How to get IP from text area that contains multiple IPs and their CIDR?

My question is simple: I have a text area that is filled with IP/CIDR's and I want to know how I can retrieve an IP from there and then check the IP as used.

The text area (which is implemented in plugin's page configuration and I can edit the configuration page through API, I can get the value from the text area using $pluginData -> ipAddresses) I have, is filled with IP/CIDR that are separated by comma, such as: ",,,,,".

My question is: how can I retrieve all the IPs that are in that text area and show them on my admin page, aswell as setting them as a attribute to a service for my client? If it used to check it as "used" and cannot longer be used until it is unchecked.

Since I try to find a solution for my problem I just tried to use "cidrToRange" function but the only thing that I get is "Array".