Using Cloud to Live Test Malware Defenses

In this report, The State of Ransomware in 2020, research suggests that every eleven seconds, some business is being attacked by a cybercriminal. The frequency of attacks is up year over a year along with the diversity of business types being attacked. In the same report, you can see details of various organizations being attacked.

Couple this with Cybersecurity Talent Crunch to Create 350 Million Unfilled Jobs Globally by 2021, and it is apparent that many companies will have to rely on existing worker talent to combat an ever-increasing threat. Of course, high-tech companies have high-tech talent, but what about all the other types of organizations like government, education, service industry, and manufacturing. We all like to think we have skilled workers regardless of our industry. Still, under this new growing threat, our current in-house cybersecurity skills might not be at the level needed to provide maximum safeguard.