The “Onion Peel” Approach to Hyper Intelligent Automation

Hyper Intelligent Automation (HIA) was verily the flavor of 2021 and going ahead into 2022 and beyond it’s set to stamp its importance in more ways than one. The growing clout of “Intelligent Automation” is buttressed by the fact that a recent Zinnov Zones report on Hyper Intelligent Automation (HIA) shows the segment will grow at a rate of 50-55% year-on-year to cross USD 18Bn by 2026 from the existing USD 2.4 Bn. The deal ecosystem has seen a steady rise in demand for HIA and 30-35% of the overall HIA deals are over USD 500K in size.

This trend underlines a fundamental shift of large enterprises who are no longer looking at automation focusing only on efficiency and cost savings but at outcomes around enhanced stakeholder experience and business resilience.