PHP Foundation Gains Momentum with $280K Estimated Annual Budget on Open Collective

At the end of November, prominent members of the PHP community formed a new PHP Foundation as a non-profit organization, “to ensure the long life and prosperity of the PHP language.” The founding members include Automattic, Laravel, Acquia, Zend, Craft CMS, Private Packagist, Tideways, PrestaShop, Symfony, and JetBrains—a group of companies with products that rely heavily on PHP.

In just 11 days, the Foundation has has secured an estimated annual budget of more than $280,000 through donations and monthly commitments using Open Collective’s transparent funding platform.

JetBrains, leading the charge with a promise to contribute $100,000 annually, announced the formation of the foundation. It stated that the organization will not seek to influence PHP language decisions but will leave those to the PHP Internals community. The donations will be used to fund developers to work on PHP:

Our initial scope of operations is narrow so as to maximize the chances of successfully addressing our immediate concern – that there are not enough core developers working on PHP.
In our first year or two, our only priority will be the hiring of core developers. Eventually, after our immediate concern has been resolved, the Foundation will be prepared to expand the scope of operations to include the hiring of developers dedicated to non-core projects. Beyond that, we may expand our focus to include community-oriented projects.

The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation

The loss of a longtime prolific contributor Nikita Popov, who is moving on to work on LLVM with significantly less time on PHP, was one of the major contributing factors for the formation of the foundation.

“Losing one of the main contributors to PHP is a blow to the community, because he is the bearer of a lot of knowledge and expertise,” PhpStorm marketing manager Roman Pronskiy said. “It puts the language that powers 78% of the Web in a fragile position. Not to mention an overwhelming burden on the maintainer, which unfortunately in the world of OSS often leads to people burning out.”

Despite enormous contributions from Zend by Perforce on various initiatives for nearly two decades, along with other corporations invested in the future of the language, PHP is too important to the web to risk going without vital support for its maintainers.

“By continuing to fund full-time and part-time developers on the PHP project, Zend has helped ensure the ongoing prosperity and modernization of the PHP language, and its continued use for mission-critical application development,” Pronskiy said.

“We were proceeding rather leisurely, thinking that the problem was not critical. However, Nikita’s decision forced us to intensify our work on the foundation.”

The 26-year old programming language continues to be immensely popular today, thanks to its easy learning curve and the relative ease of finding hosting for PHP-based sites. It powers 36% of the top million websites and 49% of the top 10K according to BuiltWith. With such a massive footprint, formalizing support for the future of the PHP project is long overdue.

“PHP quickly became my choice of language, and while some folks mock it for not being a ‘real’ language – whatever that means – it can be strongly typed and structured if you choose – but more importantly, PHP has enabled the innovation and explosion of the web, largely through projects like WordPress, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Laravel,” Automattic engineer Jeffrey Pearce wrote in a recent essay about how he found PHP. “These projects all had a low barrier to entry and made writing software accessible to the masses.

“Hacking away through a PHP file, mixing classes and inline code, functional and object orientation, and discovering the joys of MVC frameworks – you could really move fast and break things.”

At WordCamp Europe in 2019, when Matt Mullenweg was asked how he plans to balance chasing the new and shiny with all of WordPress’ existing legacy APIs, he said, “PHP is going to be crucial to us for many years to come.” WordPress owes a great deal to PHP, which keeps getting faster and better with each release. Behind these releases is a community of people who need reliable support.

Any contributor can apply to the Foundation for funding part-time or full-time work. Positions are not permanent and can be canceled at any time. Applications are still open for the next two weeks and the Foundation’s administration will use its expertise to decide which contributors will receive funding.

Best Color Label Printer Reviews

Color Label Printers are the most popular type of printers used in business. They have been around for many years, and they continue to be an excellent investment. If you need to print labels regularly, this best color label printer will help your business grow. If you want to increase productivity and efficiency, investing in...

The post Best Color Label Printer Reviews appeared first on DesignrFix.

Hello Charts Launches a Native Chart-Building Experience for the Block Editor

Luke Carbis and Rob Stinson, two of the three-person Block Lab team that WP Engine picked up in 2020, are back together on a new project. This time, they are joined by Byron Keet. The trio is taking on the WordPress charts space via a suite of blocks named Hello Charts.

“Some folks launch deals on Black Friday,” wrote the team last week in only its second tweet since July. “We’re launching an entire product!”

Carbis pointed out that the team strived to create a block-editor native plugin. There are no admin screens or settings pages, and the user just works from the editor.

The marketing material on the website homepage claims that Hello Charts is “the first charts plugin built block editor first.” However, SB Charts has been around for nearly a year, and Chart Block landed in the WordPress plugin directory several weeks ago. Charts Blocks for Gutenberg, which supports CSV imports, got its initial release half a year ago but has not been updated since.

The claim of being first is, perhaps, a slipup in marketing. The only reason I spotted it immediately is that I have been keeping a close eye on similar plugins for a while, hoping to find a decent charts solution for the block editor. While Hello Charts may not technically be the first to land, it offers the best user experience yet.

For most cases, I rely on bar and line charts. However, the plugin offers five block types in total:

  • Bar Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Polar Area Chart
  • Radar Chart

Each works almost the same when entering data and customizing the output. There are a few options and controls that are specific to each type. Plus, users can transform from one chart block to another and back again at the click of a button without losing data.

After familiarizing myself with the options, I built a three-year product sales data chart by month. I started with the Bar Chart Block, which made the most sense. Each of the blocks has an “Edit Chart Data” button. Clicking it opens an overlay on the screen that works like a typical spreadsheet program.

Popup overlay in the WordPress editor for entering chart data that looks like spreadsheet software.
Chart data overlay.

Users can tab through each cell, adding data and creating new datasets or rows. There are options for duplicating datasets or adding new ones before/after by clicking the ellipsis button. It all felt straightforward for someone who has not spent a lot of time working with spreadsheet software since high school computer class.

After a couple of minutes, I had a bar chart. All I needed to do was adjust it to use my theme colors.

Bar chart showing monthly sales data for three years in the WordPress editor.
Bar Chart block.

The plugin’s customization options were plentiful but balanced enough to not become overbearing. I just wanted it to match my theme’s design without a lot of fuss, and it did not take long to make that happen.

I added a Line Chart block to the editor using my existing data. The only adjustment I needed to make was the “Curve” option. I wanted my lines to look straight instead of flowing in waves. I was already wondering if the team had thought of everything before I knew I even needed it at that point.

Line chart showing monthly sales data for three years in the WordPress editor.
Line Chart block.

For good measure, I tested out the Pie Chart block. It is a chart type that I may get the occasional use out of. Overall, it performed as well as the others.

The feature I missed was printing the data for each of the pie segments on the screen. The data is available via a popup on hover or focus, but visitors cannot see all of the segment data at once.

Pie chart block in the WordPress editor with an unknown dataset.
Pie Chart block.

Admittedly, I did not spend much time with the Polar Area Chart and Radar Chart blocks. My experience with them is non-existent in real-world scenarios, so I do not have a solid grasp on whether there are features that others might want. I simply tested them to make sure they worked. Like the other blocks in the set, I hit no issues.

I would like to see a title or caption option integrated into the plugin’s blocks. However, both are easily added with a Heading or Paragraph block. To match the background, wrapping in a Group block helps, as shown in the following screenshot:

Bar chart with monthly sales data and a heading above it.
Grouping a chart to add a title.

A couple of other welcome features would be color options for the X and Y-axis lines and the data text along with block-gap or margin support. The legend spacing left a little to be desired, often butting up too close to the chart output. It has several positioning options, but it needs some extra whitespace, especially when it sits at the top or bottom.

Overall, I could not find much to complain about. Hello Charts is a plugin I would recommend to anyone who needs a chart solution that works like it was built for the WordPress block system.

Purchasing Flow and Setting Up

You can get a bit of mileage out of the current free block plugins, but Hello Charts is well worth the price upgrade. It may even be underpriced for the value. If the team builds in CSV imports, it would be an outright steal.

Users can buy the five individual block types for $4 individually or upgrade to get them all for $16. These offer lifetime updates for a single site with no support. There is a heftier $199 tier for unlimited sites and a year of support.

There is only a single plugin that users must install. Each of the block types is bundled in the plugin. Users are technically buying a license key to activate each one.

Carbis offered me discount codes to test how this purchasing flow worked and provide feedback. The team wanted to take a different route with purchasing blocks. Instead of creating an all-or-nothing deal for users, they could just purchase what they actually need. “So if you need a bar chart, just buy a bar chart block,” said Carbis. “Or you can get all the chart types as a set.”

I had no problems going through the purchasing flow. I began with the Bar Chart, a block that I would need more often than the others. Then, I upgraded to the entire set.

The only hiccup I had at first was figuring out how to activate the licenses since the plugin did not have a settings page. The license field is actually on the Plugins admin screen.

Hello Charts plugin listing from the WordPress Plugins admin screen. It has a license key field beneath its description and data.
License key field on Plugins screen.

The downside to having separate licenses for each block type is that users must enter the key for one, submit it, wait for the page to reload, scroll down to the plugin, and start all over again with another license. The process was so painful that I wanted to forego testing the chart types I had no interest in. However, I pressed forward, entering license key after license key.

Yes, I am exaggerating a tiny bit, but it would be far easier to enter multiple license keys at once or not wait for the page load. This just happened to be one part of the experience that did not live up to the standard set by the rest of the plugin.

A Schema Architecture for Microservices

Message and Event payload validation has been a rather thorny problem ever since extensible data structures (XML, JSON, YAML...) started to be used at scale. In fact, very little progress has been made since the good old days of DTDs. Schema definition languages such as XML-schema, json-schema, or even the OpenAPI schema are unfamiliar to most developers and often result in a rather anemic validation set of rules, leading to a perceived low value, and therefore a lack of interest. 

There are three key problems in a schema architecture: 

Test Your Site With Real Users

A few years ago, there was this French book publisher. They specialize in technical books and published an author who wrote a book about CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery. The final version, however, a glaring typo on the cover where “HTML5” was displayed as “HTLM5.” Read that twice. Yes. “HTLM5.” (Note that it was also missing the capitalized “Q” in jQuery in one version.)

Image of the book containing the typo. It has three cartoonish figures on it dressed as superheroes, then a product description of the book to the right of the cover.

I don’t know how many people are involved in publishing and printing a book. I bet quite a few. Yet, it looked like none of the people involved saw the typo. It made it to the printer, after all.

And this kind of thing happens all the time on projects. One of my favorite French expressions is avoir la tête dans le guidon. A literal translation is “having your head in the handlebar.” (The English official version is having your nose in the grindstone.) It comes from cycling. When cyclists are trying to win a race, at some point, they end up with their nose so close to the handlebar that nothing else around them matters. They are hyper focused on the road ahead. They can’t see anything else around anymore.

Photo of a cyclist in a black helmet and red jacket on a black and blue racing bike riding through a busy intersection with a blurry backdrop indicating a fast speed.
Credit: Max Bender via Unsplash

And this is exactly what happens to us quite often on projects. We and our teams are so focused at some point on shipping the site (or printing the book) that we get blindfolded and fail to see little (or big) details anymore. This is how you ship a book about “HTLM5” and a website with navigation issues and dead ends in user flows, or features no one needs.

Gaining an external view with user testing

If you want to avoid these sorts of things, you need an external view of your site, product or service. And the best way to gain that view is to test it with people who are not on the team. We call this usability or user testing. I have to confess that I’m biased here since part of my job is to perform user testing on websites. So, I have to say that, ideally, you want to test with your target audience — the people who actually use your website, product, or service. But, if (and this is a big if) you can’t find any users, at least have a first round of tests with people who did not work directly on the project.

You also want to test with people with different impairments to make sure the end result is as accessible as possible.

When should I start testing my project?

In a perfect world, you test as soon and as often as possible. Testing prototypes built in design tools before starting development is cheaper. If the concept doesn’t work, at least you did not invest three months of development into an ineffective feature.

You can also test HTML/CSS/JavaScript prototypes with fake data built for the tests — or test once the feature or website is developed. This does mean, though, that any changes are more complex and expensive.

Define what you want to test

The first step is to define what specific tasks or activities you want to test. Usually, you want a set of different actions with a user goal at the end. For example:

  • an account creation process
  • a whole checkout process
  • a search process from the homepage to the final blog post, etc.

List the tasks and activities the user needs to accomplish in the form of questions. We call this a creating a test script. You can find an example here from 18F.

Be careful not to bias users. This is the tricky part. For example, if you want to test an account creation flow and the button says “Sign up,” then avoid asking your test users to “sign up” because the first thing they will do is search for a button with the same verb on the screen. You could ask them to “create an account” instead and gain better insights.

Screenshots of Axure and Word side by side.
Example of a protype build in Axure and a test script

Then prepare the prototype you want to test. As mentioned before, it can range from mockups with a click-through prototype to a fully-developed prototype with real data. It’s totally up to you and how far you are in the project. Just make sure it works (technically, I mean).

Recruit participants

You know who your users are on most of your projects. The question is: how can you reach out to them? There’s plenty of ways. You might go through support or salespeople with lists of possible participants. If it’s a broad target audience, you could recruit testers right where they are. Working on an e-commerce website that sells plants? Why not try visiting actual physical shops, online communities for gardeners, community gardens, Facebook groups, etc.

You can use social media to recruit participants as long as you recruit the right people who are prospective users of the site. This is why UX professionals use screeners. A screener is a set of questions you while recruiting (and when starting the test), to make sure you are working with someone who is in the target audience.

Note that participants are usually compensated for their time. It can be gift cards, maybe getting of your product, some really nice chocolate — something that encourages people to spend time with you in a way that thanks them.

If you struggle recruiting and have a budget, you can use professional user research recruitment websites like or

Schedule, set up, prepare

Once you successfully recruit participants for testing, schedule a meeting with them, including the testing date, time, and place. The test can be remote or face to face. I won’t detail the logistics here, but at some point, you will need help to set up an actual room or a virtual space for the testing. If it’s a physical room, make sure it’s calm and accessible for your users. If it’s remote, make sure the tools are accessible and people can install them if needed on their computers.

Schedule some emails in advance to remind participants the day before the test, just in case.

Last but not least: do a dry run of your test using people from your team. This helps avoid typos in the scripts and prototypes. You want to make sure the prototype works properly, that there are no technical issues, etc. You want to avoid anything that could bias the test.

Facilitate the test

You need two testers to conduct a usability test. One person facilitates. The other takes care of the logistics and notes.

Welcome the participant. You can find a lot of templates for usability testing over at, including consent forms, email template examples, and much more.

Start the recording, but only if they give you permission to do so, of course. Explain that you are testing the site, not them, and that there are no right or wrong answers. Encourage them to think out loud, and to tell you exactly what they do, see, and think.

Put them at ease by starting with a few soft questions to get them to talk. Then follow your script.

The most important thing: don’t help users accomplish the tasks. I know, this is hard. We don’t like to see people struggle. But if you help them, you will bias the results. Of course, if they struggle for five minutes and you need them to accomplish the task to go to the next one, you can unlock them. Mark that particular task as “failed.”

Once testing is finished, thank the test user for their time and offer them the compensation (or tell them how to get compensated if it was a remote test).

Get the recording, upload it somewhere in the cloud so there is a backup. Same for your notes. Trust me on that, there’s nothing worse than losing some data because the computer crashed.

Analyze and document the results

After the test, I usually like to put together a quick “first draft” of the analysis for a given participant because the testing is still fresh in my mind.

Some people do this in shared documents or Excel sheets. My favorite method is using the actual screens that were used for testing in a Miro board. And I put digital sticky notes on them with the test’s main findings. I use different colors for different types of feedback, like a user comment, feature request, usability issue, etc.

When multiple users give the same feedback or experience the same issue, I add a small dot on the note. This way, I have a visual summary of everything that happened during all the tests.

Screenshot of mockup screens in Miro with notes attached to various areas of the screens. There are 13 total screens, each with different layouts and content.

And then? Learn, iterate, improve.

We don’t test for the fun of testing. We test to improve things. So, the next step is to learn from those tests. What worked well? What can be improved? How might we improve? Of course, you might not have the time and budget to improve everything at once. My advice is to prioritize and iterate. Fix the biggest issues first. “Big” is a relative term, of course, and that depends on your project or KPIs. It could mean “most users have this issue.” Or it could mean, “if this doesn’t get fixed, we will lose users and revenue.” This is when it becomes again, a team sport.

In conclusion

I hope I’ve convinced you to test your site soon and often. This was just a small introduction to the world of testing with real users. I simplified a lot in here to give you an idea of what goes into user testing. Proper professional usability testing is more complex, especially on large projects. While I always favor hiring someone dedicated to user research and testing, I also understand that it might be complicated for smaller projects.

If you want to go further, I recommend checking out the following resources:

Rethinking Teamwork with Range

"Where is the future of work" is almost as important a question as, "What is the future of work?"

That's why the minds behind Range are on a mission to keep teams connected, focused and productive no matter where they're working.

Sendbird Brings Offline Messaging to All of Its Chat and UIKit SDKs

Sendbird, a mobile engagement and communication company, has announced a slew of new developer-centric features to its platform, headlined by the expansion of offline messaging to all Sendbird Chat and UIKit SDKs. Additionally, the company is announcing a new developer push notification and debugging tool and new message threading capabilities for the Sendbird UIKit.

Setting Up Apache Druid on Kubernetes in Under 30 Minutes

 I was introduced to Apache Druid a year and a half ago. During this time, I've focused on operationalizing Apache Druid on Kubernetes (K8s). I started with Helm Charts to spin up Druid clusters in this complex distributed Druid + K8s system, but I realized Helm Charts alone were not enough.

I’ve written Golang-based operators, custom controllers in Kubernetes for different use cases, and contributed various oss operators, so I was familiar with extending Kubernetes using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). I was thrilled to discover the Druid Operator, which had just been open-sourced in the Druid community in late 2019. The project was less than a month old when I started contributing to it.

Program in Visual Studio that takes a Numerical Value & Translates to Word

I have a project in Visual Studio where I have to create an application that takes a numerical value below 10000 in a textbox and translates it into word form in a list box when a user presses the calculate button. The listbox also has to display all the subsequent values after the given number so for instance, a user inputs the number 4, then in the list box it should display (four, three, two, one). Does anyone know a solution to this?

Create buttons on kivy automatically with different names using python

I'm trying to create buttons with a for, but I want every button to have a different name, so I can later differenciate them and use them easily. As you can see on the screenshot, python doesn't accept the names for the button. There's probably an easy way to do this but I just don't know it and I couldn't find it by myself on forums or anything else. (Also I know I can use a GridLayout but I need BoxLayouts to every button have coordinates.) Thx for your help


Circuit Breaker And Retry with Spring Cloud Resiliance4j


With the growing number of services, services might need to communicate with other servers synchronously and hence become dependent on the upstream service. Any problems while communicating with the upstream services, will propagate to the downstream services. 

To protect the services from such problems, we can use some of the patterns to protect the service. So, today we are going to look into two of these, i.e the Circuit Breaker and the Retry mechanism.

Trunk-Based Development

When coding an application, it is important to remain in sync with the other engineers working on the project. One strategy that helps a team stay in sync with codebase changes is trunk-based development. When employing trunk-based development, the developers working on a project make all their code changes in a common branch known as "trunk". There are numerous benefits to developing with this approach, which we will discuss in this article.

What Is Trunk-Based Development?

Trunk-based development is a version control management practice where developers merge small, frequent updates to a core trunk or main branch. It’s a common practice among DevOps teams and part of the DevOps lifecycle, as it streamlines merging and integration phases. In fact, trunk-based development is a required practice of CI/CD. Developers can create short-lived branches with a few small commits compared to other long-lived feature branching strategies. As codebase complexity and team size grow, trunk-based development helps keep production releases flowing.

Employee App: Definition and Top Reasons Why Your Workplace Needs One

Today, technology has become a significant part of our life. It is developing rapidly, while production methods and operation models are changing. The internet has also dramatically revolutionized many different fields of human life, but its use is inevitable. It has become a global means of communication where we can easily play, study, and communicate with many people around the world. In addition, more and more employees are working remotely, more things can be automated, businesses can be home-based, and it is not a breakthrough anymore. In this article, we will review how technology development influenced modern work life and look at the top reasons why every company should consider implementing a modern employee app to improve its productivity, organize a workflow, and get things stabilized.

Influence of Technology Development on Work-Life

The rapid development of technology calls for changes in many different fields. As previously mentioned, technology influences business operations and people’s everyday life. For instance, only ten years ago, no one could imagine that a pocket-sized device would provide access to any information. The knowledge that recently could be accessed through printed materials only is now available to everyone in one click.

Advent Calendars For Web Designers And Developers (December 2021 Edition)

Once again, the web community has been busy with creating some fantastic advent calendars this year. As you’ll see, each and every one of these calendars are sure to cater for a daily dose of web design and development goodness with stellar articles, inspiring experiments, and even puzzles to solve.

It doesn’t really matter if you’re a front-end dev, UX designer or content strategist, we’re certain you’ll find at least something to inspire you for the upcoming year. Use this month of December as a time to slow down, and your time to reflect and plan ahead — you won’t regret it.

Advent of JavaScript

If you sign up to the Advent of JavaScript, you’ll be getting an email every day that outlined a JavaScript challenge. Each of the given challenges include all of the HTML and CSS you need to get started, allowing you to focus on the JavaScript. You’ll also receive a brief on how to get started, ways to push yourself, and steps to help you get started. You can get the challenges for free (or pay for the solutions).

Advent of CSS

For folks who’re more into CSS, there’s the Advent of CSS where you can sign up for a daily email outlining a CSS challenge that includes all the assets you need to get started — including a Figma design file. (If you don’t have a Figma account, don’t worry, it’s free.) Before accepting this challenge, you really should know basic HTML and CSS.

JVM Programming Advent Calendar

The Java Advent 2021 is here! To make the advent season even sweeter for JVM enthusiasts, there will be a new article about JVM-related topic everyday. The project started in 2012 with the idea of providing technical content during the Christmas Advent period, so keep looking for nice things under the Java Christmas tree! 🎄

Advent of Code

If you prefer a puzzle over an article, take a look at Advent of Code. Created by Eric Wastl, this is an advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. You don’t need a computer science background to participate — just a little programming knowledge and some problem solving skills will get you pretty far. Go ahead and give it a go!

Perl 6/Raku Advent Calendar

Back in October of 2019, “Perl 6” was renamed to “Raku”. It’s the 6th year since (what was then called) Perl 6 was released, and the 13th year in a row for this Raku Advent calendar. Stay tuned for lots of articles on metaprogramming, applications, useful Raku modules, programming techniques, guides on how to work with Raku inside containers, and even how to migrate from good ol’ Perl.

24 Pull Requests

24 Pull Requests is a yearly initiative to encourage contributors around the world to send 24 pull requests between December 1st and December 24th. The project is available in twenty languages, and encourages all kinds of contributions to open-source projects — including non-pull-request contributions. There’s a new contribution form on the site that allows you to record the contributions you’ve made each day that wouldn’t usually make sense as a pull request. Join in!

HTMHell Advent Calendar

If you’re already familiar with the HTMHell website, then you can guess how interesting its advent calendar is going to get! Take a peek behind each door of the HTMHell calendar where you’ll find an article, talk or tool that focuses on HTML. To be fair, HTMHell isn’t just about bad practices — Manuel also shares good practices and useful HTML tips and tricks. 🔥

PerfPlanet Calendar

An advent calendar that has been publishing since 2009 is back again. Good ol’ PerfPlanet is back for another season with all things speed and web performance. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the calendar, so do feel free to reach out with a topic or tool you’re passionate about, or a technique you’d like to teach and tell the web performance community about.

C# Advent Calendar

It’s time for the fifth annual C# advent calendar that will feature two pieces of content every day. Anyone can contribute by sharing their blog posts, videos, articles or podcast episodes dedicated to C# development. In case all of the spots are already claimed, you can always sign up to be a substitute author. Rock on! 🎸

Inclusive Design 24

The good folks at Inclusive Design 24 are sharing their favorite talks from previous years of the good ol’ #id24 online-only conferences while counting down the days until the New Year. All videos have even been manually re-captioned, just so they’re all at their best.

Lean UXMas

Lean UXMas has been publishing each advent since 2014 and is a collection of the most popular articles from this year’s Agile and Lean UX latest news. If you find yourself impatiently waiting for the next article to be posted, you can always check out the previous advent calendars smashing the year in the base URL, or simply search for them below the website’s header.

Code Security Advent Calendar

If you’re up for a challenge that involves spotting security vulnerabilities, then the Code Security Advent Calendar is just the right one for you. Every day, there will be a code security puzzle and/or riddle announced on Twitter to which you’re welcome to join and share with your friends to discuss solutions together. The most active players with the best solutions will be contacted to receive a cool swag pack. 🎁

Advent of Cyber

Security can be a daunting field. With Advent of Cyber, you can get started with Cyber Security by learning the basics and completing a new, beginner friendly security exercise every day. For each task you get correct, you get a raffle ticket and on the 26th December, meaning the more questions you answer, the more chance you have of winning. Every day you complete a challenge, you get entered into another prize draw for the chance to win a mini-prize. So, what are you waiting for?

24 Days In December

“PHP is not just a language. PHP is a group of people, a community of developers who build things for the web. The PHPamily spans the globe, and while we might not always agree or get along, we have one thing in common, we’re passionate about what we do.” Jonathan Bossenger hits the nail right on the head as he welcomes everyone to participate in the 6th edition of 24 Days in December. We’re all look forward to hearing your personal journey and stories with PHP! 🌈

Umbraco Christmas Calendar

It’s the 10th year of 24 Days In Umbraco and it’s time to learn more about Umbraco (otherwise known as the ‘Friendly CMS’). If you’re interested in it but not sure where to start, you can always check out the articles by tag(s) and find the answers to your questions. The calendar was first started back in 2012 so there’s plenty of content to sift through.

Festive Tech Calendar 2021

With over 2K subscribers on YouTube, the Festive Tech Calendar is back at it again this year with videos from different communities and people around the globe. As you’ll see, you’ll quickly be able to find an entire collection of videos from all of the previous years, and topics as well as the diversity of speakers both don’t fall short indeed. By the communities, for the communities indeed.


SysAdvent is back this year! 🙌 With the goals of sharing, openness and mentoring, you’re in for some great articles about systems administration topics written by fellow sysadmins. Tune in each day for an article that explores the wide range of topics in system administration.

IT Security Advent Calendar

“Don't store sensitive data in the cloud; keep it entirely disconnected from the web.” Yup, that’s the credo delivered in the first advent door of the good ol’ IT Security Advent Calendar this year. Counting down to Christmas, this calendar is dedicated to sharing a new tip for protecting your devices, networks, and data each day.

Bekk Christmas

This year’s Bekk Christmas features opinion pieces, tutorials, podcasts, deep dives and lots of other formats. Pick the ones that seem interesting to you, and consume them whenever you like. It’s worth digging through the archives (see e.g. 2020) — there’s a golden gem hidden in each one of them!

It’s nice to find some calendars in languages other than English, too! Here are a few we stumbled upon:

24 Jours De Web (French)

24 Jours De Web is a lovely French calendar which first appeared back in 2012, and has been continuing the lovely tradition of online advent calendars ever since. 24 authors come together each year and publish an article on UX, accessibility, privacy, and other topics related to the good ol’ web.

SELFHTML Adventskalender (German)

This year’s SELFHTML Adventskalender is dedicated to accessibility — a topic that concerns everyone. Why? Because accessibility is good for all of us. Accessible websites are simply better websites. At the end of the day, everyone in the world hits a large key faster and more reliably than a small key. To all the German-speaking developers out there, you’ll understand why it’s important to include accessibility as much as possible. Also, make sure to bookmark the SELFHTML wiki so you can have the latest documentations and tutorials at hand.

WEBアクセシビリティ Advent Calendar (Japanese)

This Japanese advent calendar has been running since 2013 and is moderated by @hokaccha. Its focus lies on web accessibility, with a new author exploring a topic each day — from web accessibility to all the different types of programming languages you may want to explore for your projects. Once logged in, you can save a spot on the calendar and have your article or work published on that particular day.

Kodekalender (Norwegian)

Knowit is one of the Nordic region's leading consulting companies. They have once again brought their Norwegian calendar to life, and it is just the kind of holiday calendar for those of you who love programming. Behind each hatch hides a task you have to answer in the form of a simple text string or a number. The hatches vary in degree of difficulty and design, but common to all is that they are best suited for solving with code. Solve as many slots as possible to increase your chances of winning! Good luck! 🙌

Do you happen to know any other advent calendars that have been created in languages other than in English? Please do feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and I’ll be sure to add them to this list.

Oldies But Goodies

Christmas Experiments (2018)

Christmas Experiments started back in 2012, with the goal to deliver great experiments and highlight top web creative as well as newcomers. It was a pretty cool WebGL advent calendar that featured a daily new experiment that was quite obviously made with love by digital artists. Unfortunately, it did not continue after the 2018 edition.

24 Accessibility (2019)

An advent calendar we surely miss is the 24 Accessibility. The site hasn’t had a new article since 2019, but still offers a good resource of articles on all subjects related to digital accessibility. Whether you are new to accessibility or a veteran, a developer, designer, user experience professional, quality assurance analyst or project manager, you’ll find an article of interest during the run of the series.

It’s A Shape Christmas (2019)

It’s A Shape Christmas is a digital calendar that counts down to Christmas and reveals a bespoke illustration each day themed around four different shapes (Square, Triangle, Circle and Hexagon) and Christmas. The project was started in 2011 by a UK design agency called Made by Shape. The website still showcases some of the best from the previous seasons. I’m sure you’ll agree: they’re all just too good not to be shared! ✨

24 Ways (2019)

First initiated by Drew McLellan, 24 ways started out as a simple website that published a new tip or trick each day leading readers through December up until Christmas. It launched in 2005 and still has all of the calendars available online. Unfortunately, the last one was published in 2019 and will be taking a well-earned break after that year’s “final countdown”.

Perl Advent (2020)

The Perl Advent started back in 2000 and is perhaps the longest running web advent calendar that many know of. You’ll find insightful articles written by diverse author submissions from all types of Perl programming levels. A different Perl module will be featured each day for the twenty four days of advent, and an extra module on Christmas day. Make sure to go through the previous Perl advent calendars — it’s worth it.

PWAdvent (2020)

PWAdvent is a nice advent calendar for everyone who’s excited about the web platform and Progressive Web Apps, of course. Take a look at all the great stuff the web has to offer in last year’s calendar, in which a new progressive browser feature was introduced every day by Nico Martin himself and others.

A11y Advent Calendar (2020)

Heydon Pickering once said, “Accessibility is not about doing more work but about doing the right work.” Last year, Kitty Giraudel decided to publish an accessibility tip a day in his very own #A11yAdvent. Some of the tips are probably common knowledge for many, yet each of the posts cover so many of the important aspects of accessibility that will still hold true for years to come.

Last But Not Least...

Of course, we wanted to join in the fun ourselves and brought our very own #SmashingAdvent to life! As you already probably know, the Smashing team has been organizing conferences and events since 2012, so there are plenty of gems to shine the spotlight on. Do give @SmashingConf a follow on Twitter where we’ll be sharing our favorite talks and interviews with speakers from all over the globe.

On behalf of the entire Smashing team, we’d like to say thank you to each and every one involved in these projects — we see you! The communities in our web industry wouldn’t be able to learn so much and thrive if it wasn’t for your time, hard work and dedication. We all sincerely and truly appreciate each and every one of you. 🙏

And of course, if there’s a calendar that isn’t mentioned here, please do post it in comments section below.

Best Pocket Printer

The best pocket printer can be used for printing out documents such as bills, receipts, invoices, etc. Also, they help you to print out pictures, photos, and other images that are stored on your computer or phone. Top 10 Best Pocket Printer Reviews What is a Pocket Printer? A pocket printer is a small device...

The post Best Pocket Printer appeared first on DesignrFix.

Java: Creating Terabyte Sized Queues with Low-Latency

Queues are often fundamental components in software design patterns. But, what if there are millions of messages received every second and multi-process consumer need to be able to read the complete ledger of all messages? Java can only hold so much information before the heap becomes a limiting factor with high-impacting garbage collections as a result, potentially preventing us from fulfilling targeted SLAs or even halting the JVM for seconds or even minutes.

This article covers how to create huge persisted queues while retaining predictable and consistent low latency using open-source Chronicle Queue.