My C program is not running I don’t know the problem

The Question

A Bank charges $10 per month plus the following cheque fees for a commercial
checking account:
$ 12 for each fewer than 25 cheques
$ 15 each for 26-40 cheques
$ 18 each for 41-59 cheques
$ 20 each for 60 or more cheques
The bank also charge $15 if the balance for the amount falls below $500 (before any cheque fees
are applied).
Write a program that ask the user for the beginning balance and the numbers of cheques written.
Compute and display the bank services fees for the month.

My Program


int checks;
int balance, fee = 10;

printf("\nHow many checks have you signed this month:");

if(checks >= 0){
printf("enter the starting balance:");
if(balance >= 0){
balance = balance - fee;
if(balance < 500){
fee = fee + 15;
if(checks < 25){
fee += (checks * 12);
else if(checks < 40){
fee += (checks * 15);
else if(checks < 60){
fee += (checks * 18);
else if(checks >= 60){
fee += (checks * 20);
printf("\nThis month's fee is:%d",fee);
printf("\nAccount is overdrawn!");
printf("\nNumber of checks can not be negative!");
return 0;