Designing Powerful Questions To Help You Coach, Create, Connect and Lead

Designing Powerful Questions With Daniel Stillman

Powerful conversations are the environment that drives change. Learn from Daniel Stillman how designing powerful questions helps you to coach, create, connect, and lead (from the 35th Hands-on Agile meetup of October 5, 2021).

Abstract: Core Protocols for Psychological Safety

Peter Senge: You cannot force commitment, what you can do… You nudge a little here, inspire a little there, and provide a role model. Your primary influence is the environment you create

Our lives are lived one conversation at a time. Our teams and organizations are defined by the conversations that they can and can’t have. Powerful Conversations are the environment that drives change. Modern leadership is not leading through statements, fiats, or dictates – it’s leading through questions, through inviting the conversations we want to cultivate and creating the conditions for transformation.