I am trying to parsing bible with python 3, please help

This is my code

index_dictionary = dict()

with open("BIBLE.txt") as Bible:
    count = 0
    for line in Bible:
        index = line[:8].split()
        Book = index[0].strip().upper()
        chapter, verse = list(map(str.strip, index[1].split(":")))
        index_dictionary[(Book, chapter, verse)] = count
        count += len(line)

Bible = open("BIBLE.txt")
while True:
    search_engine = input(
                          "Book list: Ge(Genesis), Ex(Exodus), Le(Leviticus), Nu(Number), De(Deuteronomy), "
                          "Jos(Joshua) \n "
                          "(or x to exit)      \n"
                          "Input Book(Abbreviation only!):Chapter:verse     \n "


    if search_engine == "x":
        print("see you next time")
    Book, chapter, verse = list(map(str.strip, search_engine.split(":")))
    keyword = (Book.upper(), chapter, verse)
    if keyword in index_dictionary:
        bible = Bible.readline()

I get reference from this https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/460206/parsing-bible-for-specific-verses

There is a few problem, first, it did not print what I want it too, it only print Ge:1:1 the first time, the second time you print you get Ge:1:2, even if you put Joh:3:16 you will still get Ge:1:1 I dont know anymore. Can someone help me? And If i put Bible.seek(index_dictionary) it will got error code '<' not supported between instances of 'dict' and 'int'

Thanks in advance