8 Stages of the Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is the process of planning, creating, testing, and deploying software. It is a pre-defined framework adopted by software enterprises. Each product or project is build on a different software development model such as Waterfall, Spiral, V-model, Rad, Agile, etc., so the SDLC varies according to models. In this blog post, we shall check out the 8 stages of the software development life cycle.  


This is the stage where we brainstorm our ideas. The ideas may not be concrete or executable, yet we can note them down. The aim behind doing this is to refine the ideas in the upcoming stages to bring innovation into the picture. The process can be done in group discussions manually or with the help of software tools. Some of the AI-based tools for this process are Milanote, XMinds, etc. Irrespective of the methods, the stakeholders are always a part of the discussion. The client’s needs are on priority in all the stages.