How to Set Up a GraphQL Endpoint on a Database


I have been working around databases for about four decades (that does date me!). From the early days of System R and Ingres, through the commercial engines of DB2 and Oracle, the open sources of MySQL and Postgres, to the current generations of NoSQLs like MongoDB and Cassandra and scalable SQL like CockroachDB and Yugabyte, anyone who has predicted the demise of databases has proven to be wrong. SQL as the query language has persisted, evolved, and improved, but the basic select * from foo where x = 1 group by y  is the language known to hundreds of thousands of developers. Why is that? Because databases just work, and how can you say that about too many things?

As a frontend developer, you want to see data in logical business constructs. Say a customer has one or more addresses, then your React application would love to see data like this: