can build your blog with free plugins and themes to keep costs as low as possible. Most premium plugins and themes also have free versions with slightly less functionality. Then, as your website grows, you can begin to invest in premium themes or plugins as needed.

Another great thing about WordPress costs is that you have complete control over your site. You can modify the code or add as many users or members to your site as you want, for no additional fees.

For more details, see our guide on the cost of building a WordPress site. It gives you a detailed breakdown of different scenarios and the steps you can take to spend as little as possible. 

Ghost — Costs

With Ghost, you pay a monthly fee based on your audience size and the plan you choose. Currently, the cheapest plan you can get is the Starter plan for $11 per month when paid annually.

This plan supports one user, up to 500 members, and gives you access to the official Ghost themes for building your blog. A free domain name and hosting are included in your account when you sign up.

If you want to add another user to your team and get access to custom themes and integrations, then you’ll need the Creator plan for $33 per month when paid annually. There are also higher priced plans for larger teams who need support for 5+ users.

Ghost defines “members” as people who can sign up for your newsletter or buy paid subscriptions. If you have more than 500 members, it will multiply the cost of any plan. For example, the Creator plan becomes $65/month when you have 5,000 members.

You can take advantage of the 14-day free trial to fully test the platform to see if it’s right for you.

Winner — WordPress

WordPress gives you the same features as Ghost at lower costs. Plus, you can add even more features using free plugins. With WordPress, you can even create an email newsletter and online store without additional costs.

As your site grows, you can choose to invest more money into your blog, but when you’re just starting, it’s easy to keep costs as low as possible. 

Ease of Use: WordPress and Ghost

Most users starting a blog aren’t programmers or coders. They need an easy to use platform to quickly build a blog and publish content without having to learn how to code. 

Let’s see how WordPress and Ghost stack up.

WordPress – Ease of Use

Overall, WordPress is pretty easy to use, but there is a slight learning curve. Since it’s open source software, you need to install it yourself and manage updates and backups

If you’re just getting started, you’ll also want to spend time learning about WordPress terms, themes, plugins, and more. 

To quickly grow your skills, see our guide on how to learn WordPress for free in a week or less.

Once you’ve learned the core concepts, it’s pretty easy to customize your blog and start creating content. 

WordPress comes with an intuitive visual editor called the block editor. This is what you’ll use to create your posts and pages. It lets you easily create beautiful layouts without writing any code.

WordPress block editor

You can also build custom pages using a drag and drop page builder.

These page builders are available as plugins that you install on your site, and they allow you to drag and drop different elements onto your page and easily customize them.

SeedProd page builder example

WordPress also has a massive plugin library to help you do anything you want to do with your blog, without having to know any code.

Ghost – Ease of Use

Ghost lets users write and publish content easily. Since the entire goal of the platform is publishing and monetizing content, it’s very beginner friendly.

As soon as you log in to your account, you’ll be taken directly to your account dashboard. Here you can create posts and pages, customize your website, and manage your members.

Ghost dashboard

The post dashboard is quite similar to the WordPress block editor.

You can add images, HTML, galleries, buttons, videos, and more. 

Ghost post editor

Ghost is made for writers and bloggers looking to publish and monetize quickly.

Winner — Tie

Both WordPress and Ghost have a point and click editor, customizable templates and layouts, and a similar page and post editor.

The Ghost platform is easier to use, but fewer customization options are available. It’s mostly a pure content publishing platform. 

Once you learn the core concepts of WordPress, customizing your site, publishing posts, and creating pages become easy. 

Design and Templates: Ghost and WordPress

As a beginner, you want an easy way to create a blog with a professional design.

Let’s look at how WordPress and Ghost handle design, customizations, and the whole website building process. 

WordPress — Design and Templates

As you saw above, WordPress gives you access to thousands of free themes you can use to create and customize your WordPress blog. Many of these are very feature-rich and mobile-friendly right out of the box.

You can get started with any theme you want to give your blog a professional design. You’re free to switch your WordPress theme at any time and are never stuck with your current design. 

Every theme can be customized with the built-in WordPress theme customizer. Some themes also handle customizations with their own theme options panel.

WordPress theme customizer

WordPress keeps the design of your site separate from the content. This not only helps to keep a consistent design, but it makes it easy to change WordPress themes in the future without losing your content.

Another option is to use a WordPress theme along with a page builder plugin like SeedProd to create custom pages and landing pages. 

Page builders also come with their own professionally designed templates you can completely customize with a beginner-friendly drag and drop builder. 

SeedProd template selection

You can easily create coming soon pages, sales pages, landing pages, and more without writing any code. 

Ghost — Design and Templates

Compared to WordPress, the amount of design and customization options is limited. The platform comes with a theme repository similar to WordPress, but there are just over 20 free themes available.

Ghost themes

If you have a larger budget, then you can purchase a premium theme, but there are still only around 100 of these to choose from. 

Customizing your theme is done within the settings panel. You can control the color scheme, fonts, icons, site logo, and more. 

Ghost theme editor

Your settings menu is where you’ll also set up your website navigation menus, email opt in templates, and more. 

There’s also a built-in option within the platform to hire theme developers to create a completely custom design. 

Winner — WordPress

WordPress offers a greater theme selection and a nearly endless selection of plugins. No matter your niche, you’ll be able to find the perfect WordPress theme for your needs.

Plus, you have much more flexibility by separating content and functionality from the design. 

Users can completely customize every aspect of their theme and even use WordPress page builders to create custom pages without writing any code. 

Ecommerce: WordPress vs Ghost

Adding eCommerce functionality to your site lets you sell things online. You can sell subscriptions, products, courses, and more.

Let’s look at how Ghost and WordPress handle eCommerce. 

WordPress — Ecommerce

To add eCommerce functionality to WordPress, you’ll be using the free WooCommerce plugin. It’s the most popular eCommerce platform in the world used by millions of online stores, both big and small.

It lets you easily sell any kind of products you’d like, digital or physical.

Manage WooCommerce products

WooCommerce comes with its own addons and plugins you can use to add new features to your online store. 

There are also hundreds of WooCommerce themes you can choose from to create a professional online store.

WooCommerce store example

You can truly create any kind of eCommerce site you want, whether that’s selling online courses, paid newsletters, digital and physical products, adding content paywalls, and more. 

Plus, you can choose from a wide range of different payment gateways like PayPal,, Stripe, and more. 

Ghost — Ecommerce

Ghost does eCommerce a little bit differently. With Ghost, you won’t be creating an online store. Instead, you can sell memberships to access your content, similar to other platforms like Substack

When you’re writing a post, you can choose who will get access to your content. It can be publicly available, or gated for all members or paid members only.

Ghost paid membership settings

Essentially, with Ghost, you’re putting content behind a paywall for your premium subscribers. 

This functionality is integrated into the platform, so managing members and creating paid newsletters is easy.

Winner — WordPress

WordPress offers a flexible platform to help you sell anything you want. You can use WooCommerce or another eCommerce plugin to get started. It supports more addons, payment options, and various types of products. 

You can sell premium content, digital and physical products, membership subscriptions, and much more. 

Ghost has built-in eCommerce functionality, and you can start selling as soon as you create an account. However, you’re limited to selling premium content and paid newsletters. 

SEO: WordPress and Ghost

If you want to rank high in the search engines and get more website traffic, then you’ll need to use a search engine friendly platform. 

Some platforms are better than others and make it easier to rank, while some actively make it more difficult.

Let’s see which platform is better for SEO, WordPress or Ghost. 

WordPress — SEO

Right of the box, WordPress is very search engine friendly. The core platform is built with SEO best practices in mind, so it’s easy to boost your website traffic and rankings.

There are all kinds of built-in settings for you to configure to help optimize your website.

For example, you can change your permalink settings and create SEO-friendly URLs, create categories to organize your content, add tags, edit your image alt text, and more. 

WordPress permalink settings

Beyond the default settings, you can maximize your WordPress SEO with the help of WordPress SEO plugins and tools

For example, you can use a plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to fully optimize your site without having to learn complex SEO terms or hire an expert.

With this plugin, you can add title tags and meta descriptions, choose a focus keyword, and get detailed page analytics with recommendations to optimize your blog posts

AIOSEO post optimization settings

It will even automatically generate XML sitemaps, manage and create redirects, automatically apply the right schema, and more.

You can also control how your site appears on social media, connect to Google Search Console, and even add breadcrumbs to help your visitors more easily navigate your website. 

Ghost — SEO

Ghost has a handful of built-in features to help optimize your posts and pages for the search engines. You have complete control over your URLs and permalinks, page title, and meta description. 

Ghost post metadata

There are also built-in settings to automatically create a website sitemap, assign canonical tags for your posts, and integrate your website with Google Search Console.

It also has a built-in feature to add multiple authors to post bylines. This is useful if you have a multi-author blog and want to highlight each author. 

However, since a lot of your website content will be protected and for members-only, this content won’t rank in the search engines. You’ll need to publish additional content for free to rank in the search results. 

Winner — WordPress

When it comes to optimizing your website for the search engines to increase your blog traffic, WordPress offers more options and flexibility. You can use WordPress SEO plugins to boost your rankings further and access more features.

Ghost has solid built-in SEO settings, but doesn’t quite get to the level of depth that WordPress offers.

Addons and Integrations: Ghost vs WordPress

No blogging platform will have everything you need right out of the box. Using addons and integrations helps you add more features and sync your site with third-party services. 

Let’s take a look at how Ghost and WordPress handle addons and integrations. 

WordPress — Addons and Integrations

You can truly unlock the power of WordPress by using WordPress plugins. Think of them like apps for your WordPress site.

To add new features and functionality, all you need to do is install and activate a plugin.

There are over 59,000 free WordPress plugins available from the WordPress plugin repository. Plus, thousands more premium plugins are available.

Free WordPress plugins

You can add nearly any feature you like to your blog, including contact forms, Google Analytics tracking, social media feeds, and more.

Plus, WordPress easily integrates with many other popular tools or services you need to grow your blog. 

This includes popular email marketing services, market research tools, live chat software, CRM software, business phone services, and much more.

Ghost — Addons and Integrations

Ghost doesn’t offer any additional addons to add more features to your site. All of the functionality is built right into the platform. 

However, they do have a variety of built-in integrations to link your website with third-party services, like Google Analytics, Stripe, Zapier, ConvertKit, and more. 

Ghost integrations

There are detailed instructions that show you how to add the integration to your blog.

Winner — WordPress

WordPress wins this category with thousands of different plugins and third-party services you can use to add whatever functionality you require to your blog. 

Support: WordPress or Ghost

Everyone needs help with their blog occasionally, whether it’s a question about building your site, adding a new feature, or troubleshooting an error. 

Let’s take a look at the different support options for Ghost and WordPress. 

WordPress — Support

WordPress has a large and helpful online community with all kinds of valuable free resources available. For example, you have the official WordPress support forums, tutorial and resource sites like WPBeginner, Facebook groups like WPBeginner Engage, and much more. 

WPForms support forum example

Plus, most WordPress themes and plugins have their own dedicated support forums, either on or through their own websites.

To learn more, see our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it. 

Usually, you’ll be able to find answers to all of your WordPress related questions with a simple Google search.

You can also follow our WordPress tutorials for step by step instructions on how to extend the functionality of WordPress.

For more details, see our guide on how to make the most out of WPBeginner’s free resources.

If you need more help, then you can always hire a WordPress developer. Since WordPress is so popular, there are thousands of high-quality and affordable developers to help with your blog.

Ghost — Support

Ghost has an online help center with dozens of in-depth guides to help you get started with the platform.

It includes tutorials on editing your website, publishing content, setting up membership levels, connecting to social media, and more. 

Ghost help center

Beyond that, you can reach out to their support team via email. Ghost also maintains an active resource section with useful articles on building, growing, and making more money from your website.

Winner — WordPress

WordPress is the largest website building platform in the world and has much more support options for its users.

WordPress support is available from plugin and theme developers, available in multiple languages, and there’s a lot of free support options too.

Ghost only offers a single support channel and a small library of how-to articles.

WordPress or Ghost – Which is Better?

Judging by the comparison criteria we set above, WordPress is a much better option for starting a new blog.

It offers more flexibility, design options and themes, eCommerce options, and more. Plus, it does all of this at a lower monthly price. You’re in complete control over how much you spend when building your new blog.

Ghost offers users a fast and simple blogging and monetization platform. However, it’s limited by its customization options, ways you can make money, and overall flexibility.

If you’re ready to get started with WordPress, see our complete step-by-step guide on how to create a WordPress website.

We hope this article helped you compare WordPress vs Ghost with their pros and cons. You may also want to see our guide on how to get an email domain, and our expert picks on the best HR payroll software for small businesses.

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The post WordPress vs Ghost – Which Is the Better Blogging Platform? first appeared on WPBeginner.