How to Troubleshoot RocksDB Write Stalls in TiKV

TiDB, an open-source, distributed NewSQL database, can experience write performance degradation for several reasons. This troubleshooting guide discusses write performance degradation related to the RocksDB built-in write stall feature. RocksDB is an open-source, mature, and high-performance key-value store. It is optimized for fast, low latency storage such as flash drives and high-speed disk drives.

We will also discuss how to resolve this issue in TiKV, a highly scalable, low latency, and easy-to-use key-value database that uses RocksDB as its storage engine.

Walmart and eBay Electronic Brand Analysis Using SerpAPI

To compare Walmart and eBay, it is noted that eBay is better than Walmart in selling electronics of all brands. And reviews are one of the best factors to consider in stocking products on a selling platform. Let's deep dive into how to use SerpApi to extract, visualize, analyze, and draw conclusions about this data.


  1. Python 3.x.x
  2. VS Code/Jupyter Notebook

Import Libraries

4 Benefits of Empowering Your Team’s Security Champions

In today’s software development culture, there is an ever-increasing need for management to drive empowerment within their teams. You need to seek out, identify, and empower someone who can act as your team’s security champion. Find at least one champion to start, and add more if they are available. As you grow, you may even consider assembling a Security Champions team. 

What Makes a Security Champion?

Security champions should have some security background or knowledge of cyber security, as well as being willing, able, and motivated to learn much more. Your champion can be a current team member or a qualified contractor/consultant, he/she has to have a deep knowledge of the team’s goals is necessary. A security champion needs to be a positive person that can offer diligent observations and constructive suggestions to the team. 

What’s Coming in WordPress 5.9 (Features and Screenshots)

WordPress 5.9 Beta arrived a few days ago, and it is expected to be released on January 25th, 2022. It will be the first major release of 2022 and will come with many new features and improvements.

We have been closely monitoring the development and trying out new features on our test sites.

In this article, we’ll give you a sneak peek into what’s coming in WordPress 5.9 with features and screenshots.

Overview of all the features coming in WordPress 5.9

Note: You can try out the beta version on your computer or on a staging environment by using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

Full Site Editing

WordPress 5.9 will continue to build upon the site editing features first introduced in WordPress 5.8 earlier this year.

This upcoming release is adding a lot more features to the site editing experience. These new features make it easier to edit your WordPress theme without any code so you can create a website with a unique custom design.

Launching site editor in WordPress 5.9

Still, full site editing will only be available for themes that support this new feature.

New Site-Wide Blocks

WordPress 5.9 will introduce 10 new blocks made specifically for full site editing and located under the ‘Theme’ category.

Site editing blocks

Here is a list of theme blocks introduced in 5.9:

  • Navigation
  • Template Part
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Post Author
  • Next Post
  • Previous Post
  • Post Comments
  • Term Description
  • Archive Title

Tip: Site editor blocks can also be used inside a WordPress post or page if needed.

Add Site-Wide Styles

Another important feature of the site editor is the ability to create new styles for your theme that will be applied across your site. Simply click on the Style icon on the top right corner of the screen when editing any post or page.

Editing theme styles

From here you can change the typography and colors of your website.

Once you are done, you can choose to save those changes for individual templates, template parts, or as a global style for your whole website.

Save template

Change Block Styles

With the site editor, you can also make changes to the styles of individual blocks used on your website.

Simply click on the Style button and then choose Blocks. You’ll see a list of blocks that you can edit and customize.

Edit block styles

This allows you to set styles for individual blocks across your website. For instance, you can change button colors to match your brand colors, change heading font sizes, and more.

A New Way to Add Navigation Menus

WordPress 5.9 introduces a new way to edit navigation menus.

First, you may notice that the ‘Menu’ link has now changed to Navigation Menus.

Navigation menus in WordPress 5.9

If you are using a supported theme, then you can simply add a navigation menu title here.

Blank navigation menus screen

To actually edit the navigation menu and add items to it, you can use the new Navigation Menu block in the site editor.

Navigation menu block

The new navigation menu block allows you to easily create navigation menus, add new links, adjust colors, spacing, alignment, and more.

New Default Theme Twenty Twenty-Two

Since WordPress 5.9 will be the first major release of the upcoming year, it will ship with a brand new default theme called Twenty Twenty-Two.

The new default theme takes advantage of all the cool features available in the new site editor.

Twenty Twenty-Two

It is designed to be the most flexible default WordPress theme ever, providing users immense control over every aspect of design.

Twenty Twenty-Two features a bold yet minimalistic design using Source Serif Pro font for headings.

Twenty Twenty-Two preview

The theme also comes with a bunch of ready-made patterns that you can use in the site editor or the block editor when writing content.

Patterns Twenty Twenty-Two

While the full site editing features are exciting, they still depend on your WordPress theme.

If you need an easier and more flexible option, then you can try SeedProd. It allows you to easily create custom pages for your website regardless of which WordPress theme you are using.

Block Editor Improvements in WordPress 5.9

Most WordPress users spend the majority of their time writing content. That’s why each WordPress release comes with improvements and new features added to the block editor.

Effortlessly Move Sections

Users will now be able to move sections from the List View on the toolbar. Simply click on an item and move it up and down.

Moving items in the block editor

This allows you to easily jump to different parts of the content and move them around so you can quickly readjust your layout.

Navigation Block

The navigation block in the site editor can also be used inside your WordPress posts and pages as well. This allows you to manually create navigation menus in your articles or landing pages.

For instance, you can use it to create a table of contents with links to different areas of an article.

Using navigation block for table of contents

Better Social Icons and Buttons

With previous versions of WordPress, it was a bit difficult to access controls of the parent and child blocks when working with social icons and buttons.

WordPress 5.9 will make it easier by allowing child blocks to use the parent block’s toolbar.

Social icons and button blocks absorb parent toolbar
Better Headings Controls

The headings block now allows you to select a heading level from a vertical dropdown menu. You also have more typography, design, margin, and spacing options for your headings.

Headings block now has more controls

Rich URL Previews in Block Editor

Previously, when you hovered your mouse over to a link in the post editor, you only saw the URL. WordPress 5.9 will now fetch and display rich URL previews for links inside post editor.

Rich URL previews

There are many other improvements to individual blocks in the block editor. All of them enhance user experience by offering more dimensions, spacing, typography, and other tools.

Choose Language During Login

If you have multiple languages installed on your WordPress website, then users will now be able to choose their preferred language on the login screen.

Choose language during login

Under the Hood Changes

WordPress 5.9 will also bring many changes for developers to explore and use in their own themes, plugins, and projects.

Following are some of these under the hood changes:

  • WordPress core PHP Test Suite will now support PHPUnit 8.x via PHPUnit Polyfills library (See details)
  • New function wp_get_post_revisions_url() to get URL for a post revision. (#39062)
  • New wp_list_users() template tag will be introduced. (#15145)

We hope this article gave you a glimpse into what’s coming in WordPress 5.9.

Comment below to let us know what features you find interesting and what you’d look to see in a future WordPress release!

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What’s Coming in WordPress 5.9 (Features and Screenshots) first appeared on WPBeginner.

What is GitOps?


Solutions that assist teams and companies in speeding up the process of continuous deployment in cloud environments are constantly improving as DevOps continues to gain more popularity.  One of the tools that DevOps veterans and novice professionals all know and trust that is behind the growth of DevOps is Git.

Essentially, since 2017 when the GitOps movement to manage Kubernetes clusters began, there has been a considerable push for automation of software development. It reduces human error, improves the reliability of software deployment pipelines', and empowers DevOps folks to deploy more, gather better analytical data, and correct errors faster.

How AI Democratization Helped Against COVID-19

AI not only helped in data gathering but also in data processing, data analyses, number crunching,  genome sequencing, and making the all-important automated protein molecule binding prediction.

AI’s use will not end with the vaccine’s discovery and distribution; it will be used to study the side effects in the billions of vaccinations

Assistance understanding platform policy

I need help understanding a point mentioned in Facebook's platform terms. In order to be able to actually certify that I comply, I've been trying to get feedback regarding this but it's proven to be tough for some reason.

In Section 5b.Tech Providers

ii.2) You will ensure that Platform Data you maintain on behalf of one Client is maintained separately from that of other Clients;

What does the above mean precisely? We have all our clients' data in the same database, same tables, does this mean that we're incompliant because all their data is stored in the same database?