The Importance of Access Logs in Performance Issue Analysis

An access log is generated by the web server to log the details about the request that it has processed. It logs status code, response time, URL, protocol, size, client IP address, etc., about the request.  Load Balancers will have similar log files created to log the request details. While doing any performance analysis, these logs play an important role. It is being neglected most of the time due to lack of awareness and the usage of APM tools abstracts it from the users by allowing them to focus visually on coarse-grained data instead of fine-grained data. Most people are aware of the application server log but many of them are not aware of the web server/load balancer access log. Most of the time, this log will not be striking in the mind of a person who investigates the problem.

Access logs are available for the below servers while the format for each of them varies:

get combined textbox text into a new one in sorted checkedbox order

Hi, I have a question, how can I achieve this, like I have declared 3 variable as string, each checkbox has a variable that will be created if clicked also when checked it will put the corresponding textbox.text into it. Now the problem is I need to make sure that the first one that will be selected will be the first one that will be paste thanks to the variable, the seond checked and third checked same thing. This is the code

 Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged
        Dim fntext As String
        Dim artext As String
        Dim dltext As String
        If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
            fntext = TextBox1.Text
        ElseIf CheckBox4.Checked Then
            artext = TextBox4.Text
        ElseIf CheckBox5.Checked Then
            dltext = TextBox6.Text
        End If
    End Sub
    TextBox7.Text += fntext & vbCrLf & artext & vbCrLf & dltext
End Class

Deploying a Scala API on OpenShift With OpenShift Pipelines

I recently took a course on Scala Basics. To further my knowledge, I decided to deploy a simple API on OpenShift using the Pipelines feature and build it using the Scala build tool(not Maven, as there are plenty of tasks for that).

Phase 1

First, we need an app, so as a part of the course, I developed a simple expense tracking API that has all the CRUD features and an endpoint to sum all your expenses. I'm going to walk you through the app. In order to build an API, we're going to leverage the use of the Play Framework.

vb net reload filterbox from list saved from settings

Hi, I have a issues, I have to load again the listbox, after filtering trought a textbox if a string is the same. I tried this code, but doesn't work at the is null or empthy, how can I reload it by a cicle for?

 Private Sub TextBox3_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox3.TextChanged
        Dim items = From it In ListBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object)()
                    Where it.ToString().IndexOf(TextBox3.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
        Dim matchingItemList As List(Of Object) = items.ToList()
        For Each item In matchingItemList
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox3.Text) Then
        End If
    End Sub

Open Model Thread Group in JMeter

The Apache JMeter community has been swift in releasing the major security patches for the Log4j fiasco. I have already covered multiple posts about Log4j vulnerability, JMeter 5.4.2 and JMeter 5.4.3. JMeter 5.5 was supposed to be released in the last quarter of 2021. I have already covered what's new in JMeter 5.5. JMeter 5.5 will be released in early January 2022. In this blog post, let us deep-dive into one of the important features, which is the Open Model Thread Group in JMeter 5.5.

About Open Model Thread Group

Open Model Thread Group is available starting from JMeter 5.5 under Threads menu when you right click on the Test Plan as shown below.

How to Use Weglot to Translate Your WordPress Site

How to Easily Translate Your WordPress WebsiteAt some point, you might need to translate and display your website in multiple languages. Whether you’re handling a WordPress blog or a media website, a hotel or a corporate website or even if you’re managing a WooCommerce shop. In this article, we’ll first describe who you should translate your website for and why then […]

The post How to Use Weglot to Translate Your WordPress Site appeared first on WPExplorer.

My pc not coming on

My pc not coming on and it's fully changed, every time I try putting it on the power bottom keep blinking blue, i don't know what is wrong, could some one help me out here?

Extracting Data From Very Large XML Files With X-definition

X-definition is an open-source Java API that can be used to extract data from XML files regardless of their size. It will not compel the Java Virtual Machine to complain that it is out of heap memory, nor does it even require that your Java code step through the parts of your XML in the order of their occurrence until the location of the data you need is reached. It requires little more than a markup model of your XML document, and about 90 to 120 seconds of processing time for each gigabyte of XML data.

In this article, we'll download a modest (2.5 GB) file from and extract data from it using a minimum of code. Our X-definition instructions will amount to the following:

MySQL MariaDB expert needed

im developing a Windows application with MariaDB database for criminals, i designed the whole database schema but i need an expert to help me study it if it is mall designed.

Create Lambda Layers in AWS Lambda

For a while, I struggled when it came to making layers for my functions. I used to download them locally, zip them, upload them into S3 when their sizes were big, and then create a version. This process takes a long time, and chances are high that you will make a defective layer when you’re using Windows or Mac because of some layers that compile binaries when you download them.

I wrote an article back in 2019 on how to do that with the help of Docker, and it still gets read, which triggers the need to create a new, simple, and extremely fast way to use this amazing feature: Lambda Layers.

How to Do UUID as Primary Keys the Right Way

Why Do We Need Technical IDs in the First Place?

Any properly designed relational database table owns a Primary Key (PK) allowing you to uniquely and stably identify each record. Even if the primary key can be composite (built of several columns), it is a widespread good practice to dedicate a special column (often named id or id_<table name>) to this end. This special column is used to technically identify records and can be used as foreign keys in relations.

NOTE: Do not confuse technical (also named "surrogate") keys with function keys. The most important tables (so-called entities in domain-driven design) may contain an alternate human-readable ID column (like the customer ID "G2F6D"). In this article, we will focus only on technical PKs. They should only be processed and readable by machines, not humans.

Composition-Based Design System In Figma

Working as a designer on a design system for a large product has taught me how precious the time you spend on a single task/component is. Things advance fast, and I try to keep up making it work for both designers and developers. It is no easy task.

I’ve noticed that a good chunk of team members’ productivity goes into endless conversations such as:

“Should this be a separate component?”

“Should it be a variant?”

“What should the configuration options look like?”

...and so on.

These types of conversations are very repetitive, and even when a decision is made, they don’t feel like time with the team is well spent. There are so many questions to be answered.

What do you optimize for? Is it for consistency, scalability, creativity or maintainability? You can optimize for so many things — and choosing only one often sacrifices another.

It’s difficult to define a set of rules that would put an end to these meetings in the future. What topped this problem up was one interface element that stood out due to its huge reusability and variations: list item.

If the Title-Subtitle list item is a component, then:

  • Is the image (chevron) indicating a new component or a variant of one?
  • What if it’s not a navigation chevron at the end but an (info) icon instead?
  • What if it has a leading image in front?
  • What if it has a switch?

Aaand at the same time, they share states (selected, pressed, disabled, and so on). Try to get the team iOS, Android and designers in a call to make a decision on it. 🤯

Thankfully, I’ve been surrounded by people that are open to collaboration across teams. After teaming up with developers, I started recognizing developer terms and patterns in the designer tool.

At the same time, Figma has been peeking over developers' shoulders for layout building tools (like auto-layout, variants with properties, constraints, and so on), so now it allows designers to approach component building closer to how things look in code.

Observing developers in how they build and think about the components gives you a perspective on its structure. Soaking those patterns allowed me to build the components with almost the same rules in Figma (looking at you, min and max-width/height setting).

Introducing “Composition” For Design Systems: Composable Content And Containers

Let’s take a look at this list item component:

The way we had them in our project was just a collection of all the possible list items, i.e. with a large icon, small icon, subtitle, toggle, trailing text, and so on. They were all separately defined with their backgrounds and named numerically (starting from list item 1 to 8).

So, we had no semantics in place defining our list items in a more meaningful way, as well as no optimized way of maintaining updates to the defined background styling and layout. What started happening was that new inconsistent states started appearing in some files:

  1. A choice-list item would have a tinted background in one design file (indicating selection), but just a checkmark on the right side in another;
  2. The paddings would be different across design files.

Reasonably, the backgrounds of list items should stay consistent throughout all screens and be flexible to fit different content inside. So, how do we enforce that through a design system across all teams?

There are a couple of ways, so let’s get a bit technical here. One approach is Variation.


First, define all list items that exist in the interface and identify their variants:

Then, add all the defined list items states (secondary, accent, and so on) as variants per each list item. This will double each original component/variant per state and you’ll be able to account for all possible states that a list item might have.

This is how we first thought to approach the problem, but you can clearly see the issues with it: bloating the number of variants that need to be maintained where you have an unnecessary repetition of background and other elements.

Now, imagine this. Let’s try changing the following:

  • Secondary background (grey) to have a different color/corner radius;
  • Or font style of the Title;
  • Or spacing between Title and Subtitle;
  • Or image size.

You would have to go to every variant (32 in total in our case) and update each one manually in order to align these changes. 😨 This becomes a quite inefficient way to maintain these components, lightly speaking.

Let’s then move on to a better approach: Composition.


We’ll start with composing a container 🔴. Here we define the background styling and padding (can also include corner radius, shadows, and so on), and nest the instance of a Generic content placeholder 🔷 that will allow us to swap it with any other component.

Our list items will have a few Enhancing elements 🔶 in them, such as s checkmark, navigation chevron, switch or button. Since they might apply to any defined background and to all generic content, we would need to compose another container for those elements.

  • The container defines the element and its location with paddings;
  • Same placeholder instance is nested inside again for content.

Next, let’s define the list items content ⚫️ (e.g. Multiline list item) that your interface has without background (only text and images):

Now, in order for us to assemble the needed list item, we need to think from the ground up (Z-axis first):

  • Take the container 🔴 and select a needed state;
  • Swap the placeholder 🔷 inside with the list item content ⚫️ you defined >> ☑️
  • Or if you have an enhancing element in a list item (like a switch, button, and so on):
    • Swap the placeholder 🔷 with the element container 🔶,
    • Then swap inside the placeholder 🔷 with a list item content ⚫️ >> ☑️.

Some of these combinations are silly, but they do showcase the power of the approach. Notice how the switch (toggle) component is actually native/system for iOS and how it plugs into our composition with our custom components completely seamlessly, both in code and visually.

This is because modern front-end frameworks such as SwiftU for iOS and Jetpack Compose for Android (no kidding it literally has “Compose” in its name 😉) rely on the same composition approach that we are describing — and what Figma now allows, too.

Why Even Build Composable Components?

Well, there are at least five good reasons why we’d want to build composable components:

1. Consistency

By putting all the background patterns in one place to be reused, we ensure that those background states are represented consistently across the features and teams, as a single source of truth. When these states are not really defined, you get visually different designs for these states across the screens — the more designers on the team, the more inconsistencies there will be.

2. Error-Proof Design

We completely eliminate an opportunity for a designer to misuse the states, mistaken the paddings, introduce something that already exists, etc. Unless you detach the instance...

3. Absolute Flexibility

Do you need to nest some other component inside your list item? Voilà! We don’t need to limit a list item to host specific content only. You can put any content inside. Let’s see how we can put the contents that we used for list items into a card container absolutely seamlessly.

Now scale this to a whole design system. You can see why I consider the variation approach unmaintainable.

5. Brings The Teams Together

Building components in design the same as in code removes the friction in documentation and specs, as well as allows sharing the same process and language between designers and developers.

And guess what, this can be applied to many other components that share a similar composable structure. The most obvious components that we put as candidates for this upgrade are:

  • cards: reusing backgrounds like active, highlighted, disabled,
  • custom bottom sheets: reusing container and putting any content inside.

When To Use It And When Not?

You can probably already see that this structure optimizes consistent reuse and maintainability the most, but don’t go overboard with it. Here is a general rule of when you can go with composition:

You use composition when you can (reasonably) slice a component (on X/Y/Z axis) into 2 parts “Generic content” and “Enhancing elements” where:
  • “Generic content” is the slice (area) of a component that hosts any UI content.
  • “Enhancing elements” include the constant UI elements (like switch, chevron, background) and interaction behaviour (animations) of a component.

This rule leaves a lot of room for interpretation because slices can be seen differently by different people, but that’s fine because it demonstrates the flexibility and power of this approach where you have multiple ways to achieve your goal.

Managing The Power

If you decide to embrace the composable structure in your design system, I would recommend splitting your components into layers of hierarchy in Figma:

  1. Container-backgrounds
    These compose on the Z-axis and only define:
    • styling: background color, corner radius, shadow, and so on.
    • general layout: paddings, the position of the content.
  2. Enhancing-elements containers
    Containers that might include additional elements like chevron, switch, button, icon, etc.
  3. Content
    Components that are actual generic content implementations. They are the final node of the composition tree.

You can see how you now have the power to compose anything. And just like lego pieces, your components are capable of infinite combinations that might actually be silly in practice, like in the example below.

So, you might decide that you want to limit the usage combinations of your composable components. As in the example of combining checkmark and switch, we clearly don’t want to nest both of these elements in one list item, so what we can do instead is to couple enhancing-container with applicable container-backgrounds as a new component.

In the Navigation list item, you couple container-background (with 2 variants, default and pressed) with enhancing-container (chevron). That way, you define all of the possible variations of this component. Also, even though you can still put any content inside, you cannot use another state (like highlighted) or add other elements like toggles to it.

Final Notes

So far, my team and I have adopted composable components for cards and list items for both mobile platforms, iOS and Android — and we love it.

Developers and designers quickly grew very fond of this approach. Although the component building is becoming more complex, everyone sees that it makes our design system more elaborate and elegant.

Generally, if you leave it to live only in a design system without syncing it in code, it will already be beneficial enough. You do need to put effort into building it, but then it pays off well with less maintenance — just as much as it does for design systems.

This article was written in collaboration with my iOS developer husband. Thank you, Petar Kanev.